Centro de estudios multidisciplinares en Violencia de Género
Servicio de la Universitat de València


Investigadores e investigadoras en Ciencias Jurídicas
Laura Ervo
Procedural law, -rebro University, Sweden

University lecturer in procedural law, -rebro University, Sweden. Adjunct professor ('docent') at the Finnish Universities of Turku, Helsinki and Eastern Finland. LL.D 2005,University of Turku. Trained on the Bench 1998, granted by the appeal court of Turku, Qualification as a professor. The competence as a teacher, University of Turku, Faculty of Education.

97 national and international publications. The main interests civil and criminal proceedings, especially procedural human and fundamental rights and the law of evidence.

International activities: Visiting researcher at the Max-Plack-Institut für ausländisches öffentliches Recht und Völkerrecht, Heidelberg, Germany 97, Visiting researcher at the Max-Planck-Institut fur ausländisches und internationales Strafrecht, Freiburg, Germany 97, Visiting student at the European University Institute, Florence, Italy 98-99. International projects: 'Oral proceedings in the Nordic countries' 02 – 04, Uppsala University, Sweden, 'Establishing a new framework for realizing effective transnational business litigation' 06 - 10, Nagoya University, Japan, 'Europeanization of Procedural Law and the New Challenges to Fair Trial' 06 – 08, University of Turku, "The application of foreign Law by judicial and non-judicial authorities' 09 – 10, University of Valencia, 'Verbesserung der Effektivität der grenzüberschreitenden Vollstreckung in der Europaischen Union" 09 – 10, University of Pécs, Hungary.

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