
Archaechemis 2014 Inc.

 Chemical Solutions in Archaeometry , Geology and Forensic Science

 Artículos científicos

Gallello, G., Pastor, A., Diez, A., Bernabeu, J., 2014. Lanthanides revealing anthropogenic impact within a stratigraphic sequence. Journal of Archaeology. Article ID 767085, 8 pages, doi:10.1155/2014/767085.

Gallello, G., Larini, A., Bartoli, F., Mallegni. F., Pastor, A., Diez, A., Bernabeu, J., 2014. Niveles de plomo en los individuos de la necropolis tardoantigua de la c/virgen de la misericordia (Valencia). Saguntum: papeles del Laboratorio de Arqueología de Valencia. (accepted).

Garrigues, S., De La Guardia, M., 2014.  Analytical methods for clinical diagnostics. Analytical Methods 6 (12), pp. 3889-3890.

Sanjuán-Herráez, D., de la Osa, S., Pastor, A., De La Guardia, M., 2014. Air monitoring of selected volatile organic compounds in wineries using passive sampling and headspace-gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. Microchemical Journal 114, pp. 42-47.

Khanmohammadi, M., Karami, F., Mir-Marqués, A., Bagheri Garmarudi, A., Garrigues, S., De La Guardia, M., 2014. Classification of persimmon fruit origin by near infrared spectrometry and least squares-support vector machines. Journal of Food Engineering 142, pp. 17-22.

Ruiz-de-Cenzano, M., Rochina-Marco, A., Cervera, M.L., De la Guardia, M., 2014. Speciation of methylmercury in market seafood by thermal degradation, amalgamation and atomic absorption spectroscopy. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety  107, pp. 90-96.

De la Guardia, M., 2014. The challenges of green nanotechnology. BioImpacts, 4 (1), pp. 1-2.

Pérez-Alfonso, C., Galipienso, N., Garrigues, S., de la Guardia, M., 2014. A green method for the determination of cocaine in illicit samples. Forensic Science International  237, pp. 70-77.

De la Guardia, M., McCammon, S., Nielson, K., Granger, M., 2014. Administration of 131I-metaiodobenzylguanidine using the peristaltic infusion pump method. Journal of Nuclear Medicine Technology, 42 (2), pp. 109-113.

Gallello, G., Kuligowski, J., Pastor, A., Diez, A., Bernabeu, J., 2013. Biological mineral content in iberian skeletal cremains for control of diagenetic factors employing multivariate statistics. Journal of Archaeological Science 40 (5), pp. 2477-2484.

Gallello, G., Pastor, A., Diez, A., La Roca, N., Bernabeu, J., 2013. Anthropogenic units fingerprinted by REE in archaeological stratigraphy: Mas d'Is (Spain) case. Journal of Archaeological Science 40 (2), pp. 799-809.

Dowlati, M., Mohtasebi, S.S., Omid, M., Razavi, S.H., Jamzad, M., De La Guardia, M., 2013. Freshness assessment of gilthead sea bream (Sparus aurata) by machine vision based on gill and eye color changes. Journal of Food Engineering 119 (2), pp. 277-287.

Khanmohammadi, M., Garmarudi, A.B., Ghasemi, K., De La Guardia, M., 2013. Quality based classification of gasoline samples by ATR-FTIR spectrometry using spectral feature selection with quadratic discriminant analysis Fuel 111, pp. 96-102.

Garrigues, S., De la Guardia, M., 2013. Non-invasive analysis of solid samples  TrAC - Trends in Analytical Chemistry 43, pp. 161-173.

Hasanzadeh, M.; Shadjou, N.; de la Guardia, M.; Eskandari, M.; Sheikhzadeh, P., 2012. Mesoporous sílice-based materials for use in biosensors TRAC-TRENDS IN ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, 33, 117-129.

Debasis, D.; Mili, D.; Cervera, M.L.; de la Guardia, M., 2012. Recent advances in on-line solid-phase pre-concentration for inductively coupled plasma techniques for determination of mineral elements. TRAC-TRENDS IN ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, 33, 35-45.

Khanmohammadi, M.; Garmarudi, A.B.; de la Guardia, M. 2012.Characterization of petroleum-based products by infrared spectroscopy and chemometric.Trac-Trends in Analytical Chemistry, 35, 135-149.

Dowlati, M., de la Guardia, M., Dowlati, M., Mohtasebi, S.S., 2012.  Application of machine-vision techniques to fish-quality assessment TrAC - Trends in Analytical Chemistry 40, pp. 168-179.

Kuligowski, J., Cascant, M., Garrigues, S., De La Guardia, M., 2012.  An infrared spectroscopic tool for process monitoring: Sugar contents during the production of a depilatory formulation Talanta 99, pp. 660-667.

Sanjuán-Herráez, D., Lliso, I., Pastor, A., De La Guardia, M., 2012. Green determination of the presence of volatile organic compounds in vehicle repair shops through passive samplingTalanta 98, pp. 40-48.

Juan-Peiró, L., Bernhammer, A., Pastor, A., De La Guardia, M., 2012. The use of amberlite adsorbents for green chromatography determination of volatile organic compounds in air Journal of Analytical Methods in Chemistry 1 (1), art. no. 728143 .

Sanjun-Herrez, D., Chabaane, L., Tahiri, S., Pastor, A., De La Guardia, M., 2012. Preliminary results on the use of leather chrome shavings for air passive sampling. Journal of Analytical Methods in Chemistry, 1 (1), art. no. 897872 .

De La Guardia, M., Armenta, S., 2012. Green analytical methods. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry 404 (3), pp. 625-626.

De La Guardia, M., Garrigues, S., 2012. Partial least squares attenuated total reflectance IR spectroscopy versus chromatography: The greener method Bioanalysis 4 (11), pp. 1267-1269.

Khanmohammadi, M., Garmarudi, A.B., Garmarudi, A.B., De la Guardia, M., 2012. Characterization of petroleum-based products by infrared spectroscopy and chemometrics TrAC - Trends in Analytical Chemistry 35, pp. 135-149.

Kuligowski, J., Carrión, D., Quintás, G., Garrigues, S., De La Guardia, M., 2012. Direct determination of polymerised triacylglycerides in deep-frying vegetable oil by near infrared spectroscopy using Partial Least Squares regression. Food Chemistry  131 (1), pp. 353-359.

Gonzálvez, A.; Garrigues, S.; Armenta, S.; de la Guardia, M.,2011.Determination at low ppm levels of dithiocarbamate residues in foodstuff by vapour phase-liquid phase microextraction-infrared spectroscopy Analytica Chimica Acta, 688 (2): 191-196.                     

Dolatabadi, JEN.; Mashinchian, O.; Ayoubi, B.; Jamali, AA.; Mobed, A.; Losic, D.; Omidi, Y.; de la Guardia, M. 2011. Optical and electrochemical DNA nanobiosensors.Trac-Trends in Analytical Chemistry, 30 (3), pp. 459-472.


Galian, RE.; de la Guardia, M.; Perez-Prieto, J., 2011.Size Reduction of CdSe/ZnS Core-Shell Quantum Dots Photosensitized by Benzophenone: Where Does the Cd(0) Go? Langmuir, 27 (5), pp. 1942-1945.

Reyes, MNM.; Cervera, ML.; de la Guardia, M. 2011.Determination of Inorganic Species of Sb and Te Cereals by Hydride Generation Atomic Fluorescence Spectrometry. Journal of the Brazilian Chemical Society, 22 (2): 197-203.


Gonzálvez, A.; Garrigues, S.; de la Guardia, M.; Armenta, S. 2011.The ways to the trace level analysis in infrared spectroscopy Analytical Methods, 3 (1): 43-52                          

Kuligowski, J.; Carrion, D.; Quintas, G.; Garrigues, S.; de la Guardia, M.2011. Sample classification for improved performance of PLS models applied to the quality control of deep-frying oils of different botanic origins analyzed using ATR-FTIR spectroscopy. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 399 (3): 1305-1314 .

Sousa-Ferreira, H.; Matos-Reyes, MN.; Cervera, ML.; Costa-Ferreira, SL.; de la Guardia, M., 2011. Screening of Toxic Inorganic Arsenic Species in Garlic (Allium sativum L.). Food Analytical Methods, 4 (4): 447-452 .

Chabaane, L.; Tahiri, S.; Albizane, A.; El Krati, M.; Cervera, ML.; de la Guardia, M.,2011.Immobilization of vegetable tannins on tannery chrome shavings and their use for the removal of hexavalent chromium from contaminated water. Chemical Engineering Journal, 174 (1), pp. 310-317 .

Dolatabadi, JEN.; Jafar Ezzati Nazhad; de la Guardia, M.,2011. Applications of diatoms and silica nanotechnology in biosensing, drug and gene delivery, and formation of complex metal nanostructures.Trac-Trends in Analytical Chemistry, 30 (9), pp. 1538-1548.

Cascant, M.; Kuligowski, J.; Garrigues, S.; de la Guardia, M.,2011. Determination of sugars in depilatory formulations: A green analytical method employing infrared detection and partial least squares regression.  Talanta, 85 (4), pp. 1721-1729 .

Silva, SG.; Morales-Rubio, A.; de La Guardia, M.; Rocha, FRP.2011. Sequential spectrofluorimetric determination of free and total glycerol in biodiesel in a multicommuted flow system. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 401 (1): 365-371.

Kuligowski, J.; Quintas, G.; Tauler, R.; Lendl, B.; de la Guardia, M., 2011.Background Correction and Multivariate Curve Resolution of Online Liquid Chromatography with Infrared Spectrometric Detection. Analytical Chemistry, 83 (12): 4855-4862 .

Gonzalvez, A.; Armenta, S.; de la Guardia, M., 2011. Geographical traceability of "Arros de Valencia" rice grain based on mineral element composition. Food Chemistry, 126 (3): 1254-1260 .

Sanjuan-Herraez, D.; Rodriguez-Carrasco, Y.; Juan-Peiro, L.; Pastor, A.; de la Guardia, M. 2011. Determination of indoor air quality of a phytosanitary plant. Analytica Chimica Acta, 694 (1-2).


Ghanjaoui, ME.; Cervera, ML.; El Rhazi, M.; de la Guardia, M.2011.Validated fast procedure for trace element determination in basil powder.  Food Chemistry, 125 (4), pp. 1309-1313.

Armenta, S.; de la Guardia, M., 2011.Determination of Mercury in Milk by Cold Vapor Atomic Fluorescence: A Green Analytical Chemistry Laboratory Experiment. Journal of Chemical Education, 88 (4): 488-491.

Kuligowski, J.; Carrion, D.; Quintas, G.; Garrigues, S.; de la Guardia, M., 2011. Direct determination of polymerised triacylglycerids in deep-frying vegetable oil by near infrared spectroscopy using Partial Least Squares regression Food Chemistry, 131 (1), 353-359 .

Gallello, G., 2010. Aspectos Arqueométricos en restos óseos. Ensayo metodológico. Saguntum: papeles del Laboratorio de Arqueología de Valencia, n. Extra 9, pp 219-222.

Gonzalvez, A.; Garrigues, S.; Armenta, S.; de la Guardia, 2010. M.Headspace-Liquid phase microextraction for attenuated total reflection infrared determination of volatile organic compounds at trace levels.  Analytical Chemistry, 82 (7): 3045-3051.

Gonzalvez, A., Garrigues, S., Armenta, S., de la Guardia, M., 2010. Hydrodistillation-liquid-phase microextraction for infrared analysis of food. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 398 (3), 1467-1476.  

Kuligowski, J.; Quintás, G.; Garrigues, S.; de la Guardia, M. 2010. Application of point-to-point matching algorithms for background correction in on-line liquid chromatography-Fourier transform infrared spectrometry (LC-FTIR). Talanta, 80 (5): 1771-1776.


Ly-Verdú, S.; Esteve-Turrillas, F.A.; Pastor, A.; de la Guardia, M. 2010.Determination of volatile organic compounds in contaminated air using semipermeable membrane devices Talanta, 80 (4): 2041-2048.                                              

De la Guardia, M., 2010. Green analytical chemistry. Trac-Trends in Analytical Chemistry, 29 (7): 577-577.

Moros, J.; Garrigues, S.; de la Guardia, M., 2010.Vibrational spectroscopy provides a green tool for multi-component analysis. Trac-Trends in Analytical Chemistry, 29 (7): 578-591.

Garrigues, S.; Armenta, S.; de la Guardia, M., 2010.Green strategies for decontamination of analytical wastes. Trac-Trends in Analytical Chemistry, 29 (7): 592-601.         

Gonzalvez, A.; Armenta, S.; de la Guardia, M.;2010.Adulteration detection of argan oil by inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry. Food Chemistry, 121 (3), pp. 878-886 .

Kuligowski, J.; Quintás, G.; Garrigues, S.; Lendl, B.; de la Guardia, M. 2010. Recent advances in on-line liquid chromatography - infrared spectrometry (LC-IR). Trac-Trends in Analytical Chemistry, 29 (6): 544-552 .

Gonzálvez, A.; Armenta, S.; Cervera, M.L.; de la Guardia, M.2010. Non-chromatographic speciation. Trac-Trends in Analytical Chemistry, 29 (3): 260-268.

Kuligowski, J.; Carrión, D.; Quintás, G.; Garrigues, S.; de la Guardia, M.,2010.Cubic smoothing splines background correction in on-line liquid chromatography-Fourier transform infrared spectrometry. Journal of Chromatography A,1217 (43): 6733-6741.   

Kuligowski, J.; Quintás, G.; de la Guardia, M.; Lendl, B., 2010. Analytical potential of mid-infrared detection in capillary electrophoresis and liquid chromatography: A review.

Analytica Chimica acta, 679 (1-2), pp. 31-42.                   

Moros, J.; Gredilla, A.; Fdez-Ortiz de Vallejuelo, S.; de Diego, A.; Madariaga, J.M.; Garrigues, S.; de la Guardia, M., 2010. Partial least squares X-ray fluorescence determination of trace elements in sediments from the estuary of Nerbioi-Ibaizabal River. Talanta, 82 (4), pp. 1254-1260.

Ly-Verdú, S.; Esteve-Turrillas, F.A.; Pastor, A.; de la Guardia, M. 2010. A passive sampling-based analytical strategy for the determination of volatile organic compounds in the air of working areas.  Analytica Chimica acta, 677 (2), pp. 131-139.                       

da Silva, M.J.; Paim, A.P.S.; Pimentel, M.F.; Cervera, M.L.; de la Guardia, M. 2010.Determination of mercury in rice by cold vapor atomic fluorescence spectrometry after microwave-assisted digestion. Analytica Chimica acta, 677 (1-2), pp. 43-48.

Kuligowski, J.; Quintás, G.; Garrigues, S.; de la Guardia, M.2010 Direct determination of polymerized triglycerides in deep-frying olive oil by attenuated total reflectante-Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy using partial least squares regression. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 397 (2), pp. 861-869. 

Matos-Reyes, M.N.; Cervera, M.L.; Campos, R.C.; de la Guardia, M., 2010. Total content of As, Sb, Se, Te and Bi in Spanish vegetables, cereals and pulses and estimation of the contribution of these foods to the Mediterranean daily intake of trace elements. Food Chemistry, 122 (1), pp. 188-194.

Armenta, S.; Moros, J.; Garrigues, S.; de la Guardia, M. 2010.The use of near-infrared spectrometry in the olive oil industry. Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, 50 (6), pp. 567-582.

Moros, J.; Cassella, R.J.; Barciela-Alonso, M.C.; Moreda-Piñeiro, A.; Herbello-Hermelo, P.; Bermejo-Barrera, P.; Garrigues, S.; de la Guardia, M., 2010. Estuarine sediment quality assessment by Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy. Vibrational Spectroscopy, 53 (2), pp. 204-213.

Reyes, M.N.M.; Cervera, M.L.; de la Guardia, M., 2010. Determination of inorganic species of Sb and Te cereals by hydride generation atomic fluorescence spectrometry. Journal of the Brazilian Chemical Society.

Gonzálvez, A.; Ghanjaoui, M.E.; El Rhazi, M.; de la Guardia, M., 2010 Inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectroscopy determination of trace element composition of argan oil. Food Science and Technology International 16 (1), pp. 75-71.

Kuligowski, J.; Quintás, G.; Garrigues, S.; de la Guardia, M. 2010. Monitoring of polymerized triglycerides in deep-frying oil by on-line GPC-FTIR spectrometry using the science based calibration multivariate approach. Chromatographia 71 (3-4), pp. 201-209.

Boeting, K.; de Benzo, ZA.; Cervera, ML.; de la Guardia, M. 2010.Autentication of the protected designation of origin horchata de Valencia through the chemometric treatment of mineral content. Analytical Methods 2 (11), pp. 1723-1728.

De la Guardia, M.; Armenta, S., 2010. Green solvents for analytical separation and analyses REF. REVISTA: Encyclopedia of Analytical Chemistry. (Eds). R. A. Meyers 2010. Estados Unidos de América, pp 1-19.

Armenta, S.; Moros, J.; Garrigues, S.; de la Guardia, M.,2010. Determination of olive oil parameters by near infrared spectrometry Olives and olive oil in health and disease prevention. (Eds) Elsevier 2010. Inglaterra, pp. 533-544.

Garrigues, S.; Armenta, S.; de la Guardia, M.2010. Analysis of caffeine, sweeteners, and other additives in beverages by vibrational spectroscopy . Applications of vibrational spectroscopy in food science. Volume II: analysis of food, drink and related materials. (Eds) JOHN WILEY & SONS LTD. Inglaterra, pp. 557-576.