14171 Hipertextos y Literatura Inglesa


14171 Hipertextos y Literatura Inglesa
Tipus de Curs/Type of Course:
Optativa de 1 cecle
Condició prèvia/Initial Requirements:
Mètode docent/Teaching and Learning Methods:
Classe magistral amb treball en equip, pràctic i teòric, a més del personal (lecture and team-work).
Llengua en que s'imparteix/Language used by lecturer during the course:
Grups A/B: (Castellano) - (English) - (Valencià)
Descripció del Curs/Contents for the course:

Introductory course and overview of the state of Hypertext and English Literature on the www.
Dyachronic and hypertextual analysis of authors and their works, up-date of current theoretical, technological and hypermedia developments.
We will combine the tools of the literary and textual critic with those of the social and political historian to examine society, the religious and political debates and anxieties that surrounded English literature and the opportunities created through the appearance of hypertext, hyperliterature and hyperdrama.

To facilitate such discussions and lively debates, this class will run like a seminar and a reading group. In seminars students rely on one another for sharing reading, writing, interpretation, and discussion; in reading groups, members contribute equally and work together to form an understanding of ideas, texts, history, sentences, words. While I will provide brief lectures, I hope we will spend much of our meetings discussing the works as a class and working in small groups on assigned, in-class analytic and creative projects.

In-class activities will be dealt with in-class. Out_of_class activities will be dealt with virtually, that is based on the use of student e-mail and listserver set-ups.

Objetius/Aims of the Course:

You should end the course with a broad overview of the literature written in hypertext format and which are the developments today. Such an overview gives you a chance to link ideas together, see historical shifts in tastes and ideology, create a frame and narrative for the wide array of literary works and theories. Each student should develop and improve a certain critical skill to analyse and comment ©opyrighted/written texts, and apply this knowledge to the writing of the students own papers. You will also be encouraged to publish and contribute with articles to the wide existing number of electronic academic journals with which we maintain a regular close collaboration, through our own publiching house called UV Press.


These materials, several books, including short, accessible discussions of theory, books and articles that provide model interpretations of some of these texts, as well as a few articles on the very act of reading and how we understand culture are already on-line.

You will have two formal writing assignments and several informal writing tasks. One short "engagement paper" discussing a critical theory (750-1000 words). One group project that will require each person in the group to write 2500-3000 words; this project is due on the day of thefinal exam. The final project will be defined during the academic course. This class will be very writing intensive.

Each class session we will discuss some aspect of literature, of reading strategies, and have some form of practice writing.
On days that are designated as "workshops" we will each bring a draft of the paper and work on improving it with several members of our workshop groups. A workshop only works if you ask questions of your peers and offer useful, concrete advice on how they may improve their papers. We will have several opportunities early on to practice group work if you are not familiar with this kind of classroom situation. Your work group will give two presentations during the semester. These oral presentations should discuss the critical strategy your group has developed, you won't be giving a lecture, you will be contributing to the development of a collective website where your individual contributions can be integrated.

Each assignment sheet describes how that writing task will be assessed. In brief, however, papers will be given a number score from 1 - 10; we will discuss what constitutes each number at the beginning of each assignment. At the end of the course, we will decide on a traditional grade scale to correlate with the numbers.

              Class participation     15%
              Original contribution 20%
              Editing and publishing web-site  20%
              Translation of other web-sites 15%
              Case Study final project 30%

Structured by topics
[0] - [1] - [2] - [3] - [4] - [5] - [6] - [7] - [8] - [9] - [10]
Tema 0
Indices, buscadores, catálogos, Reference Books, Web-sites, e-formats, ...
Bases de datos de la Biblioteca de la Universitat de València
Directory of Electronic Technology Dissertations currently in progress in USA.
English American Literature Resources
Faculty Seminar Humanities Commission
Hyperizons Hypertext Fiction
Hyperliterature/Hypertheory Home Page
Hypertext www3 "Archives"
Related Readings
Related Readings About Electronic Editing
Related Readings Hypermedia
Related Readings Literary Studies
Society for Scholarly Publishing
Synthesis References
Terminology Collection Online
UV-Press Indexes


Tema 1

Autores: alfabético, cronológico, temático, ...

Indice por autores de UVPress. Click
Text collections and authors

[A] - [B] - [C] - [D] - [E] - [F] - [G] - [H] - [I] - [J] - [K] - [L] - [M] - [N] - [O] - [P] - [Q]  - [R] - [S] - [T] - [U] - [V] - [W] -  [X] - [Y] - [Z]

Allyn & Bacon
Aarseth, Espen
Aloysius Joseph
Arthos, John

Barthes, Roland
Baudrillard, Jean
Bayley, Charles W.
Bennett, Susan
Bolter, Jay David
Brent Dean Robbin
Burnard, Lou

Carson, Christie
Causey, Matthew
Cixous, Hélène
Cyd Ropp

Deemer, Charles
Derrida, Jacques

Foucault, Jacques

Golumbia, David
Grassi, Ernesto

Harris, Hillary
Hockey, Susan
Hodin, Mark
Johnson, Eric
Kellner. D.
Klock, Anja

Landow, George P.
Levin, R.
Lockett, Joseph
Lyotard, Jean-François

McCarty, Willard
McGann, Jerome
Moulthrop, Stuart

Rheingold, Howard
Rockwell, Geoffrey

Scheie, Timothy
Sipio, Michael P.
Slatin, John
Syverson, Peg
Taylor, A.B.
Unsworth, John M.


Yeghiayan, Eddie

Program in Humanities:
Janus Head An Interdisciplinar Study - Janus Head/3-1/Aloysius Joseph - Janus Head/3-1/Brent Dean Robbin - Janus Head/3-1/Cyd Ropp - Janus Head/3-1/Editorial/Rex Ol - Janus Head/3-1/Ernesto Grassi - Janus Head/3-1/John Arthos - Janus Head/3-1/Michael P. Sipio


Tema 2
Social, escuelas, corrientes, etiquetas, -ismos, ...

Essays in Postmodernism
Lingua MOO Homepage
Multilingual: Linguistic diversity, computers and unicode.
Options for Presentation of Multilingual Texts.
TechVision The *World Wide* Web - unicode.
Unicode Home Page
Publication cwrl


Tema 3

Newsgroups, chats, listservs, ...
              4595 Narrativa en Lengua Inglesa I, año académico 99-2000 (90 subscribers)
              4596 Narrativa en Lengua Inglesa II, año académico 1999-2000 (71 subscribers)
              4789 Literatura Inglesa II, año académico 1999-2000 (75 subscribers)

Tema 4

Editor, publisher, distribución, formatos, copyright, (books, publishing, journals, ...)
What Scholars need to know. XML editorial revolution
Willard McCarty: problems of  meta-textual representation on the computer
Re-Searching Online Linear Text
Lists as Hypertextual Devices on Html www-pages.
Networked Scholarship: The Effects of Advanced Technology on Research
Scholarly Electronic Publishing
TOHE Online Higher Education: Building Interactive Literary Interpretation - Connect.Net demo download page - CyberLab Home - Keynote address by Ali Jafari - Keynote Address 1 TEACHING ONLINE IN HIGHER EDUCATION - MadDuck Technologies - Norton Connect.Net & Textra Connect
TeamWeb_Learning to Publish:  HTML Editor for the Macintosh - TeamWeb_Learning to Publish - Translators/editors


Tema 5

Suscripción y publicación en revistas electrónicas (on-line)
CELMcGraw-Hill98 index

Computers and Composition Online
Future Currents in Electronic Literacy cwrl
Humanities in Cyberspace
Hyperizons Hypertext Fiction
Evaluación de la base de datos Chadwyck-Healey English Poetry, Early English Prose Fiction and English Verse Drama CD-ROM Refereed Electronic Journals and the Future of Scholarly Publishing (Advances in Library Automation)
Congreso ALLC/ACH 2000 (Association for Literary and Linguistic Computing /Association for Computers Humanities )
University of Virginia Second Annual Summer Publishing Institute for Professionals
MHRA's Home Page: m9510abs.pdf - m9510cnt.pdf - MHRA Texts and Dissertations - MHRA's Home Page - MLR Index 1995
Program in Humanities: Janus Head An Interdisciplinar Study - Janus Head/3-1/Aloysius Joseph - Janus Head/3-1/Brent Dean Robbin - Janus Head/3-1/Cyd Ropp - Janus Head/3-1/Editorial/Rex Ol - Janus Head/3-1/Ernesto Grassi - Janus Head/3-1/John Arthos - Janus Head/3-1/Michael P. Sipio - Rethinking the Human Sciences - Welcome to the Program in Humanities.
Computer-Supported Instruction. Class Web Templates.
TOHE Online Higher Education: //www.iupui.edu/ - 99TOHE Presenters list - login.asp - Office of Distributed Education
Teaching European Literature and Culture with C & IT. CTI Centre for Textual Studies.


Tema 6

Hypertext. Literary Criticism.  Textual Criticism. Teoría y análisis del propio medio.
Evaluating Internet Information
Evaluating Quality on the Net
Evaluating Web resources
Teacher Quality: A Report on Teacher Preparation and Qualifications. NCES Press
The Work in Progress as Post-Modern Genre. Arizona Quarterly (Spring 1992)
Orchestrating Reception: The Hierarchy of Readers in Post-modern American Fiction. Centennial Review (Summer 1990)
Networked Academic Publishing and the Rhetorics of Its Reception. Centennial Review (Winter 1992)
Columbia History of the American Novel. Book Market.
Electronic Scholarship or, Scholarly Publishing and the Public.
Is Humanities Computing An Academic Discipline?An Interdisciplinary Faculty/Graduate Student Seminar.
Humanities Adventures in Computing

Lines for a Virtual T[y/o]pography
Living Inside the (Operating) System
Literary Criticism: A Glossary of Literary Criticism - generalindex.html - headerindex.html  - IPL Literary Criticism as a Tool - Literary Resources/Hypertext - Introduction Literary Criticism.
Textual Criticism Text: Introduction to Textual Criticicism  - Majority Text vs. Critical Text  -  Textual Criticism and the Text.
Definition Hypertextuality - Definition Linear Textuality - Experential analysis
Re-Searching Online: Linear Textuality vs. Hypertextuality (Literature Review)
Reader-Centered Hypertext
The Hypertext Edition
Bibliography of Literary Criticism at UTNetCAT


Tema 7

Hyperdrama:  Authorsindexpostmodern  -
Charles Deemer: Chile Play_Main Menu  Conference Room - Demo of Hyperdrama
Hyperdrama and Virtual Development
Office - pound.txt - sadlau1.txt - The cast - The Crucible - The Deal A Hyperdrama Demo - The Dramatic Exchange Plays A-D -
Theory and Technique - Writing for the New Millennium.

Directory of Electronic Technology Dissertations currently in progress in USA.
The New Hyperdrama


Tema 8

NCLR Procecessing / Formats, style sheets, PMLA, Language, etc.
Language Visualisation: Archives and Acknowledgements - Examples - Language Visualization - Techniques - Visualization
Style Guide: Electronic Reference Formats - Electronic Sources Style Guide - Frequently Asked Questions - MLA handbook_index.htm - MLA sources.htm - MLA stylemanual_index.htm - MLA style_main.htm - ONLINE! Citation Styles Index - OUP English Lang& Literature - OUPApproaches to Shakespeare - Oxford University Press - pmla.htm - Renaissance Forum - Sarah Byrd Askew Library - Walker/ACW Style Sheet (Columbia)


Tema 9

SGML/XML resources
TACT - Textual Analysis: TACT Description of the program -Textual Analysis Computing Tool
Web Concordances: Concordance features - Concordance software download - Concordance software for advanced research -
Concordance programs - Concordance version history - English at Dundee/Recent Publications -The journal of literature - The Web Concordances - XML Linking Language (XLink)Ve.
Concordance browsing: 1866GlobeEditionindex - Concordance browsing presentation - Conditions of Use_Electronic Concordances
Internet Applications: BetterTelnet Fat - CheshireMOON - Fetch 3.0.3 - Internet Explorer - Netscape Communicator™
Microsoft Office 98: Microsoft Excel - Microsoft PowerPoint - Microsoft Word -
Multimedia Applications: Adobe Illustrator® 8.0 - Adobe® PageMaker® 6.5 - Adobe® Photoshop® 5.5 - SuperCard® 3.6
Research Applications: SAS - SPSS
Text Editing Applications: Acrobat™ 4.0 - AppleWorks - BBEdit Lite 4.6 - CommonSpace - EndNote 4 - FileMakerPro - OmniPage 8.0 -
QSR NUDIST 4 PPC - Storyspace 1.5
Web Development: Claris Home Page 3.0 - Director 7.0 - Dreamweaver - Fireworks 3 - Flash 4


Tema 10

AcqWeb (Vanderbilt University)
An Online Literature Library
Banned Books Online
Bartleby Library (Columbia University)
Berkeley Digital Library Project
Bibliomania: The Network Library
Books and Authors (Denver Post Online)
Book Awards, Reviews and Lists (Eugene Public Library)
Book Lovers Page (Piet Wesselman)
Book Review Links (IBIC)
Book Spot
Book Web (American Booksellers Association)
BookWire (Publishers Weekly/Library Journal)
Camelot Project
CMU On-line Books Page
Classic Short Stories
Columbia University's Bartleby Library
Computer and Internet Related Online Books
Concordances of Great Books
Early English Books Online
Eighteenth Century Fiction 1700-1780 (LION)
Electronic Literature Foundation: The Great Books
Electronic Texts and Publishing Resources (Library of Congress)
Elements of Style
Encyclopedia Mythica
English Server (CMU)
Etext Archives (etext.org)
Fiction (English Server)
Great Books Five Star Sites (Russell McNeil)
Index of /Gopher/Library/Classic
Internet Public Library Online Texts (University of Michigan)
Internet Book Information Center - IBIC
Jane Austen Information Page
LION - Web Access,
Literary Calendar
Logical World of Etymology
Macmillan Computer Publishing (mcp.com)
Modern English Collection at the Electronic Text Center, University of Virginia
Mythological Booklist
On-line Books Page (CMU)
Online Books
Oxford Text Archive Catalogue
Publishers Directory (AcqWeb)
Project Gutenberg
Publishers Weekly
Publisher's Weekly Online
Purdue Online Writing Lab
Ultimate Book List and Writer's Page
University of Virginia Electronic Text Library
Universal Library Project (CMU)
Victorian Women Writers
WATCH File - Writers, Authors and Their Copyright Holders
Web Concordances
Western Canon


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Comentarios a: fores@uv.es
València  15th September 2000