A. Navarro-Quiles (2014). Series de Eisenstein y la función discriminante. (Ponència). I Congreso Conjunto del Master y del Doctorado en Investigación Matemática . ESPANYA
M.-C. Casabán, J.-C. Cortés, A. Navarro-Quiles, M.-D. Roselló, J.-V. Romero, R.-J. Villanueva. (2014). Probabilistic solution of Ricatti homogeneous problems. (Ponència). Mathematical Modelling in Engineering and Human Behaviour 2014 Conference 'The use of Random Variable Transformations for solving nonlinear random differential equations'. En: Modelling for engineering and human behavior 2014. pp. 43 - 49. 2014. ISBN 978-84-606-5746-0 . Valencia . ESPANYA
M.-C. Casabán, J.-C. Cortés, A. Navarro-Quiles, M.-D. Roselló, J.-V. Romero, R.-J. Villanueva. (2015). Bernoulli differential equation: Probabilistic analysis and computing. (Ponència). Mathematical Modelling in Engineering and Human Behaviour 2015 Conference 'Modeling a fishery problem using random differential equations: The randomized Bertalanffy model'. En: Modelling for engineering and human behaviour 2015. pp. 248 - 254. (España): 2015. ISBN 978-84-608-5355-8 . Valencia . ESPANYA
J.-C. Cortés, A. Navarro-Quiles, M.-D. Roselló, J.-V. Romero (2016). Modelling stroke disease combining Markov processes and the random variable transformation method. (Comunicació). IWBBIO 2016 (4th International Work-Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedial Engineering) 'Modelling stroke disease combining Markov processes and the random variable transformation method'. En: Proceedings of Extended Abstracts. pp. 176 - 180. (España): 2016. ISBN 978-84-16478-75-0 . Granada . ESPANYA
J.-C. Cortés, A. Navarro-Quiles, M.-D. Roselló, J.-V. Romero (2016). Markov process and random variable transformation technique to model a stroke disease. (Ponència). Mathematical Modelling in Engineering and Human Behaviour 2016 Conference 'Markov process and random variable transformation technique to model a stroke disease.'. En: Modelling for engineering and human behaviour 2016. pp. 186 - 190. (España): 2016. ISBN 978-84-617-7205-6 . Valencia . ESPANYA
J.-C. Cortés, A. Navarro-Quiles, M.-D. Roselló, J.-V. Romero (2016). Approximating the first probability distribution function of the solution stochastic process to second-order random linear time-dependent differential equations with regular points. (Ponència). Mathematical Modelling in Engineering and Human Behaviour 2016 Conference 'Approximating the first probability distribution function of the solution stochastic process to second-order random linear time-dependent differential equations with regular points'. En: Modelling for engineering and human behavior 2016. pp. 73 - 77. (España): 2016. ISBN 978-84-617-7205-6 . Valencia . ESPANYA
J.-C. Cortés, A. Navarro-Quiles, M.-D. Roselló, J.-V. Romero (2017). A full probabilistic study of the Cauchy-Euler random differential equation. (Ponència). XXV Congress on Differential Equations and Applications / XV Congress on Applied Mathematics
Libro de comunicaciones Definitivas presentadas en CEDYA+CMA 2017. pp. 537 - 542. (España): 2017. ISBN 978-84-944402-1-2 . Cartagena . ESPANYA
J.-C. Cortés, A. Navarro-Quiles, M.-D. Roselló, J.-V. Romero (2017). A full probabilistic study of the Cauchy-Euler random differential equation. (Comunicació). 17th International Conference on Computational and Mathematical Methods in Science and Engineering (CMMSE 2017) 'Some results about randomized binary Markov chains: Theory and computing'. En: Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Computational and Mathematical Methods in Science and Engineering (CMMSE 2017). pp. 665 - 673. (España): 2017. ISSN 2312-0177, ISBN 978-84-617-8694-7 . Rota . ESPANYA
J.-C. Cortés, A. Navarro-Quiles, M.-D. Roselló, J.-V. Romero (2017). Computing the first probability density function of non-autonomous linear random differential equations by Karhunen-Loêve expansion. (Comunicació). 17th International Conference on Computational and Mathematical Methods in Science and Engineering (CMMSE 2017) 'Computing the first probability density function of non-autonomous linear random differential equations by Karhunen-Loêve expansion'. En: Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Computational and Mathematical Methods in Science and Engineering (CMMSE 2017). pp. 674 - 683. (España): 2017. ISSN 2312-0177, ISBN 978-84-617-8694-7 . Rota . ESPANYA
J.-C. Cortés, A. Navarro-Quiles, M.-D. Roselló, J.-V. Romero (2017). The randomized Non-Autonomous Scaled logistic differential Equation: Theory and Applications. (Ponència). Mathematical Modelling in Engineering and Human Behaviour 2017 Conference 'The Randomized Non-Autonomous Scaled Logistic Differential Equation: Theory and Applications'. En: Modelling for engineering and human behaviour 2017. pp. 229 - 233. (España): ISBN 978-84-697-8505-8 . Valencia . ESPANYA
A. Navarro-Quiles (2018). Random Variable Transformation technique to solve differential equations with uncertainty. (Ponència). First Bymat conference: bringing Young mathematicians together . Madrid . ESPANYA
J.-C. Cortés, A. Navarro-Quiles, M.-D. Roselló, J.-V. Romero (2018). Solving the random Pielou logistic equation with the random variable transformation technique. (Comunicació). 18th International Conference on Computational and Mathematical Methods in Science and Engineering CMMSE 2018 . Rota . ESPANYA
J.-C. Cortés, A. Navarro-Quiles, M.-D. Roselló, J.-V. Romero (2018). The random variable transformation method to solve random non-autonomous second-order linear differential equations about singular-regular points. (Ponència). Mathematical Modelling in Engineering and Human Behaviour 2018 Conference 'The RVT method to solve random non-autonomous second-order linear differential equations about singular-regular points'. En: Modelling for engineering and human behaviour 2018. pp. 243 - 248. (España): 2018. ISBN 978-84-09-07541-6 . Valencia . ESPANYA
Barrachina-Martínez I, A. Navarro-Quiles, Ramos, M. (2018). Probabilistic solution of a random model to study the effectiveness of anti-epileptic drugs. (Comunicació). Mathematical Modelling in Engineering and Human Behaviour 2018 Conference 'Probabilistic solution of a random model to study the effectiveness of antiepileptic drugs'. En: Modelling for engineering and human behaviour 2018. pp. 268 - 273. (España): 2018. ISBN 978-84-09-07541-6 . Valencia . ESPANYA
J.-C. Cortés, A. Navarro-Quiles, J.-V. Romero, M.-D. Roselló (2018). Numerical solution to the random heat equation with zero Cauchy-type boundary conditions. (Comunicació). Mathematical Modelling in Engineering and Human Behaviour 2018 Conference 'Numerical solution to the random heat equation with zero Cauchy-type boundary conditions'. En: Modelling for engineering and human behaviour 2018. pp. 280 - 285. (España): 2018. ISBN 978-84-09-07541-6 . Valencia . ESPANYA
Tomás Caraballo, J.-C. Cortés, A. Navarro-Quiles (2019). Probabilistic solution of a randomized first order differential equation with discrete delay. (Ponència). Mathematical Modelling in Engineering and Human Behaviour 2019 Conference 'Probabilistic solution of a randomized first order differential equation with discrete delay'. En: Modelling for engineering and human behaviour 2019. pp. 151 - 154. (España): 18/11/2019. ISBN 978-84-09-16428-8 . Valencia . ESPANYA
J.-C. Cortés, A. Navarro-Quiles, J.-V. Romero, M.-D. Roselló (2019). Analysis of finite dimensional linear control systems subject to uncertainties via probabilistic densities. (Comunicació). Mathematical Modelling in Engineering and Human Behaviour 2019 Conference 'Analysis of finite dimensional linear control systems subject to uncertainties via probabilistic densities'. En: Modelling for engineering and human behavior 2019. pp. 176 - 179. (España): 19/11/2019. ISBN 978-84-09-16428-8 . Valencia . ESPANYA
J.-C. Cortés, A. Navarro-Quiles, J.-V. Romero, M.-D. Roselló (2020). Statistical solution of a second-order chemical reaction. (Ponència). Mathematical Modelling in Engineering and Human Behaviour 2020 Conference 'Statistical solution of a second-order chemical reaction'. En: Modelling for engineering and human behavior 2020. pp. 115 - 120. (España): 10/11/2020. ISBN 978-84-09-25132-2 . Valencia . ESPANYA
A. Navarro-Quiles (2020). Statistical analysis of biological models with uncertainty. (Ponència). Uncertainties 2020 - Uncertainty Quantification and Stochastic Modeling . Rouen . FRANÇA
A. Navarro-Quiles (2020). Probabilistic analysis of chemical reactions with uncertainty in its formulation. (Ponència). International Conference on Applied Nonlinear Analysis & Soft Computing (ANASC - 2020) . ÍNDIA
A. Navarro-Quiles (2021). Probabilistic solution of a finite dimensional linear control system with uncertainty. (Ponència). ICMC Summer meeting on differential equations - 2021 Chapter (Special session on Stochastic Dynamics) . BRASIL
A. Navarro-Quiles (2021). Probabilistic analysis of a general kinetic equation with randomness in its formulation via the computation of the first probability density function. (Ponència). Join Conferences HPC 2021 and CMMSE 2021 . ESPANYA
A. Navarro Quiles (2022). El método de Transformación de Variables Aleatorias para resolver ecuaciones diferenciales con incertidumbre. (Ponència). XXIX Congreso Nacional de Estadística e Investigación Operativa y de las XIII Jornadas de Estadística Pública (SEIO 2022) . ESPANYA
A. Navarro Quiles (2022). Analysis of the effect of the randomized damping coefficient on the response of a SDOF system. (Ponència). International Conference on Mathematical Analysis and Applications in Science and Engineering-ICMAS2SC'22 . PORTUGAL
A. Navarro Quiles (2023). Análisis probabilístico de problemas de control con incertidumbre. (Ponència). XL Congreso Nacional de Estadística e Investigación Operativa y de las XV Jornadas de Estadística Pública (SEIO 2023) . ESPANYA
A. Navarro-Quiles (2023). Solving a homogeneous linear second-order differential equation with randomized complex coefficients. (Ponència). Mathematical Modelling in Engineering & Human Behaviour 2023 . ESPANYA