12:00 – 15:00  Registration and lunch. Place: Hall Faculty of Economics.
15:00 – 16:00  Opening session. Place:  “Ignacio Villalonga” Room .1st floor Faculty of Economics.
Trinidad Casasus. Dean of Faculty of Economics
Pedro Carrasco. Vice Chancellor of Research and Scientific Policy UV
Albert Recio. Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona
16:00 – 16:30  Coffee break. Hall Faculty of Economics.
16:30 – 18:30 Plenary. Economic crisis, gender and social sustainability.  Chair: Jill Rubery
Place:  “Ignacio Villalonga” Room .1st floor Faculty of Economics.
Gender Mainstreaming Recession and Recovery” Smith, M.; Villa, P. and Bettio, F.
The role of the European Employment Estrategy (EES) in the promotion of gender equality in the labour market. A critical appraisal.” Villa, P.
9:00 – 13:00 (including coffee break) Plenary: Life course and crisis: An European perspective. Chairs: Josep Banyuls/Gerhard Bosch
Place: Faculty of Social Sciences and Law 
Shaping the life course: an European perspective” Anxo, D.; Bosch, G.; Rubery, J.
From selective exclusion towards activation: a lifecourse perspective on the French social model” Erhel, C.; Lima, L.; Nicole-Drancourt, C.
From the breadwinner model to "bricolage": Germany in search of a new life course model” Bosch, G.; Jansen, A.
Life stage transitions and the still critical role of the family in Greece” Karamessini, M.
Life-course transitions in Hungary before and after the societal transformation” Spéder, Z.; Kapitány, B.; Neumann, L. 
"La grande illusion" – “How Italy's "American dream" turned sour” Simonazzai, A.; Villa, P.
The uncertain path from the Mediterranean welfare model in Spain” Miguelez, F.; Recio, A.
Towards an active and integrated life course policy: the Swedish experience” Anxo, D.
“The UK welfare state: more than residual but still insufficient” Rubery, J.
13:00 – 14:30 Lunch Hall Faculty of Social Sciences and Law
14:30-16:30 Parallel Sessions I. Place: North classroom building. 2nd floor.
Room N202. Unions at firm and sector level.  Chair: Thomas Haipeter 
Cornerstones in the Finnish paper industry-the growing importance of shop stewards between 1980 and 2005.” Jonker-Hoffrén, P. 
“How Wage Bargaining and Pay Policy Influence Wage Dispersion at the Establishment Level?. The Case of France” Delahaie, N.; Petit, H. 
What can trade unions and works councils do to make jobs better?- An approach from German manufacturing” Schilling, G.; Vanselow, A. 
What are thinking retail actors: workers, unions and firms at retail sector in Spain” Lorente, R.; Ramírez, J.V.
Room N203 Age and recruitment  Chair: Pertti Koistinen
Age-employment-cultures: A missing construct to understand the age-work relationship in different member states of the European Union?” Jansen, A. 
"Precarious Work and Generational Segmentation in Rhône-Alpes” Zubiri-Rey, J. B.; López-Pérez, I. 
"Labour use in the lifespan of firms” Soininen, T.
Room N204 Gender on labour  Chair: Annamaria Simonazzi
Who is supposed to care for the elderly? Sustaining elder care in Germany-the bread winner model revisited?” Kuemmerling, A. 
The Employment in Spanish Care Sector” Recio, C.
The Southern European social model and the high rates of female employment in Portugal” Tavora, I.
Room N205 Minimum wages I  Chair: Albert Recio
Minimum wage system and the crisis response of social partners' strategies in Croatia” Danijel Nestić
Low Pay and the Bumpy Road to Minimum Wages in Germany” Weinkopf, C: 
Minimun wage and industrial relations in Spain: Three Cases-study” Banyuls, J.; Cano, E.; Aguado, E.
16:30-17:00 Coffee Break. Place: Hall Faculty of Social Sciences and Law. 
17:00-18:30 Parallel Sessions II. Place: North classroom building. 2nd floor.
Room N202 Environmental and social sustainability  Chair: Maria Karamessini
“Sustainability and Green Jobs in the Local Brown Economy: Challenges and Contradictions” Collins, D; Bray, M; Burgess, J 
The Effects of Environmental Investments on Employment in the Greek Economy (2010-2020): An Input-Output Approach” Belegri-Roboli, A.; Markaki, M.; Michaelides, P.G.
Italian cities as local contexts for social disadvantage, inequality and poverty.” Alberio, M.
Room N203 Internal and external labour markets  Chair: Maria do Pilar Gonzalez
Sustainability on internal labour markets-Displacements of skilled workers in times of mass higher education?” Voss-Dahm, D. 
Never-ending work days. Supplemental work at home among employees.” Satu, O.
Room N204 Minimum wages II  Chair: Albert Recio
The minimum wage, collective bargaining and trade union strategy: case-study results from the UK” Grimshaw, D.; Rubery, J.; Shepherd, C.
The role of minimum wage in Hungary’s sectors utilizing undeclared work” Neumann, L.
21:00 CONFERENCE DINNER.  Place: Restaurante Messana. C/Catalans 8. "El Carmen" Sector.
9:30-11:30 Parallel Sessions III. North classroom building. 2nd floor.
Room N202: Unions, employers and new actors  Chair: Damian Grimshaw
New Local Actors of Collective Bargaining in Germany. Derogations of Collective Bargaining Agreements and the Codetermination of Works Councils in the Chemical and the Metalworking Industry” Haipeter, T. 
Collective bargaining tensions in Greek and Italian banking: the role of employer associability and labour-state coalitions” Kornelakis, A. 
Labor Unions and Generational Relations on the Teacher Labor Markets in Germany and Poland. A Comparison” Kopycka, K. 
The response of Finnish trade unions to immigration and immigrants since the 1980s in Finland” Ristikari, T.
Room N203: Labour market policies  Chair: László Neumann
A microeconomic assessment of the impact of bonus policy and the promotion of permanent employment” Cebrian, I.; Moreno, G.; Toharia, L. 
Employment Protection in the Context of Collective Displacement-A European view” Koistinen, P. 
Biscuits in the Bread Basket of Europe: Gender implications of remittances for poverty alleviation and social sustainability in Ukraine” Ryndyk, O; Tolstokorova, A. V. 
Dialectics between short term measures and sustainable development and between social and economic factors in the strategy of the Active Labour Market Policy” Sihto, M. 
Room N204 Labour market segmentation in industries  Chair: Dorothea Voss-Dahm
Mismatch Education in the Retail Sector” Cano, F.; Climent, V.
Wages and jobs in the Portuguese air transport industry: how relevant are gender diversities?” Barbot, C. González, P.; Delfim, L. 
New scenes, old references. Chances, resistances, inclusions and exclusions with regard to the work and the past memory, 26 years after the Industrial Restructuring in Puerto de Sagunto” Bodí, J.
Segmentation and Return to Higher Education: a microsimulation of the French Case” Courtioux, P: 
Room N205 Labour activation  Chair: John Burgess
Realities of Activation” Eversberg, D. 
Social investment and the problem of social sustainability: The case of French activation policies” Beraud, M; Eydoux, A 
Labour market policy in Europe: Activation and flexicurity facing the economic crisis” Christine Erhel
11:30-12:00 Coffee Break. Place: Hall Faculty of Social Sciences and Law
12:00-13:00 Parallel Sessions IV. North classroom building (aulari nord)
Room N202 National employment models  Chair: Héloïse Petit
“Are Italian wages set in Berlin?”  Simonazzi, A. 
“The “employment model” an explanatory toll fotr the characteristics of the employment” Lope, A.; Carrasquer, P.; Miguélez, F.; Castelló, L.; Rodriguez, J.
Room N203 Third sector  Chair: Raul Lorente
“Work-Life Balance: Is the Social Economy Sector More Supportive or Does Democratic Management Make a Difference” Tremblay, D. 
“The activation of employment services in Spain: Experiences of diffuse implementation in the third sector” Martín, P.; Artiaga, A.; Tovar, F.J.
13:00-14:30 Lunch  Hall Faculty of Social Sciences and Law
14:30-18:00 (including coffee break Plenary: Economic crisis and employment models  Chair: Albert Recio
“The impact of crisis on job quality” Ward, T. 
“The impact of crisis on different national employment models” Bosch, G.
“Economic crisis and the demise of the Greek model: A socially regressive adjustment in a neo-liberal Europe” Karamessini, M.
9:00-13:30 Social Activity. Nature Tour at Albufera Natural Park 
14:00-16:30 Lunch 




15th March - Deadline for submission of abstracts

31st March - Announcement of selected abstracts

1st April - Conference registration opens

15th May - Last day for payment of early bird fee

15th June - Deadline for conference registration and submission of full papers

14th-17th July - Conference in Valencia