aqui te encontraras _ here you'll find the
el listado de todos los autores que entran en este
information about the authors of the

Curso__Academic year

El presente listado se basa fundamentalmente en el trabajo que realizo Robert Daeley, a quien agradezco el permiso de usarlo. Esta pagina incluye, pero no excluye, todos aquellos autores que en un principio queremos estudiar, leer y llegar a amar, si es posible, las circunstancias lo permiten y las autoridades no lo impiden.

This web site is possible thanks to Robert Daeley's great job for which I thank him and it provides information for students in my courses on what authors they should read, study and love, if possible, and as long as they are available. This list does not pretend, at any moment, to be exclusive, all students have the right to work on other authors as well. Nevertheless all of the listed authors should be known, even if it is in an indirect way. We'll try to work through them as forseen in the classroom.


The names which don't go anywhere are coming in the more or less near future (fates and web allow). I am accumulating links for them, so if you know of any, please send them along.

En orden alfabetico _ In alphabetic order

All authors with (*) are for your information only and do not I repeat do not form part of the course.

Autores en el WEB_Authors on the WEB

Critical Theory

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9 April 1996
Temporarily at the CWRL
Copyright 1996 by Dr. Vicente Fores
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