Black-Box Optimization

A Black-Box Scatter Search for Optimization Problems with Integer Variables
Manuel Laguna, Francisco Gortazar, Micael Gallego, Abraham Duarte, and Rafael Martí, Journal of Global Optimization 58, 497-516 (2014)

Black-Box Scatter Search for General Classes of Binary Optimization Problems
Francisco Gortazar, Abraham Duarte, Manuel Laguna and Rafael Martí, Computers and Operations Research 37, 1977-1986 (2010).

An Evolutionay Method for Complex-process Optimization
J. Egea, R. Martí and J. Banga, Computers and Operations Research 37(2), 315-324 (2010).

Improved Scatter Search for the Global Optimization of Computationally Expensive Dynamic Models
J. Egea, E. Vazquez, J. Banga and R. Martí, Journal of Global Optimization 43, 175-190 (2009).

Scatter Search for Chemical and Bio-Process Optimization
J. Egea, M. Rodríguez, J. Banga and R. Martí, Journal of Global Optimization 37(3), 481-503 (2007).

Context-Independent Scatter and Tabu Search for Permutation Problems
Vicente Campos, Manuel Laguna and Rafael Martí, INFORMS Journal on Computing, 17(1), 111-122 (2005)