Data: 6 d'agost de 2010


Noves convocatòries 7PM: Infraestructures de recerca


La Comissió Europea ha publicat, amb data 20 de juliol de 2010, dues convocatòries del tema "Infraestructures de recerca" del programa de Capacitats del Setè Programa Marc europeu de R+D. Aquestes convocatòries pertanyen al Programa de Treball 2011 (

Aquest tema té com a objectiu principal optimitzar l’ús i el desenvolupament de les millors infraestructures de recerca existents a Europa, així com ajudar a crear-ne de noves, en tots els camps de la ciència i la tecnologia, amb un interès paneuropeu.

La informació completa de les convocatòries la trobareu fent clic en el codi respectiu. Si teniu problemes d'accés amb l'enllaç, podeu tallar i apegar l'adreça al vostre navegador.

El termini de presentació de propostes finalitza el dia esmentat a les 17 hores (hora local de Brussel·les).



Pressupost indicatiu: 163.450.000 euros.
Data límit: 25 de novembre de 2010.
Temes convocats: 1.1.1 INTEGRATING ACTIVITIES. Social Sciences and Humanities. INFRA-2011-1.1.1. Language Resources and Tools for cross-disciplinary research in social sciences and humanities. INFRA-2011-1.1.2. European Data Infrastructure for multidisciplinary research in the socio-economic behaviour of individuals and households, related to sustainability policy, climate change policy and environmental risk. INFRA-2011-1.1.3. Integrating Digital Archives and Resources for Research on Medieval and Modern European History. INFRA-2011-1.1.4. Integrating Archives for research on Contemporary European Social History. Life Sciences. INFRA-2011-1.1.5. Facilities and resources for multinational clinical trials. INFRA-2011-1.1.6. Facilities and resources for protein structure determination at synchrotron radiation sources.  INFRA-2011-1.1.7. Life sciences bio-molecular data resources and services. INFRA-2011-1.1.8. Facilities and resources for plant phenotyping. INFRA-2011-1.1.9. Facilities and services for livestock physiology and phenomics. Environmental Sciences and Earth Sciences. INFRA-2011-1.1.10. Research Infrastructures for Carbon Cycle Observations. INFRA-2011-1.1.11. Integrated non-CO2 greenhouse gas Observing Systems. INFRA-2011-1.1.12. Integrated observatories and centres for marine and freshwater biodiversity and for long-term ecosystems research. INFRA-2011-1.1.13. Research infrastructures for forestry research. INFRA-2011-1.1.14. Multidisciplinary Marine Data Centres. Energy. INFRA-2011-1.1.15. Research Infrastructures for thermo-chemical biomass conversion. INFRA-2011-1.1.16. Research Infrastructures for Hydrogen & Fuel Cells facilities. Materials and Analytical Facilities. INFRA-2011-1.1.17. Infrastructures for Neutron Scattering and Muon Spectroscopy. INFRA-2011-1.1.18. Synchrotron radiation sources and Free Electron Lasers. INFRA-2011-1.1.19. Laser sources. Physics and Astronomy. INFRA-2011-1.1.20. Research Infrastructures for hadron physics: Studying the properties of nuclear matter at extreme conditions. INFRA-2011-1.1.21. Research Infrastructures for advanced radio astronomy. INFRA-2011-1.1.22. Research Infrastructures for optical/IR astronomy. INFRA-2011-1.1.23. Research Infrastructures for astroparticle physics: High energy cosmic rays, multimessenger approach. 1.2.1 DESIGN STUDIES. INFRA-2011-2.1.1: Design studies for research infrastructures in all S&T fields. 1.2.3 CONSTRUCTION OF NEW INFRASTRUCTURES (OR MAJOR UPGRADES) - IMPLEMENTATION PHASE. INFRA-2011-2.3.1: Implementation of common solutions for a cluster of ESFRI infrastructures in the field of "Social Sciences and Humanities". INFRA-2011-2.3.2: Implementation of common solutions for a cluster of ESFRI infrastructures in the field of "Life sciences". INFRA-2011-2.3.3: Implementation of common solutions for a cluster of ESFRI infrastructures in the field of "Environmental Sciences". INFRA-2011-2.3.4: Implementation of common solutions for a cluster of ESFRI infrastructures in the field of "Physics, Astronomy and Analytical Facilities". 1.3 SUPPORT TO POLICY DEVELOPMENT AND PROGRAMME IMPLEMENTATION. INFRA-2011-3.1: ERA-NET supporting cooperation for research infrastructures in all S&T fields. INFRA-2011-3.2: Coordination actions, conferences and studies supporting policy development, including international cooperation, for research infrastructures in all fields of S&T. INFRA-2011-3.3: Study for the development of a possible future EU action on scientific instrumentation.
Esquema de finançament: diferents segons el tema, consulteu el text complet de la convocatòria.


Pressupost indicatiu: 95.000.000 euros.
Data límit: 23 de novembre de 2010.
Temes convocats: 1.1 SUPPORT TO EXISTING RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURES. 1.1.2 ICT-based e-Infrastructures. INFRA-2011-1.2.1: e-Science environments.  INFRA-2011-1.2.2: Data infrastructures for e-Science. 1.2 SUPPORT TO NEW RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURES. 1.2.3 Construction of new infrastructures (or major upgrades) - implementation phase. INFRA-2011-2.3.5: Second implementation phase of the European High Performance Computing (HPC) service PRACE. 1.3  SUPPORT FOR POLICY DEVELOPMENT AND PROGRAMME IMPLEMENTATION.  INFRA-2011-3.4: Coordination actions, conferences and studies supporting policy development, including international cooperation, for e-Infrastructures. INFRA-2011-3.5: Trans-national cooperation among NCPs.
Esquema de finançament: diferents segons el tema, consulteu el text complet de la convocatòria.


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