Group Members


Víctor A. Lórenz-Fonfría / Group Leader
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Jesús Salgado
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Postdocs and PhD Students

Deborah Aurora Perini         

Position: Postdoc (2023), ICMol, UV, Topic: Photoswitchable membrane peptides.
Degrees: Graduate in Chemical Safety and Toxicological Environmental Sciences (2014), Universitá degli studi di Milano - unimi , Italy. Master's in Ecotoxicology and Environmental Sustainability (2016), Universitá di Siena - unisi , Italy.

  • Exchange student (BEFPI, GVA) (2020): , University of Copenhagen, Denmark. Topic: Permeation of polystyrene nanoparticles across model lipid membranes.

Mónica V. Gutiérrez Salazar

Position: PhD student / FPI (2018), ICMol, UV, Topic: Photoswitchable membrane peptides.
Degrees: Graduate in Biotechnology (2016), Universitat Politècnica de València - UPV. Master's in Molecular Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (2016), UV.

  • Master's thesis (2015-16): MemBioPhys, UV, Spain. Topic: Photoswitching of hydrophobic and amphiphilic peptides in lipidic environments.

Mateo Calle Velásquez

Position: PhD student / FPI (2021), ICMol, UV, Topic: Chemical and optical control of the structure and orientation of membrane peptides.
Degrees: Graduate in Biochemistry (2019), Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona - UAB. Master's in Neuroscience (2020), UAB.

Master's and Undergraduate Students

Ilona Benakli-Grosso

Position: Master student in Chemistry – 2nd-year Research Internship (2024), ICMol, UV. Topic: Optical control of the folding and membrane topology of helical transmembrene proteins.
