Fina Fombuena was born in Valencia (Spain) in 1958. She has an identical twin. Besides this fact there are two other facts that marked her life: the immigration and nostalgia, giving birth to her son and gratitude.

She studied social work and psychology at the Universitat de Valencia. She is also a doctor by the same university. Her PhD Thesis is available on:

She currently works at the Universitat de Valencia (Spain) at the Department of Social Work and Social Services as an assistant professor. She is also a member of the Institute of Local Development. She is also a member of the Academic Unit “Rosario Alonso”.

Before working at university she was working in local social services and nowadays she is volunteering in social services as a way of being active and participate in our society.

It is of special relevance her work published on 2007 by the Official College of Social Work Graduates of Catalunya, being rewarded with the Dolors Arteman Price for her work titled: “Social work: Ideology, professional practice and society”.