Second Meeting on Philosophy, Probability and Scientific Method.

(Valencia,  October 30-31, 2008)

Venue: Facultat de Filosofia i Ciencies de l'EducaciòBlasco Ibáñez, 30  (Valencia - 46010)

Free attendance.

Presentation of the meeting

The meeting is mainly devoted to the philosophical consequences of probability when applied to scientific methodology. The general topics of interest are:

The language of the Meeting is English.

Scientific commitee

Carl Hoefer (ICREA - Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona).
Andrés Rivadulla Rodríguez (Universidad Complutense, Madrid).
Valeriano Iranzo García (Universitat de València).

Organizing commitee

Méthodos group (Universitat de València)

Invited speakers (confirmed acceptance):

José Miguel Bernardo (Universitat de València)
Ilkka Niiniluoto (University of Helsinki)
Deborah Mayo (Virginia Polytechnic Institute)

Invited talks (about 50-60 minutes) will be followed by a comment and a general discussion. Accepted abstracts (see below) will also enjoy a  similar period of time for deliverance.


Please submit extended abstracts (1000-1200 words, Word and PDF formats preferred), together with the contact details of the author (Name, affiliation, electronic address) to this e-mail address:

Deadline for submissions is July 1st 2008. Acceptance will be communicated by September 10th 2008 (if accepted, accommodation and travel expenses will be covered by the organization).