Logo UVCatalog of Service Charters of the University of Valencia


Publication date: 11-01-2022



To offer support for the integration of people in the Universitat de València with disabilities, through the development of specific programmes that may support their inclusion in the university field, guaranteeing the principle of equal opportunities and non-discrimination.


This Service Charter was approved by Elena Martínez i García, Vice-Principal of Equality, Diversity and Sustainability, on the 25th of July 2019.

The validity period of this Charter will be 4 years from the date of approval, the 26th of July 2019.



Service 1:
To inform and to advise the university community of the resources, regulations, specific educational needs and curriculum adaptations of students with disabilities.
Commitment 1: To attend to 100% of requests for information and counselling made according to the specific needs of users.
Indicator 1: Percentage of requests for information and advice attended to annually.

Service 2: To assess the educational needs of students with disabilities and provide them with the academic and vocational assessment that they may need during their university career.
Commitment 2: Inform new students with disabilities about the possibility of carrying out a personalised interview to assess their specific needs arising from their condition of disability and inform, if necessary, the teaching staff involved and guide them academically and/or vocationally.
Indicator 2: Percentage of customised interviews of students with support needs carried out annually.


Service 3: To provide technical and personal support to students with disabilities depending on their needs according to UVdisability availability.
Commitment 3: To make 100% of technical support evaluated positively by UVdisability: resources, programmes and adaptations available to students with disabilities, depending on availability.
Indicator 3: Percentage of technical support provided annually.
Commitment 4: To provide students with disabilities with 100% of personal support evaluated positively by UVdisability: sign language interpreters and personal support assistant with specific knowledge, depending on availability.
Indicator 4: Percentage of personal support provided annually.


Service 4: To strengthen the active role of the university community and the external institutions of the UV in the integration of people with disabilities.
Commitment 5: To carry out awareness and/or training activities on disability aimed at the university community.
Indicator 5: Number of awareness and/or training activities carried out annually.
Commitment 6: To disseminate information on disability which UVdisability considers relevant for students with disabilities and UVdisability volunteers.
Indicator 6: Number of communication activities carried out through different ways annually.

Service 5: Promoting the participation of university volunteers in the assistance of people with disabilities.
Commitment 7: Inform volunteers about the service’s needs by carrying out 1 or 2 annual follow-ups.
Indicator 7: Degree of compliance with the annual follow-up with active volunteers.


Service 6: To manage efforts to make university more accessible, eliminating the physical, electronic and communication barriers of the UV for the benefit of people with disabilities.
Commitment 8: Processing 100% of accessibility requests made.
Indicator 8: Percentage of accessibility requests processed annually.
Commitment 9: To keep the AA level of accessibility of the website of UVdisability and to conduct an annual review.
Indicator 9: Degree of compliance with the annual review of the UVdisability website in order to assess accessibility.


Service 7: To advise and inform PDI and PAS on the integration measures for people with disabilities approved by the UV.
Commitment 10: To handle 100% of requests for information and counselling relating to integration measures for the PDI of the UV with disabilities.
Indicator 10: Percentage of the information and counselling requests attended to annually, relating to integration measures of the UV.
Commitment 11: To publish 100% of UV internal calls directed towards PDI with disabilities on the website of the UV.
Indicator 11: Percentage of UV internal calls directed towards PDI with disabilities on the UVdisability website.

Service 8: To assess the support needs requested by PDI and PAS of the UV with disabilities.
Commitment 12: Inform UV staff about the possibility of conducting a personal interview to assess their needs and inform, if necessary, the service that provides the support.
Indicator 12: Percentage of interviews conducted annually with UV staff.


Indicator Formula Goal Units
1 Percentage of requests for information and advice attended to annually. (No. of requests attended to/ No. of requests formulated) x 100 100% %
2 Percentage of customised interviews of students with support needs carried out annually. (No. of interviews conducted / No. of interviews requested) x 100 100% %
3 Percentage of technical support provided annually. (No. of times technical support provided / No. of times technical support requested) x 100 100% %
4 Percentage of personal support provided annually. (No. of times support provided / No. of times technical support requested) x 100 100% %
5 Number of awareness and/or training activities carried out annually. No. of activities carried out annually A minimum of 3 actions (awareness raising + training) to be carried out annually activities
6 Number of communication activities carried out through different ways annually. Number of communication activities carried out annually To carry out at least 100 communication activities annually. communication activities
7 Degree of compliance with the annual follow-up with active volunteers. Quantify the number of annual follow-ups with the active volunteer. To carry out 2 annual follow-ups with active volunteers. follow-ups
8 Percentage of accessibility requests processed annually. (No. of requests attended to/ No. of requests formulated) x 100 100% %
9 Degree of compliance with the annual review of the UVdisability website in order to assess accessibility. Yes / No (Yes = 1, No = 0) Value = 1 (yes= 1) yes = 1; no = 0
10 Percentage of the information and counselling requests attended to annually, relating to integration measures of the UV. (No. of requests attended to/ No. of requests formulated) x 100 100% %
11 Percentage of UV internal calls directed towards PDI with disabilities on the UVdisability website. (No. of internal calls published on UVdisability website/ No. of UV internal calls) x 100 100% %
12 Percentage of interviews conducted annually with UV staff. (No. of interviews conducted / No. of interviews requested) x 100 100% %




The rights of users of the services offered by UVdisability are recognised in article 35 of the Law 30/1992, of 26 November, in the Legal Regime of Public Administrations and Common Administrative Procedure, and in particular:

  • To be assisted properly and professionally by all UVdisability staff.
  • To have the confidentiality of personal data guaranteed according to the legislation in force.
  • To receive updated, accessible and quality information about the services offered by UVdisability.
  • To have the necessary technical resources that are owned by UVdisability to facilitate studies in the same conditions as other students.
  • Spaces and infrastructure accessible to all users.
  • Any right arising from the regulations in force.


  • To behave politely and follow UVdisability instructions.
  • To make good use of information resources that UVdisability offers.
  • To know and comply with the provisions governing the various services offered by UVdisability, especially loan regulations, use of facilities and electronic resources.
  • To respect spaces, equipment and facilities, contributing to maintaining a pleasant environment.
  • To take care of and maintain technical resources provided. To take care of and maintain technical resources provided.
  • Any duty arising from the regulations in force.


    • Law 10/2010, of 28 April, prevention of money laundering and terrorism financing.
    • Organic Law 15/1999, of 13 December, for Protection of Personal Data.


    • Measures for the integration of teaching and research staff with disabilities at the Universitat de València regulation. Approved by the Governing Council on 28 March 2013 (ACGUV 40/2013). Amended by the Governing Council on 31 May 2014 (ACGUV 30/2014).
    • Regulations on academic care for students with disabilities. Approved by the Governing Council on 6 July 2010 (ACGUV 127/2010).



    Address: Av. Blasco Ibáñez, 21. 46010 València. 46010 València
    Telephone: 96 398 34 26
    E-mail: , ,

    Opening hours

    On the premises of Uvdiscapacitat (by appointment). Second fortnight of September to May: - Mondays through Thursdays from 9:00 to 2:30 pm and 4:00 to 6:30 pm. - Fridays from 9:00 to 2:30 pm. June, July and first fortnight of September: - From 9:00 to 2:30 pm. August: closed.

    Means of public transport

    Metro: Line 3 (Facultats)
    Bus: Lines 9, 10, 12, 29, 30, 31, 40, 41, 70, 71, 79, 80, 81, 89 and 90



    To help improve the services offered, the users may do the following:

    • Receive special attention to their information needs, concerns, questions, etc.with regard to the services offered by the unit.
    • Give their opinion on the quality of the services offered by the unit.
    • Make suggestions for improvement.
    • Make a formal complaint when services provided prove unsatisfactory.

    Complaints and suggestions received in the unit will be answered within one month.

    Communication channels

    Telephone: 96 398 34 26
    Mailing address: Av. Blasco Ibáñez, 21. 46010 València. 46010 València
    E-mail: , ,
    Personal attention: On the premises of Uvdiscapacitat (by appointment). Second fortnight of September to May: - Mondays through Thursdays from 9:00 to 2:30 pm and 4:00 to 6:30 pm. - Fridays from 9:00 to 2:30 pm. June, July and first fortnight of September: - From 9:00 to 2:30 pm. August: closed.
    Complaints, suggestions and compliments mailbox:


    Those users who feel that the commitments outlined in this Service Charter are not being met should direct their complaints and comments through the UV message board for suggestions, complaints, and other comments ( or the Registry of the Universitat de València.

    In cases of non-compliance, the unit will inform the complainant in writing of the reasons for the breach and of the measures put in place to correct the detected error. Failure to comply with the commitments outlined in these guidelines shall not result in any fiscal liability on the part of the administration.