Curriculum Vitae Sergio Talens-Oliag August 2024 Personal information o Name and Surnames: Sergio Talens-Oliag o Place and Date of Birth: Valencia, August, 12th, 1971 o Telephone number: (+34) 647 73 82 60 o E-Mail: Academic Background o Graduate In Computer Science by the Universidad Politécnica de Valencia ( o A.B.D. on the program named Distributed and Parallel Computation of the Departamento de Sistemas Informáticos y Computación ( of the Universidad Politécnica de Valencia. o Obtained the Advanced Studies Diploma (D.E.A.) on the PhD program called Interdisciplinary Doctorate in Communication of the Departamento de Teoría de los Lenguajes ( of the Universitat de València ( Professional Experience o Senior DevOps Engineer for Intelygenz, March 2023 to present. Tasks: o Collaboration in the implementation of development and production infrastructures on cloud platforms (mainly AWS) using tools such as terraform or helmfile manually or programmatically. o Testing, evaluation, configuration and deployment of tools and services related to kubernetes clusters (cert-manager, eks, external-dns, grafana, prometheus, vault, etc.). o Testing, evaluation, configuration and deployment of tools and services linked to applications (cassandra, kafka, postgres, redis, etc.) for local environments (using containers) or in kubernetes clusters. o Configuration and maintenance of continuous integration systems (Gitlab CI, Github Actions) to manage the infrastructure lifecycle, applications, libraries and documentation repositories. o Development and modification of code in multiple programming languages for task automation or bug resolution (bourne shell, python, nodejs, golang, java, etc.). o Support development teams in the use of continuous integration systems and tuning of infrastructures for different application deployment environments. o Senior DevOps Engineer for Kyso Operations Europe Limited, January 2022 to September 2023. Tasks: o Help on building the self-hosted version of Kyso that is delivered to enterprise clients. o Kyso application packaging for distribution (docker images, AWS marketplace images, etc.). o Support enterprise clients during product release and update cycles. o Write guides to setup Kyso on enterprise deployments. o Build images following security best practices. o CI/CD and Development Systems and Tools management and mainteinance. o Consultant for Curelator Inc. on the Backend Development Team. August 2021 to January 2022. Tasks: o Implement new features and maintain the backend codebase. o Participate in code reviews. o Participate in testing and releases to production. o Participate in the elaboration of new features and products. o IT Senior Operations Architect at Agile Content, S.A.. January 2020 to July 2021. Tasks: o Setup of the Continuous Integration and Deployment Infrastructures for the AgileTV platform using GitLab, Docker and Kubernetes. o Development of tools to simplify the configuration and deployment of containerized applications using various orchestration tools (initially docker-compose and kubernetes). o Configuration and deployment of services required by the platform and general use services (nginx, haproxy, postgresql, prometheus, elk, mysecureshell, ...*). o Original product platform supervision (headend, origin, DRM systems, CDN and service platform) and cooperation on the design and migration plan to a new platform. o System Administration Teams supervision and colaboration for the rest of the company projects (mainly application deployments on AWS for production and on hosted servers for development and pre-production environments). o Director of the Information Systems Department (ISD) at the Instituto Tecnológico de Informática of the Universidad Politécnica de Valencia. January 2015 to January 2020. Tasks: o Supervision and coordination of the Systems Administration Team, responsible for the setup and maintenance of the Information Systems of the Institute: o IaaS Platforms (OpenStack and Proxmox) and Container Orchestrators (Kubernetes). o Common use applications and services management (DNS, DHCP, LDAP, SMTP, IMAP, SAMBA / Active Directory, etc.). o Management of third party applications for common tasks (ERP, CRM, eLearning, ticketing, file sharing) and development support (GitLab, Nexus, Testlink, SonarQube, Trac, Subversion, ...*). o In-house developed applications management (Web Identity Manager, Human Resources Applications, Internal Procedures Management, Issue Management Interface, Intranet static content and news management, Project Execution Manager, ...*). o Security related tasks (firewalls, backups, VPNs, etc.). o Supervision and coordination of the Applications Development and Integration Team, working as project manager, analyst and/or developer in some of them: o Project Execution Management Application (Python/PostgreSQL Backend, VueJS frontend): in charge of the project in general and of the initial design and development of the backend and the integration with other services. o GitLab, Gitea and GitHub Hook processing system implemented in Golang ( o Multi application LDAP user information synchronization tool (developed using python and ansible, integrated with the hooks system of the web frontend used to manage the LDAP data). o Web Identity Service (developed in Python, integrated with LDAP and a Database, provides tools to validate users using HTTP Basic Auth and JWT Tokens). o Static Intranet (design and setup of the Continuous deployment system using Jekyll and GitLab). o Intranet News Editor (Flask application design, users edit HTML using forms and the system uses git to push and publish using Jekyll and GitLab). o Simplified User Interface to the Issue Tracking system (Flask application without database, all the work is done using the CMDB REST API). o Part-time lecturer at the Departamento de Informática of the Universitat de València. September 2018 to September 2019. Subjects: o Theory and practice of the Security course of the Master en Tecnologías Web, Computación en la Nube y Aplicaciones Móviles. o Lab practices of the Computer Security course on the Telematic Engineering degree. o Part-time lecturer at the Departamento de Informática of the Universitat de València. September 2016 to August 2017. Subjects: o Lab practices of Computer Science II. o Lab practices of Databases and Information Systems. o Lab practices of Computer Fundamentals. o Lab practices of Computer Networks Fundamentals. o Lab practices of Multimedia Networks. o Director of the Free Software, Systems And Security Area (FS³A) at the Instituto Tecnológico de Informática of the Universidad Politécnica de Valencia. May 2010 to December 2014. o Information Systems Manager at the Instituto Tecnológico de Informática of the Universidad Politécnica de Valencia. March 2006 to April 2010. o Part-time lecturer at the Departamento de Informática of the Universitat de València. January 2004 to September 2007. Subjects: o Operating Systems Lab practices (second year of Computer Science and Telematics Engineering). o Advanced Operating Systems Lab practices (fourth year of Computer Science Engineering). o Computer Science Analyst for T-Systems S.A., working full time for the LliureX Project ( in the Conselleria de Cultura, Educació i Esport ( of the Generalitat Valenciana ( January 2004 to March 2006. Tasks: o Design, development and maintenance of distribution elements (packages, configuration artifacts, installation systems). o Integration with the upstream project (Debian). o Computer Security Consultant for Tissat S.A., inside the InfoCentre project ( of the Generalitat Valenciana. December 2002 - December 2003. Tasks: o Security Audits. o Monitoring. o Configuration and maintenance of security policies. o Training. o Part-time lecturer at the Departamento de Sistemas Informáticos y Computación of the Universidad Politécnica de Valencia. September 2003 - November 2003. o Senior Programmer for Internet Business Constellation (iBC). July 2002 - November 2002, working as analyst and programmer. o Senior Programmer for Intelligent Software Components (iSOCO). June 2000 - July 2002, working as Programmer and System and Network Administrator. o Researcher at the Instituto Tecnológico de Informática of the Universidad Politécnica de Valencia. June 1999 - May 2000. o Collaboration with the Instituto Tecnólogico de Informática in an IMPIVA Project ( June 1998 - June 1999. o Installation and Administration of TCP/IP Networks (Internet/Intranet) and Unix Servers (Linux) for: o Instituto Valenciano de Investigaciones Agrarias (IVIA), 1995-99. o Florida Centre de Formació, 1996-98. o Federación Valenciana de Municipios y Provincias (FVMP), 1995. o Other courses taught: o Three Introduction to the use of Docker and Kubernetes courses for UPV's administration and services staff. Unidad de Formación del PAS (UFASU), Universidad Politécnica de Valencia. 2019 - 2020. o A course about DevOps with GitLab, Docker and Kubernetes for technical staff of FERMAX. Instituto Tecnológico de Informática. 2019. o Two Advanced Linux for Administrators courses for technical staff of Consum Cooperativa. Instituto Tecnológico de Informática. 2016. o Two Basic Linux for Administrators courses for technical staff of Consum Cooperativa. Instituto Tecnológico de Informática. 2016. o One course about Ubuntu Systems Administration in Active Directory Domains. Instituto Tecnológico de Informática, 2014. o Four courses Preparation of the LPIC-1 Certification Exams (Linux Professional Institute Certification Level 1 Certification). Instituto Tecnológico de Informática, 2010, 2011, 2015 and 2016. o One course about Technical protection of Software. Instituto Tecnológico de Informática, 2008. o One course about Java Securty. Instituto Tecnológico de Informática, 1999. o One course about Design and Layout of Publications. La Nau dels Estudiants (Universitat de València), 1997. o Four courses about C++ Programming. Escuela Universitaria de Informática (Universidad Politécnica de Valencia), 1994-1996. o One course about Introduction to C++ programming for the Macintosh. Master de Artes Gráficas of the Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, 1994. Publications, talks and participation in Congresses and Conferences o Personal Technical Blog. o Short History of Linux and The Free Software Movement. Lecture given the courses 2002/2003, 2003/2004 and 2010/2011 in the Universidad Politécnica de Valencia as invited lecturer inside the course about Computer Science History and also on April 2006 inside the V Jornadas de Sofware Libre at the Casa de Cultura de Burjassot. o Talk about Free virtualization tools for GNU/Linux Systems given at the Congreso Internet del Mediterráneo in Alicante, September 2010. o Lecture about Free Software Selection and Configuration for Server Networks given at the VIII Jornades de Programari Lliure in Barcelona, July 2009. o Free virtualization tools for GNU/Linux Systems. Article included on the 15th number of Actualidad TIC (ISSN: 1696-5876), July 2009. o Lecture about Free virtualization tools for GNU/Linux Systems given at the VII Jornades de Programari Lliure in Barcelona, July 2008. o Lecture about Computer Science Projects Management with Free Software given at the III Jornadas de Software Libre de Albacete, Albacete, April 2007. o Agile Documentation Tools. Article included on the 11th number of Actualidad TIC (ISSN: 1696-5876), November 2006. o Lecture on Agile Documentation Tools given at the V Jornades de Programari Lliure UPC, July 2006. o Design and Implementation of the Custom Debian Distributions Toolkit (CDDT). Talk presented on the II Open Source World Conference celebrated in Málaga, February 2006. o Lecture on Free software development from the IT Industry given at the IV Jornades de Programari Lliure UPC, July 2005. o Lecture on Building Custom Debian Distributions with the CDDtk given at the IV Jornades de Programari Lliure UPC, July 2005. o Lecture on the LliureX Project on the Custom Debian Distributions Seminar celebrated the 24th of September, 2004, inside the Firenze World Vision 2004. o Lecture on Custom Debian Distributions given at the III Jornades de Programari Lliure of the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (July 2004) o Security on the application development. Lecture given at the Escuela Politécnica Superior of the Universidad de Castilla la Mancha, Albacete, course 2004/2005. o Specialized GNU/Linux Distributions for the Public Administration. Paper presented and included on the proceedings of the International Conference on Open Source celebrated in Málaga, February 2004. o Author of three articles published on the Boletín Electrónico de Infocentre during 2003. o Author of the book INTERNET. Redes de Computadores y Sistemas de Información, Edited by ITP-Paraninfo, 1997. Participation in Projects o ViSCa. Leader of ITI contributions to the ViSCa (Virtualization of Smart Cards) project of the ITEA program. 2013-2016. o CSIRTCV. Puesta en marcha del Centro de Respuesta ante Incidencias de Seguridad Informática de la Comunidad Valenciana dependiente de la Consellería de Justicia y Administraciones Públicas de la Generalitat Valenciana, 2006-2009. o Design of the gvSIG projects colaborative infrastructure. Design and deployment of the colaborative work enviroment for the gvSIG of the Consellería de Infraestructura y Transporte, Generalitat Valenciana, 2006-2009. o LliureX. Development on the initial versions of a GNU/Linux distribution for the Conselleria de Cultura, Educación y Deporte, Generalitat Valenciana, 2004-2006. o MEDIM (Minería de Datos Estructurados basada en Distancias y Métricas, Structured Data Mining based on Metrics and Distances). R&D project funded by the Generalitat Valenciana, 2004-2005. o Autoría y Contenidos en la Red (Authorship and Contents in the Net). R&D project funded by the Generalitat Valenciana, 2004-2005. Other activities o Developer of the Debian Project. o Design and layout of the series Documentos de Trabajo (Eutopías), Centro de Semiótica y Teoría del espectáculo, Universitat de València & Asociación Vasca de Semiótica, 1988-1998. o Design of the HTML pages of the Ediciones Cátedra web server, 1997. Languages o English: high level, written and spoken. o Catalan/Valencian: high level, written and spoken. Computer Science Related Knowledge o Operating Systems: UNIX, Windows and MacOS, at user, administrator and programmer level. o Programming Languages: Python, UNIX Shell, C, Rust, Golang, C++, Java, JavaScript / ECMAScript (nodejs). o Experience in integration, installation, configuration and mainteinance of all kind of services, basically running under UNIX like systems and using free software: o Backup Systems (borgbackup, restic, rdiff-backup, backupninja, etc.), o Configuration Management Systems (saltstack, ansible, etc.), o Content Management Systems (joomla, drupal, plone, etc.), o Databases (postgresql, mysql, etc.), o Directory Services (openldap, pam_ldap, nss_ldap, etc.), o Domain Name Services (bind, powerdns, dnsmasq, etc.), o E-Mail Services (postfix, dovecot, mailman, etc.), o IaaS Platforms (openstack, proxmox, etc.) and Container Orquestation Tools (kubernetes), o Monitoring Tools (monit, icinga, zabbix, etc.), o Network Filesystems (CEPH, nfs, samba, gfs, etc.), o Project Management Tools (gitlab, gitea, trac, redmine, gforge, etc.), o Static Website Generators (jekyll, ikiwiki, hugo, etc.), o Version Control Tools (git, subversion, mercurial, etc.), o Virtualization Tools (kvm, lxc, docker, virtualbox, openvz, etc.), o Web Servers (nginx, apache, lighttpd, etc.). o Unix/Linux Security Tools: o Firewalls (ipchains, iptables, nftables, pf), o Intrusion Detection Systems (snort, integrit, logcheck), o Network Monitoring Tools (ntop, ipaudit), o Security Scanners (nessus, openvas). o High Availability and Fault Tolerance Systems: o Linux-HA (hearbeat, mon, drbd, ...*), o Load Balancing (lvs), o RedHat cluster suite (cman, rgmanager, clvm, ...*).