by Barry Pennock-Speck - ict4u2learn

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Progressive Assimilation


Progressive assimilation:
Example: What’s the problem? In slower speech we might say: wɒts ðə ˈprɒbləm. In very fast, casual speech we could say: wɒtszəˈprɒbləm

Listen and indicate whether there is a) progressive assimilation or b) no progressive assimilation.

1. Was this your idea? a or b

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2. How’s that going to work? a or b

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3. Who’s the new girl? a or b

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4. Is that you? ɪz a or b

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5. Will that do? a or b

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6. Where’s the box? a or b

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7. Will they come? a or b

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8. How’s the plan going? a or b

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9. In the end, he left. a or b

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