Maria Jesús García-Murria, Gerard Duart, Brayan Grau, Ismael Mingarro, Luis Martínez-Gil. 2019. Contribution of viral Bcl2 transmembrane domains to host-pathogen protein-protein interactions. . SEV-GVN 2019: XV Congress of the Spanish Society of Virology (Sociedad Española de Virología, SEV) / 11th International Meeting GVN, Global Virus Network Barcelona. ESPANYA.
Brayan Grau; Matti Javanainen; María J. García-Murria; Waldemar Kulig; Ilpo Vatulainen; Ismael Mingarro; Luis Martinez-Gil. 2019. The role of hydrophobic mismatch on transmembrane dimerization in living cells. . Biophysical Society 63rd Annual Meeting Baltimore, Maryland. ESTATS UNITS D'AMÈRICA.
García-Murria MJ; Expósito-Domínguez N; Duart G; Mingarro, I; Martínez-Gil L. 2019. A new system of bimolecular and intercellular complementation to identify modulators of fusion of biological membranes. . 42 Congreso de la Sociedad Española de Bioquímica y Biología Molecular - Madrid 2019 Madrid. ESPANYA.
Gerard Duart, Mª Jesús García-Murria, Brayan Grau, José M. Acosta-Cáceres, Luis Martínez-Gil and Ismael Mingarro. 2020. Membrane integration and topology of SARS-CoV-2 E (envelope) protein. . 2ND RESEARCH SYMPOSIUM ON CORONAVIRUS/ XIX JORNADA DE VIROLOGIA ESPANYA.
Manuel Bañó Polo; María Jesús García Murria; Luis Martínez Gil; Ismael Mingarro Muñoz; Rubén León Berríos. 2021. Estudio Del Mecanismo De Acción Del Cloruro De Cetilpiridinio (CPC) Sobre SARS-CoV-2. . 2º Congreso Nacional Multidisciplinar Covid19 de las Sociedades Científicas de España ESPANYA.
Noemí Farinós-Navajas, Augusto Juste-Dolz, Yeray Pallás-Tamarit, William Teixeira, Ismael Mingarro, Luís Martínez-Gil, María Jesús García-Murria, David Giménez-Romero, Sergi Morais, Angel Maquieira. 2021. DETECCIÓN DE ANTÍGENOS DE SARS-COV-2 EN MUESTRAS DE SALIVA MEDIANTE MICROBALANZA DE CRISTAL DE CUARZO. . XIV International Workshop on Sensors and Molecular Recognition ESPANYA.
Gerard Duart, Juan Ortiz, Jose M Acosta-Caceres, Maria J Garcia-Murria, Manuel Sanchez del Pino, Luis Martinez-Gil, Ismael Mingarro. 2021. Characterizing SARS-CoV-2 membrane envelope proteins. . 13th European Biophysics Conference Vienna. ÀUSTRIA.
Luis Martinez-Gil. 2022. Controlling the release of apoptogenic factors; the role of viral Bcl2s' transmembrane domains. . VIII congreso de la Red Española de Canales Iónicos (RECI) ESPANYA.
Martinez-Gil, Luis. 2021. vBcl2's transmembrane domain a new actor in apoptosis control. . Forthem Winter School ESPANYA.
Martinez-Gil, Luis. 2022. Targeting transmembrane domain interactions, an effective new approach for the design of BclxL inhibitors. . 8th Interanation Iberian Biophysics congress SBE 2022. Sociedad Española de Biofísica ESPANYA.
Ortiz-Mateu J., García Murria MJ., Gadea-Salom L., Pavlova A., Gumbart JC., Duart G., Martínez-Gil L., Mingarro I. 2022. Sars-cov-2 Membrane protein biogenesis, dimerization and stability in the er. . EMBO Workshop - The endoplasmic reticulum: The master regulator of membrane trafficking ITÀLIA.
Ismael Mingarro; Brayan Grau; Maria J Garcia-Murria; Manuel M Sanche del Pino; Luis Martínez-Gil. 2022. Deciphering and interfaciality scale for proteins at biological membranes. . Molecular Biophysics of Membranes Tahoe. ESTATS UNITS D'AMÈRICA.
Ortiz-Mateu J., Mingarro I., Martínez-Gil L. 2022. Sars-cov-2 Spike protein trimer formation in mammalian cells. . 8th International Iberian Biophysics Congress ESPANYA.
Gadea-Salom L., Ortiz-Mateu J., Mingarro I., Martínez-Gil L. 2022. Spatial and Temporal proteome of influenza a/wsn/33 infection in a549 cells. . 44rd Annual Meeting of the Spanish Society of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology ESPANYA.
Gerard Duart, Assaf Elazar, Jonathan J. Weinstein, Laura Gadea-Salom, Juan Ortiz-Mateu, Sarel J. Fleishman, Ismael Mingarro, Luis Martinez-Gil. 2022. Computational design of BclxL inhibitors that target transmembrane domain interactions. . Advances in Protein Design: From therapeutic proteins to synthetic biology Kfar Blum. ISRAEL.
Laura Gadea-Salom; Juan Ortiz-Mateu; Ismael Mingarro; Luis Martínez-Gil. 2022. Spatial and temporal characterization of an Influenza A infection by quantitative proteomics. . Annual Proteomics Symposium 2022 Barcelona. ESPANYA.
María J. García-Murria; Brayan Grau; Rian Kormos; Manuel Bañó-Polo; Kehan Chen; Manuel M. Sánchez del Pino; Hyunil Jo; Luis Martínez-Gil; Gunnar von Heijne; William F. DeGrado; Ismael Mingarro. 2023. Energetics and propensities for amino acid residues in membrane proteins. . 4th InterAcademy Workshop "Membrane Protein Structure and Folding" stockholm. SUÈCIA.
José M. Acosta-Cáceres, Fabio Lolicato, Laura Gadea-Salom, Luis Martínez-Gil, María Jesús García-Murria and Ismael Mingarro. 2023. Structural insights into SARS-CoV-2 nonstructural protein 4 membrane insertion. . 45º Congreso de la SEBBM (Sociedad Española de Bioquímica y Biología Molecular) ESPANYA.
Laura Gadea-Salom , Gerard Duart , Juan Ortiz-Mateu , Clàudia Soriano-Tordera , Pilar Selvi , Maria Jesús García-Murria , Ismael Mingarro , Luis Martínez-Gil. 2023. The role of Vaccinia virus F1L transmembrane domain in the control of apoptosis. . 45º Congress of the Spanish Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Zaragoza. ESPANYA.