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Mari Carmen Gómez

Permanent Staff

Dr. Gomez-Cabrera began her teaching work at the University of Valencia in 2006 and is currently a full professor at the Physiology Department of the University of Valencia. She teaches the subject of Physiology of Exercise in the Faculty of Medicine and the Faculty of Physical Activity and Sports Sciences.

She has published more than 85 scientific papers and is a regular contributor to prestigious international journals. Her h index is 27.

She has published 10 book chapters and attended more than 50 international congresses. She has participated in 25 national research projects (6 of them as Principal Investigator) and 3 European research projects.

She has made 4 stays in foreign centers: The University of Southern California, the University of Wisconsin, the University of Liverpool and the University of Minnesota.

Her scientific interests are focused on the study of cell signaling in skeletal muscle by physical exercise (FASEB J. 2004, J Physiol 2005, JAP 2011); the oxidative stress associated with physical exercise and the effect of antioxidant administration (JAMA 2003, AJCN 2008, AJP 2010); the mechanisms involved in primary and secondary sarcopenia (Plos One 2012, Age 2012), as well as in the study of the benefits of physical exercise to ensure healthy aging (Nat Commun 2016; JAMDA 2016; J Physiol 2016; FRBM 2016).

The recognition of her research work has resulted in international research awards, such as the Catherine Pasquier Award, in 2014 (awarded by the Society for Free Radical Research Europe) and national awards such as the García Blanco Medal awarded by the Valencian Foundation of Studies Advanced (year 2004). As a member of FreshAge, she has directed 13 doctoral theses (7 of them as international/European theses).