About Me
I was born in València (Spain) in 1968 and graduated in Mathematics (1991). I got my PhD in Statistics in 2000. The thesis title was “Inference and Prediction in bulk arrival and bulk service queues” and my advisor was Carmen Armero i Cervera.
I have been teaching and doing research in the Universitat de València since 1993. I became Full Professor of Statistics and Operations Research in 2019.
Research groups to which I belong
I am part of two inter-related research groups:
- Valencia Bayesian Research Group (VABAR). Based at the University of Valencia and heir of prominent Bayesians like Susie Bayarri and Juan Ferrándiz.
- Statistical Modeling Ecology Group (SMEG). An inter-disciplinary research group, linking researchers from the Schools of Mathematics and Statistics, Biology and Ecology.
Current Status
- Head of the Department of Statistics and Operational Research, Universitat de València.
- Editor in Chief SORT (Statistics and Operations Research Transactions).
- Associate Editor RevStat-Statistical Journal.
Professional Societies
- Former President of the Spanish Region of the International Biometric Society (2014-2015).