Revista de Historia de la Ciencia publishes original articles on medical history, history of sciences and technology, and related fields, in any of the languages of the European Community. They will be referred by two external readers. The journal will also include research notes (current research reports or advancing new documents), book reviews and revisions of recent bibliography on a topic.

Manuscripts (original plus two copies) should be submitted to editors typrwritten and double-spaced throughout, on paper of standard size (30X70 pulsations; a typed size not smaller than 12 point). Original articles will range from a minimum of 25 pages up to a maximum of 50, including quotations, notes, illustrations (figures), tables and bibliography. An abstract of aproximately 150 words should be included with a translation in a second language. Research notes are limited to a maximum of 10 pages; book reviews to a maximum of 4 pages.

The title page should indicate the author or author's names, their adress and their institutional affiliation.

Notes should be typed separately from the main body of the text, numbered sequentially and keyed to reference numbers typed above the line in the text.

Bibliographic information given parenthecally in the text should include author's family name followed by the year and, when necessary, the number of page(es) of the citation.

References should be in a separate section, in alfabethical order. All authors should be listed. Different publications by same author in the same year will be marqued with letters: a, b, c, ... following the year (1995a, 1995b, 1995c, etc.). References should be typed according to the following examples:

Standard journal article
Laín Entralgo, P. (1981) Los orígenes del diagnóstico médico, Dynamis, 1, 3-17.
Alvarez, R.; Huertas, R.; Peset, J.L. (1993) Enfermedad mental y sociedad en la Europa de la segunda mitad del siglo XIX, Asclepio, 45 (2), 41-60.

Personal author(s)
Vicente Maroto, M.L.; Esteban Piñeiro, M. (1991)Aspectos de la ciencia aplicada en la España del Siglo de Oro, Salamanca, Consejería de Cultura y bienestar social.

Editor(s), compiler(s) as author
Fresquet Febrer, J. L.: López Piñeiro, J. M., eds. (1996) El mestizaje cultural y la medicina novohispana del siglo XVI, Valencia, Instituto de Estudios Documentales e Históricos sobre la Ciencia.

Chapter in a book
Glick, T. F. (1995) Augusto Pi y Suñer. La fisiología experimental. En: J. M. Camarasa, A. Roca, eds., Ciència i tècnica als Països Catalans: una aproximació biogràfica, Barcelona, Fundació catalana per a la recerca, vol. 2, pp. 1055-1085.

References to documents from archival sources will adapt to the particular features of the file in each case, following current conventions.

Each table or figure should be on a separate page, accompanied by a short and precise title. The text should indicate the approximate location of the insertion.

A disquette (31/2" disk) copy of the final manuscript (in any "Word" processing format for Windows or Macintosh) will be submitted to the editors once the article has been accepted for publication. The disk should be labeled with the author's name and the names and dates of the files. Your disk should contain at least three different files: one for the main body of the text, one for the notes and one for the bibliography. Tables, illustrations (figures), etc. should be included in a different file. A hard copy of the final version should be submitted with the disk, the printouts labeled with the file name and the date of the file you have printed.