Spanish and Portuguese Society for English Renaissance Studies

University of Valencia
22-24 April 2009


25/3/09 1:21 PM

Wednesday, April 22th


Reception Desk (1st Floor)

Registration of Delegates

Salón Grados

Opening Session

Salón Grados
PLENARY LECTURE Chair: Francisco Fernández
  MARTÍNEZ LÓPEZ, Miguel, Univ. Valencia

"Shooting first": War and Peace in English Utopias of the Renaissance. (A 21st Century Reading).


Coffee Break

Salón Grados

PLENARY LECTURE Chair: Miguel Martínez López

    STERN, Tiffany Paula, Univ. Oxford

"Ruminated, Plotted and Set Down": Three Kinds of Written Plot in The Early Modern Theatre.

Staff Cafeteria


Lunch Time

Salón Grados Chair: Francisco Fernández
    SÁNCHEZ ESCRIBANO, Francisco Javier, Univ. Zaragoza

English Multilingual Lexicography in the 16th and 17th Centuries.

    QUEIROZ DE BARROS, Rita , Univ. Lisbon

What's in a Variorum? Exploring Linguistic Information
in a Variorum Edition of Richard II (or Troilus and Cressida).

  RUANO GARCÍA, Francisco Javier, Univ. Salamanca

Northern English and Seventeenth-Century Popular Ballads:
A Corpus-Based Approach.

Sala Juntas Chair: Berta Cano
    RAYNER, Francesca Clare, Univ. Minho

Past Narratives/Present Meanings?:
Julius Caesar by Teatro da Cornucópia.

  PERNI LLORENTE, Remedios, Univ. Murcia

Ophelia at Margins: the Recovery of the Body.


Coffee Break

Salón Grados Chair: Berta Cano
  SÁEZ HIDALGO, Ana, Univ. Valladolid

Visus et expurgatus:
the Impact of the Spanish Inquisition on an English library.

  HUTCHINGS, Mark , Univ. Reading

Performing the Peace, 1603-5.


Thursday, April 23rd

Salón Grados Chair: José Luis Oncins
    CAMPILLO ARNAIZ, Laura, Univ. Murcia

Building the Myth of a Romantic Hamlet in Spain.

  PUJANTE, Ángel-Luis, Univ. Murcia

Shakespeare's Sonnets in Spanish:
Rescuing the Early Verse Translations.

  RIBES TRAVER, Purificación, Univ. Valencia

Ludwig Tieck's Herr von Fuchs (1793) as the Perfect Embodiment of Romantic Irony.


Coffee Break

Salón Grados

PLENARY LECTURE Chair: Purificación Ribes

  DOBSON, Michael, Birkbeck College, Univ. London

The Pageant of History: Nostalgia, the Tudors and the Community Play.

Salón Grados Chair: Keith Gregor
    FRASER, Scott, Univ. West England

Fracted and Corroborate: The Kingship of Shakespeare's Henry V.

  CINPOES, Nicoleta, Univ. Worcester

"Look to her, Moor, if thou hast eyes to see:/ She has deceived her father, and may thee." Do Defrauding Daughters Turn Deviant Wives?

Lunch Time

Salón Grados

Chair: Berta Cano

    ONCINS, José Luis, Univ. Extremadura

A Corpus Stylistic Approach to Shakespeare's Phraseological Language: Some Applications (and Some Complications) (Part 1)

  SÁNCHEZ GARCÍA, Manuel , Univ. Extremadura

A Corpus Stylistic Approach to Shakespeare's Phraseological Language: Some Applications (and Some Complications) (Part 2)

Sala Juntas Chair: Rafael Vélez
    CEREZO, Marta & CORA, Jesús, UNED

Shakespeare's Sonnets 21 in the Light of George Herbert's “Jordan (II)”: Seventeenth-Century Evidence for an Alternative Reading.

  PÉREZ JÁUREGUI, María Jesús, Univ. Sevilla

“Black sparkling eyes”: Henry Constable's Praise of Penelope Rich.


Coffee Break

Salón Grados

Sederi Annual Meeting

Palau Cervelló
(Pza. Tetuán, 3)

Concert by Capella de Ministrers

Restaurante Ana
(Pza. Tetuán, 18)

Conference Dinner


Friday, April 24th

Salón Grados Chair: María José Mora
    FIGUEROA DORREGO, Jorge, Univ. Vigo

The Three London Jilts of the Restoration.

  CHAVES TIRADO, Rubén , Univ. Sevilla

Who Wrote The Life of Mother Shipton and Who Did it First? A Comparison of Richard Head's The Life and Death of Mother Shipton (1677) and Thomas Thompson's The Life of Mother Shipton (1668?).

  TOMÉ ROSALES, Ángeles, Univ. Vigo

"[M]y wife shall make me no cuckold": Comic Masculine Anxiety in Elizabeth Polwhele's The Frolicks (1671) and William Wycherley's The Country Wife (1675).

Sala Juntas Chair: Juan F. Cerdá
    TRONCH, Jesús , Univ. Valencia

Seventy Years of Shakespearean Productions in Spain, 1939-2008.

  BANDÍN FUERTES, Elena , Univ. Murcia

Appropriating Shakespeare in Franco’s Times:
a Sure Bet for Commercial Theatre Companies.

  GREGOR, Keith, Univ. Murcia

Spain's 'National' Shakespeares. A Comparative Approach.


Coffee Break

Salón Grados

PLENARY LECTURE Chair: Juan A. Prieto

  MASSAI, Sonia, King’s College, Univ. London

"To be ever one":
Sexual/Textual Proximities in Early English Drama in Print.

Salón Grados Chair: Rui Carvalho
    LANIER, Douglas, Univ. New Hampshire

Murdering Othello: Valentin, In Othello, Stage Beauty.

  CALBI, Maurizio, Univ. Salerno

“The fowl was foul …the Fair was fair”:
Billy Morrissette’s Reinvention of Macbeth.

Lunch Time

Salón Grados Chair: Manuel J. Gómez Lara
    DE PANDO MENA, Paula, Univ. Sevilla

Phallic Women and Unmanly Kings: History and Scandal in The Fatal Discovery.

  MARTÍNEZ GARCÍA, Laura, Univ. Oviedo

Educating the Female Mind: Female Sense and “Folly” in Mary Pix's The Innocent Mistress (1697).

  MORA SENA, María José , Univ. Sevilla

Gendering the Restoration Prologue.

Sala Juntas Chair: Keith Gregor
    BRÍGIDO CORACHÁN, Anna María , Univ. Valencia

An-Other Narrative in the The Tempest. The Muted Voice of Sycorax and Its Contemporary Legacy.

  CERDÁ MARTÍNEZ, Juan Francisco , Univ. Murcia

Spaces of Patronage: The Enchanted Island and Prospero's Books.

    GARCÍA PERIAGO, Rosa María, Univ. Murcia

"As Osment likes it": Blackness, Homosexuality and the Politics of the Age in This Island's Mine.


Coffee Break

Salón Grados Chair: Ana Sáez
    CALVO LÓPEZ, Clara, Univ. Murcia

Sites of Memory, Sites of Conflict: Early Modern England and WWI.

  GÓMEZ LARA, Manuel José, Univ. Sevilla

Serializing Elizabeth: The Tilbury Speech and the Myth of Elizabeth Revised in The Virgin Queen (BBC, 2005) and Elizabeth I (Channel 4, 2005).

  KETTNICH, Karen & MATUSKA, Agnes, Univ. Szeged

The Vice's Broom:
Creating the Empty Space in Early-Modern English Drama.

    SAWICKA, Ewa, Univ. Warsaw

Self-recognition in Shakespeare's Late Romances:
The Tempest, The Winter's Tale and Cymbeline.

Sala Juntas Chair: Anna Brígido
    MONRÓS GASPAR, Laura, Univ. Alicante

“To be or not to be Shakespeare”:
Robert Reece and Victorian Classical Burlesque.

    DÍEZ GARCÍA, María José , Univ. Salamanca

Ryan J-W Smith's Sweet Love Adieu: The Return of the Bard.

  DE VICENTE SERVIO, Pilar, Univ. Sevilla

The Courier's Tragedy,
a Mock Revenge Tragedy in Thomas Pynchon's The Crying of Lot 49.

    FONT PAZ, Carme, Univ. Autònoma Barcelona

The Case for Prophecy: Politics, Gender and Self-representation in 17th century Prophetic Genres.

Salón Grados

Closing Session


fin de todo