
Origin of life

International Society for the Study of the Origin of Life
The RNA word
Jose Castresana
The Tree of Life
The Phylogeny of Life
Historical Geology
The Talk.Origins Archive - Exploring creation/evolution controversy
The Earliest Life
The Beginnings of Life on Earth - Christian de Duve
Origen de la vida i evolució dels ecosistemes - Ricard Guerrero

How close are scientists to knowing the origin of life on earth? When, if ever, will be able to explain the origin of life in purely scientific terms?


When did eukaryotic cells (cells with nuclei and other internal organelles) first evolve? What do we know about how they evolved from earlier life-forms?

Evolution by Natural Selection - by Derrick Farnell
The Evolution of life - by Stephen Jay Gould
Turning a corner in the search for the origin of life - by Peter Wills
Evolution Image
Jigsaw model of the origin of life - John F. McGowan
Un papel para la divulgación científica en la eneñanza de las ciencias - Juli Peretó
Los orígenes de la vida: recetas de la sopa prebiótica - Antonio Lazcano
Phylogenetic Classification and the Universal Tree - W. Ford Doolittle
The Universal Ancestor - Carl R. Woese
Interpreting the universal phylogenetic tree - Carl R. Woese
L'arbre la vida: d'ufanós a marcit? - Juli Peretó
Camins de controvèrsia: la recepció de l'evolucionisme a València - Jesús Ignaci Català
  Books on line
The Search for Life's Origins
Earthdance: Living Systems in Evolution - Elisabet Sahtouris
Vestiges of the Natural Histori of Creation - Robert Chambers
The Story of Evolution - Joseph McCabe
Tempo and Mode in Evolution: Genetics and Paleontology 50 Years After Simpson - Walter M. Fitch, Francisco J. Ayala
The Law of Heredity: A Study of the Cause and Variation, and the Origin of Living Organisms (second edition, 1883) - William Keith Brooks
On the generation of Animals - Aristotle
On the parts of Animals - Aristotle
The History of Animals - Aristotle
On the Natural Faculties - Galen
Inborn Errors of Metabolism -Second Edition - Archibald E.Garrold
An Essay of the Principle of Population - Thomas Maltus
Intracellular Pangenesis (Including a paper on Fertilization and Hybridization) - Hugo de Vries
The Germ-Plasm. A theory of Heredity - August Weismann
Calculating the Secrets of Life: Contributions of the Mathematical Sciences to Molecular Biology - Eric. S. Lander and Michael S. Waterman
Genetics and the Origin of Species - Theodosius Dobzhansky
Life as manifestation of the second law of thermodynamics - Schneider, E., Kay, J.
Zoological Philosophy - Lamarck
Theory of the Earth; or an Investigation of the laws observable in the composition, dissolution, and restoration of land upon the globe - James Hutton
Die Radiolarien - Ernst Haeckel
Anthropogenie - Ernst Haeckel


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