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José Viña


José Viña was born in Valencia, Spain in 1953. After pursuing his studies in Medicine at the University of Valencia, and doing research work under Prof Hans Krebs (Krebs cycle) in Oxford, he obtained his PhD in 1976. Prof Viña taught Physiology at Extremadura University and then returned to Valencia and took up his present position as full Professor of Physiology at the University of Valencia.

Here Prof Viña combines his teaching duties with research work, the latter in two main lines, ageing and exercise. José Viña leads a successful research group named FRESHAGE working on different aspects of ageing, including healthy ageing, exercise and Alzheimer’s disease.

He has published widely (over 350 publications in prestigious international journals) on glutathione, mitochondria, oxidative stress, free radicals and nutrition. Prof Viña has received numerous awards and honours, including the Albert Struyvenberg Medal, awarded by the European Society for Clinical Investigation (ESCI) 2017, the Honda Cero Valencia Prize for Science in 2018, and the Prize for Research Trajectory of the Council of the University of Valencia 2019.

Dr Viña recently gave a lecture in the presidential address of the Gerontological Society of America 2018, will give the opening lecture at the founding symposium of the Portuguese Society for Physiology in November 2019, and a lecture at the Nobel Prize Foundation session on ageing on 22nd May 2019. Dr Viña is a member of the Royal Academy of Medicine of the Valencian Community.

Furthermore, he has been awarded two Doctor honoris causa, Buenos Aires University (Argentina) and Rennes University (France). Dr Vina is President of the Society for Free Radical Research International (SFRR-I).