
José Manuel Belenguer is professor in the Departament of Statistics and Operations Research of the Universitat de València. He is graduated in Mathematics in 1986. PhD in 1990 with a doctoral dissertation entitled El poliedro del problema de rutas por arcos con capacidades, advisor: Enrique Benavent. He has been vicedean of the Faculty of Mathematics between November 2005 and March 2012.

Contact information:

Postal address
Departament d'Estadística i Investigació Operativa
Universitat de València
C/ Dr. Moliner 50
46100 Burjassot, València (Spain).
(34) 96 354 3979 (office)

(34) 96 354 4362 (department's secretary)
Fax (34) 96 354 3238
Web page

Last update: October 10, 2015