Joaquín Madera Gil. 2015. Scientific Comittee. . I International Congress Performance Analysis of Sport and Coaching Valencia. ESPANYA.
J. Casaña, M. Zarzoso, J. Madera, G.V. Espí-López, R. Ortega, J. Benítez, Y. Ezzatvar. 2015. Physio-Sqat: a New Tool in the Physical Therapy Degree. . 9th International Technology, Education and Development Conference INTED 2015 Madrid. ESPANYA.
Gargallo, P.; Flandez, J.; Colado, J.C.; Calatayud, J.; Madera, J.; Moya, D. 2014. Elastic tubing and free weights achieved comparable improvements in pre and post-menopausal women. . IV International National Conference of the National Strength Conditioning Association (NSCA) La Ñora, Murcia. ESPANYA.
Colado, J.C., Fritz, N., Monrroy, M., Sotomayor, C., Calatayud, J., Madera, J. 2014. CHARACTERIZATION OF HEALTH FITNESS AS MOTOR DYSFUNCTIONS INDICATOR: PILOT STUDY IN ADOLESCENTS OF VALDIVIA CITY (CHILE). . IV International National Conference of the National Strength Conditioning Association (NSCA) La Ñora, Murcia. ESPANYA.
Gemma Espí, Julio Fernández, Rosario Zurriaga,Joaquín Madera Gil, José Casaña Granell, Josep Carles Benítez,Yasser Alakhdar,Lluís Such Miquel, Clara Blasco Igual, Jose Mº Blasco, José Sánchez Frutos Francisco Martínez. 2014. FISIOTICS (Generació, edició i distribució d'objectes d'aprenentatge multimèdia com a recurs per a la docència i l'estudi de la Fisioterapia). . V TROBADES D´INNOVACIÓ EDUCATIVA DE LA UNIVERSITAT DE VALÈNCIA. SERVICIO DE FORMACIÓN PERMANENTE VALENCIA. ESPANYA.
Zarzoso M.; Martínez F.; Such L.; Espí G.; Madera J.; Benítez J.; Casaña J. 2014. Learning through games: the use of Crosswords as an educational tool in the Degree of Physiotherapy. . INTED 2014. International Technology, Education and Development Conference Valencia. ESPANYA.
Madera J.; Such L.; Zarzoso M.; Alakhdar Y.; Benítez J.; Martínez F.; Casaña J. 2014. Degree Final Project tools tutorials. . INTED 2014. International Technology, Education and Development Conference Valencia. ESPANYA.
Such-Miquel L.; Benítez J.; Madera J.; Sánchez J.; Blasco J.M.; Casaña J. 2013. New Additional Teaching Material as a Resource for Comprehension and Study of the General Pathology at the Degree of Physiotherapy. . INTED 2013. International Technology, Education and Development Conference Valencia. ESPANYA.
Casaña J.; Zurriaga R; Martínez-Arnau F.; Madera J.; Benítez J.; Sánchez J.; Alakhdar Y.; Blasco J.M.; Fernández J.; Such L.; Espí G. 2013. Fisiotics: An Educational Innovative Project in the Grade of Physiotherapy. . INTED 2013. International Technology, Education and Development Conference Valencia. ESPANYA.
Casaña J.; Madera J.; Benítez J.; Espí G.; Zurriaga R. ;Alakhdar Y. 2013. 'Associating images'. New proposal for learning in practical sessions of physiotherapy. . INTED 2013. International Technology, Education and Development Conference Valencia. ESPANYA.