Short bio

Dr Maudos graduated and obtained his PhD (with special honors) in Economics from the Universitat de València, where he is currently Professor in Economic Analysis. He is also Research Deputy Director at the Ivie (The Valencian Institute of Economic Research) and collaborator at the CUNEF. Expert of the COTEC 100 and Member of the Board of Afin-SGR Valencia. His specialist fields are banking and regional economics. He was Visiting Researcher at the Florida State University Finance Department, at the College of Business at Bangor University (UK), and at the School of Business of the University of Glasgow, in addition to being consultant to the European Commission, the European Investment Bank and the United Nations. He has jointly published 41 books and 165 articles in specialized journals, both national and international (European Journal of Finance, Journal of Banking and Finance, Journal of Comparative Economics, Journal of Financial Services Research, Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money, Journal of International Money and Finance, Regional Studies, Review of Income and Wealth, Growth and Change, Journal of Business Economics and Management and Transportation Research, among others), and has also taken part in various joint works. He is  director of competitive projects (Ministry of Education and Science, BBVA Foundation, excellence research groups, etc.), of more than seventy projects with firms and government agencies. He is Cotec 100 Expert. He regularly collaborates with the media  La Vanguardia, el Español, etc.). Citations: 10.571 in Google Schoolar and 1.709 en Web of Science. H-index=47 (h-10=103) in Google Schoolar and 20 in Web of Science. In Ranking of scientists in Spain, elaborated by Cybermetrics Lab - Scimago Group, IPP-CSIC, 2568/105878According to the Stanford University ranking, I am in the top 2% of the world´s most cited researchers and according to the 3rd edtition of top scientists rankig from Economics and Finance published by I am ranked #23 in Spain among Top Scientists for 2023

fotografía de Joaquín Maudos

C/ Guardia Civil, 22 esc. 2 1.º 46020 Valencia (Spain)
Telf.: +34 963 19 00 50
Fax: +34 963 19 00 55

Facultad deconomia Universitat de València
Economic Analysis Dep.
Faculty of Economics
Edificio Departamental Oriental
Avda. Tarongers, s/n.
46022 Valencia (Spain)


Google Scholar Citation  Profile 

World´s Top Economics and Finance Scientist. H-index.