C U R R I C U L U M      V I T A E      R E S U M E
Family name, First name: REDON, JOSEP
Researcher unique identifier: ORCID: 0000-0001-8777-6773
Date of birth: 10/16/1950
Nationality: Spain
URL: http://www.uv.es/jredon
1985 PhD in Medicine. University of Valencia, Spain
1978 Specialist in Internal Medicine
1974 Graduate in Medicine. University of Valencia
1995 – Director and Head of Institute of Medicine. Hospital Clinico. University of Valencia
1995 – Full Professor of Medicine. School of Medicine. University of Valencia
1995 – Coordinator of the Research Group in Cardiovascular and Renal disease, INCLIVA Research Institute, University of Valencia
1995 Director and Head of Internal Medicine. Hospital Clinico, University of Valencia. Spain
2009 – 2017 Scientific Director. INCLIVA Research Institute. ISCIII and University of Valencia
1981 – 1995 Director and Head of Internal Medicine. Hospital of Sagunto. Spain
1978 – 1981 Specialist of Internal Medicine. Hospital La Fe, Valencia. Spain
2019 Björn Folkow Award in Research. European Society of Hypertension. Milan. Italy
2016 DOCTOR HONORIS CAUSA by the University of Carol Davila, Bucharest, Rumania.
2005 – 2018 Honorary member of the Hypertension Societies of Portugal (Lisbon 2005), Bulgaria (Sophia 2008), Latin-American (LASH, Caracas 2013); Romania (Bucharest 2014), Spain (Oviedo 2014), Argentina (Buenos Aires, 2014), European (Milan 2016), Central America and Caribbean (Santo Domingo 2018)
2010 Award for Health Excellence from the European Institute of Health and Social Welfare. Madrid. Spain
1991 – 1993 Fellowship in Nephrology and Hypertension. North-Western University, Chicago, IL, USA
1995 – Graduate students: 65; Postdoc 18. School of Medicine and INCLIVA Research. University of Valencia. Spain
Mentoring metrics:
- Publications co-authored: 33 scientific articles (Q1) first authored by the mentorees while supervised in my research group and myself as Senior or corresponding authorship.
- Current positions of mentored: 2 Full Professors, 5 Associated Professors; 2 Heads of Department, 4 Head of Unit
- Relevant achievements: 4 with Grants for training in Medical Research with stages abroad, from the ISCIII (minister of Health, Madrid)
2011 – Professor at the Summer School and Master Courses of the European Society of Hypertension, yearly held Asia and The Americas.
2005 – Professor at the Summer School of the European Society of Hypertension, yearly held in Europe, Asia and The Americas.
1995 – Full Professor – Physiopathology and Semiology. School of Medicine. University of Valencia
1993 – 1995 Associate Professor – Physiopathology and Semiology. School of Medicine. University of Valencia
1995 – Director and co-Director of 33 Doctoral Thesis.
2019 BigMedilytics Project. International Meeting. Valencia, Spain (210 participants)
2019 President of Symposium: State of the Art of Cardiovascular Disease in Latin-America. University Cayetano Heredia (Lima) and University of Valencia. Lima (Peru) (789 participants)
2018 Co-President. European Society of Hypertension and Cardiovascular risk. Barcelona, Spain (4800 participants)
2003 President. Spanish Society of Hypertension and Cardiovascular Risk. Valencia. Spain (3500 (participants)
1991 President. Spanish Society of Hypertension and Cardiovascular Risk. Valencia. Spain (1200 participants)
2016 – Director of the Institute of Medicine in the Hospital Clinico, University of Valencia
2009 – 2017 Scientific Director. INCLIVA Research Institute. ISCIII, Madrid and University of Valencia
2007 – 2010 International Advisory Board of "CRESCENDO"; 21 COE programme Tohoku University, Japan
2007 – 2010 Clinical Advisor of the National Centre for Cardiovascular Research (ISCIII, Madrid)
2005 – 2014 Member of the PhD Committee, Medical School, University of Valencia
2004 – 2010 President of the Quality Board, Hospital Clínico of Valencia
2019 – Member of the National Agency for Evaluation of Professors, Minister of Education, Culture, Universities and Research. Spanish Government.
2017 – Vice-Chair Board of Management of Journal Hypertension -Milan (Q1)
2016 – Associate Editor Journal of Hypertension - Milan (Q1)
2010 – 2016 Member of Board of Hypertension – AHA - Hagerstown (D1)
2010 Member of Board of Journal of Hypertension - Milan (Q1),
2010 – Member of Board of Blood Pressure Monitoring - Farmington (Q2)
2000 – Member of Commission for Selection of Professors in Universities across Spain
1995 – Reviewer of Cardiovascular and Internal Medicine Scientific Journals: Circulation, Hypertension, Journal of Hypertension, American Journal of Hypertension, American Journal of Medicine, American Journal of Kidney Disease, European Heart Journal, Nephrology Dialysis and Transplantation, Annals of Internal Medicine.
2015 – 2017 Vice-President I2CV. Research Institution of link between University of Valencia and Polytechnic University of Valencia
2011 – 2013 President of European Society of Hypertension
2005 – 2011 Board of European Society of Hypertension
2000 – 2004 President of Spanish Society of Hypertension
1993 – 2000 Board of Spanish Society of Hypertension
From a total number of 597 international and 179 national, I select some from the last 2 years
2019 Björn Folkow Award Lecture 29 th European Meeting on Hypertension and Cardiovascular Protection. Milan (Italy). Lecture: 29 th European Meeting on Hypertension and Cardiovascular Protection. Milan (Italy).
2018 Lecture: 1st European Society of Hypertension and Chinese Hypertension League. Peking (China).
Lecture: ESC/ESH Guidelines on BP-Lowering Treatment. Munich (Germany).
Lecture: 26th Annual Congress of the Hungarian Society of Hypertension. Budapest (Hungary).
Lecture: International Forum for the evaluation of Cardiovascular Care. Dubai (Emirates)
Daniel Batlle. Head of Department of Nephrology. Northwestern University (renal studies). Chicago IL, USA
Richard Cooper. Head of Department of Cardiovascular Epidemiology, Loyola University. (cardiovascular epidemiology). Maywood. IL. USA
Ruben Artero. Head of Laboratory of Translational Genomics. University of Valencia (animal genomics)
Esteban Morcillo. Full Professor Department of Pharmacology and Dean of the University. University of Valencia (drug treatments)
Guiseppe Mancia, Full Professor Department of Cardiology, University Milano-Bicocca (hypertension and cardiovascular risk)
Appendix: All on-going grants and submitted grants applications of the PI (Funding ID)
On-going Grants
Project Title Funding source Budget Amount (€)* Period Role of the PI Relation to current ERC proposal
BigMedilytics: Big data for medical analytics H2020 ICT 1,062,136 2018 - 2021 Partner [Leader of WP 2 (Population health and chronic disease, comprised of 5 pilots including two on Kidney disease and Heart failure), and Pilots 1 (Comorbidities) and 10 (Sepsis) Use of AI applied to genomics data to identify biomarkers correlated with medically relevant phenomena
BODYPASS: API-ecosystem for crosssectorial exchange of 3D personal data H2020 ICT 351,937 2018 - 2021 Partner [Leader of Task 5.2 and responsible of deliverables on Data privacy and Data protection impact assessment] Unrelated
BigData@Heart: Big Data for Better Hearts IMI2 386,250 2017 - 2022 Partner [Leader of the Tasks 2.4 (development of computational approaches for heart diseases phenotyping and definition), 4.2 (Omic data enrichment and biomarkers identification)] Big Data (including Omics) advanced analytics for understanding a broad range of heart diseases
*Budget to our group
Grant applications
Project Title Funding source Budget (€)* Period Role of the PI Relation to current ERC proposal
ACARE@ME: Advanced care model in multimorbid elderly patients H2020 - SC1 - BHC 1,269,375 2021 - 2024 Coordinator of the Project [Leader of 3 WPs, including the Design of the new care model and the Ethics and legal requirements] Development of new care models for cardiopulmonary and multimorbid patients.

AIMM: Artificial intelligence for multiMorbidity H2020 - SC1 - DTH 493,000 2021 - 2023 Partner [Leads WP5 and acts as Pilot site] Patients with multimorbidities including cardiac and kidney diseases are the target population
ARCH: AI for augmenting and automating realtime operational and clinical hospital workflows H2020 - DT - ICT 648,000 2021 - 2023 Partner [Leads WP7 and Tasks 1.5 (Security and privacy of data access), 7.1-3] Unrelated
DISCLO-SED: Digital diagnostics platform for H2020 - SC1 - BHC 313,750 2021 - 2025

Partner Selection of genetic biomarkers for sepsis risk sepsis early detection
HYPERNET: Safety and efficacy of a biomarkerguided, first-inclass, curative intervention by drug repurposing in hypertensive patients by network pharmacology H2020 - SC1 - BHC 259,372 2021 - 2025 Partner [Member of the Clinical Trial Management Committee] Trial on a genetic biomarker-guided (Nitric oxide), mechanism-based, and potentially curative intervention in hypertensive patients
SELF: Smart eHealth hospital of the future H2020 - DT - ICT 780,375 2021 - 2023 Partner Patients with high hospitalization risk due to cardiac and/or kidney chronic diseases are the target population
WELLBASED: Improving health, wellbeing and equality by evidenced-based urban policies for tackling energy poverty H2020 - SC1 - BHC 376,937 2021 - 2024 Partner [Leader of WP7 (Ethics and data protection), Tasks 4.2, 7.1-4, and the implementation of machine learning analyses for health-related data] Unrelated

*Budget to our group

Ten years track-record
239 Scientific publications in peer-reviewed international journals, including:
- Journal of Hypertension (58) - Hypertension (18)
- European Heart Journal (14) - Lancet (10) - PLOS ONE (10)
No of citations: 29590 - h-index:75 - Citations/article:123 - First/last/corresponding author:77
204 Lectures in Meetings organized by the most relevant scientific societies in the field
15 Research projects participated: - International programs: 6 - National programs: 7 as PI
2019 Björn Folkow Award in Research, European Society of Hypertension. (Italy, 2019);
2018 Highly Cited Researcher of Clarivate Analytics (2018),
2016 DOCTOR HONORIS CAUSA by the University of Carol Davila (Rumania, 2016);
2013-2018 Honorary Member of the Hypertension Societies of Latin-America (LASH) (2013) Rumania (2014), Argentina (2014), Spain (2014), European (2016), and Central America and the Caribbean (2018).
2010 Award for Health Excellence, European Institute of Health and Social Welfare (Spain, 2010)
Activity in research and clinician has enabled the translation of new concepts from bench to the clinic
A) Funder and leading process of accreditation of a Research Institute, INCLIVA, a leading Institute linked to the University of Valencia and pertaining to the ISCIII (Minister of Economy and Competition, Spanish Government) dedicated to translational research with 31 groups of research in several disciplines (www.incliva.es), for which I served as Scientific Director from 2009 until 2017.
B) Research group in studies of renal damage in hypertension and the impact on cardiovascular and renal risk. My continuous and dedicated work in the field of hypertension, cardiovascular and renal diseases from my origins in North-Western University was subsequently pursued at the University of Valencia
(i). My initial studies of BP (Kidney Int 1996, NEJM 2002) and metabolic (J Hypertens 1997, Hypertension 2002) factors related to UAE, followed by others research groups, examined to the link between UAE and left ventricular hypertrophy (J Hypertens 2013) changes under antihypertensive treatment in long-term follow-up and their prognostic value on cardiovascular risk (Hypertension 2014) providing the background for Recommendations in the use of the measurement of urinary albumin excretion in small amounts as a marker of cardiovascular risk in hypertensives Guidelines for the treatment of Hypertension ESH-ESC 2013 and 2018 (European Heart Journal 2013, 2018) and the Assessment of Cardiovascular Risk of ESC in 2016 (European Heart Journal Cardiovasc Prevent 2016).
(ii). In parallel molecular studies in a key cell of the kidney for UAE filtration, podocytes, and excretion in urine was developed. This identified the role of miRNA 26a, through the TGFbeta, in the podocyte damage and their potential role as a marker of future renal damage progression (PLOsOne 2015, NDT 2016, PLOsOne 2016, Int J Mol Sci 2017, Redox Biol 2017, Clin Sci 2018, J Hypertens 2018, J Trans Med 2018, J Hypertens 2018). The impact of genetic background in UAE was also assessed in various studies by my group (J Hypertens 2010; Am J Hypertens 2011, PLOsOne 2014), identifying the association with genes of the renin-angiotensin system and association with one component of the Rab GTPases system, which the starting point of the present proposal (Disease Models & Mechanisms 2020, Am J Renal Physiology 2020).
(iii). In the last years, the studies of renal damage incorporated the use of Big-Data and Artificial Intelligence with development of population studies in the clustering of cardiac and renal disease founded by the EU through three important research projects BigData@heart (IMI2-2015-07-07, reference FPP116074- 2), BODYPASS (ICT-14 - 779780) and BigMedilytics (ICT-15 - 780495) in which I perform a relevant role (see Annex)
C) Epidemiologic and Clinical studies
(i). Clinical study that was a translational milestone was in the Guidelines for the use of 24-hour ABPM in resistant hypertension, which was the first article to demonstrate the utility for risk stratification of cardiovascular events for risk stratification and in normotensive patients with diabetes mellitus type 1 for the risk of developing diabetic nephropathy. Its authority in the field is reflected in a number of publications and reference articles that paved the way for future research in the field, such as the recently published (Hypertension 2014). This led to the setting of standards for diagnostic and therapeutic recommendations in the International Guidelines for Management of Hypertension and Cardiovascular Risk, guidelines, in which I have participated as both writer and section coordinator (Hypertension 2013, 2018; Ambulatory BP monitoring ESH-ISH, 2014, 2016), Home BP (2010), Elderly (2016); Children and adolescents (2016), Central Blood Pressure (2014), Cardiovascular Risk (2016) and Resistant Hypertension (2013, 2015, 2016)
(ii). International Epidemiological Studies and the Phase II and Phase III Clinical Trials of new antihypertensive drugs (48 trials) and studies of impact on morbidity and mortality (16 trials, one ONTARGET as a member of the International Steering Committee). Especially relevant are the epidemiological studies that have established the causes of different cerebrovascular mortality in the different regions of Spain, identifying stroke mortality as a marker of the state of hypertension (Eur Heart J 2011). This led to the establishment of a working group of the European Society of Hypertension in collaboration with the European Office of the World Health Organization, of which I am the coordinator, to provide a platform for monitoring the evolution of the control of hypertension in different European countries.
(iii). Cooperative studies on Obesity (Lancet 2011; Lancet 2016) Diabetes (Lancet Diabet Endocrin 2015) Cardiovascular Risk Factors (Lancet, 2011, Lancet 2011, Circulation 2013) and dyslipidemia (Nature 2020).
Summary of Scientific contributions (WOS) (1975 – June 2020)
H Index 75; Publications 560, Citations 52407

Selected top ten recent publications:
In the field of hypertension, renal damage and cardiovascular diseases, the most relevant publications are:
  • Selma-Soriano E, Llamusi B, Fernandez-Costa JM, Ozimski LL, Artero R, Redon J. Rabphilin involvement in filtration and molecular uptake in Drosophila nephrocytes suggests a similar role in human podocytes. Dis Model Mech. 2020 Jul 17:dmm.041509. doi: 10.1242/dmm.041509 IF 2019: 4.651 Q1 Citation 0
  • Lopez C, Holgado JL, Fernandez A, Sauri I, Uso R, Trillo JL, Vela S, Bea C, Nunez J, Ferrer A, Gamez J, Ruiz A, Redon J. Impact of Acute Hemoglobin Falls in Heart Failure Patients: A Population Study. J Clin Med. 2020;9: e1869. doi: 10.3390/jcm9061869. IF 2019: 6.780 Q1 Citation 0
  • Martínez F, Pichler G, Ruiz A, Martín-Escudero JC, Chaves FJ, Gonzalez-Albert V, Tellez-Plaza M, Heerspink HJL, Zeeuw DDE, Redon J. Immune-unreactive urinary albumin as a predictor of cardiovascular events: the Hortega Study. Nephrol Dial Transplant. 2019;34:633-641. IF 2019: 4.531 Q1 Citation 0
  • Redon J, Tellez-Plaza M, Orozco-Beltran D, Gil-Guillen V, Pita Fernandez S, Navarro-Perez J, Pallares V, Valls F, Fernandez A, Perez-Navarro AM, Sanchis C, Dominguez-Lucas A, Sanz G, Martin- Moreno JM. Impact of hypertension on mortality and cardiovascular disease burden in patients with cardiovascular risk factors from a general practice setting: the ESCARVAL-risk study. J Hypertens 2016;34:1075-1083. IF 2016: 4.085 Q1 Citation 19
  • Perez-Hernandez J, Olivares MD, Forner MJ, Chaves FJ, Cortes R, Redon J. Urinary dedifferentiated podocytes as a non-invasive biomarker of lupus nephritis. Nephrol Dial Transplant. 2016;31:780-9. IF 2016: 4.470 Q1 Citation 18
  • Marrachelli VG, Monleon D, Rentero P, Mansego ML, Morales JM, Galan I, Segura R, Martinez F, Martin-Escudero JC, Briongos L, Marin P, Lliso G, Chaves FJ, Redon J. Genomic and Metabolomic Profile Associated to Microalbuminuria. PLOS ONE 2014;9:e98227. doi 10.1371/journal.pone.0098227. IF 2014: 3.234 Q1 Citation 9
  • Pascual MJ, Rodilla E, Costa JA, Garcia-Escrich M, Gonzalez C, Redon J. Prognostic Value of Microalbuminuria During Antihypertensive Treatment in Essential Hypertension. Hypertension 2014;64:1228-1234. IF 2014: 6.499 D1 Citation 30
  • Lurbe E, Thijs L, Torro MI, Alvarez J, Staessen JA, Redon J. Sexual Dimorphism in the Transition From Masked to Sustained Hypertension in Healthy Youths. Hypertension 2013;62:410-414. IF 2013: 7.632 D1 Citation 22
  • Redon J, Mancia G, Sleight P, Schumacher H, Gao P, Pogue J, Fagard R, Verdecchia P, Weber M, Boehm M, Williams B, Yusoff K, Teo K, Yusuf S. Safety and Efficacy of Low Blood Pressures Among Patients with Diabetes Subgroup Analyzes From the ONTARGET (ONgoing Telmisartan Alone and in combination with Ramipril Global Endpoint Trial). J Am Coll Cardiol 2012;59:74-83. IF 2012 14.086 D1 Citation 122
  • Redon J, Olsen MH, Cooper RS, Zurriaga O, Martinez-Beneito MA, Laurent S, Cifkova R, Coca A, Mancia G. Stroke mortality and trends from 1990 to 2006 in 39 countries from Europe and Central Asia: implications for control of high blood pressure. Eur Heart J 2011;32:1424-1431. IF 2012 10.478 D1 Citation 134