Grille S, Iastrebner M, Lorand-Metze I, van der Velden VHJ, Ikoma MRV, Vidal-Senmache G, Colado E, Rabelo-Carrasco LJ, Blanco A, Huamán-Garaicoa F, O'Connor JE, Cao Pochintesta C, Jensen E, Bacal NS, Díaz L, Lens D.
Flow cytometry diagnosis in myelodysplastic syndrome: Current practice in Latin America and comparison with other regions of the world Leukemia ResearchVolum 79.
Garcia NA, González-King H, Grueso E, Sánchez R, Martinez-Romero A, Jávega B, O'Connor JE, Simons PJ, Handberg A, Sepúlveda P.
Circulating exosomes deliver free fatty acids from the bloodstream to cardiac cells: Possible role of CD36 Plos OneVolum 14. Número 5.
Cossarizza A, Chang HD, Radbruch A, Akdis M, Andrä I, Annunziato F, Bacher P, Barnaba V, Battistini L, Bauer WM, Baumgart S, Becher B, Beisker W, Berek C, Blanco A, Borsellino G, Boulais PE, Brinkman RR, Büscher M, Busch DH, Bushnell TP, Cao X, Cavani A, Chattopadhyay PK, Cheng Q, Chow S, Clerici M, Cooke A, Cosma A, Cosmi L, Cumano A, Dang VD, Davies D, De Biasi S, Del Zotto G, Della Bella S, Dellabona P, Deniz G, Dessing M, Diefenbach A, Di Santo J, Dieli F, Dolf A, Donnenberg VS, Dörner T, Ehrhardt GRA, Endl E, Engel P, Engelhardt B, Esser C, Everts B, Dreher A, Falk CS, Fehniger TA, Filby A, Fillatreau S, Follo M, Förster I, Foster J, Foulds GA, Frenette PS, Galbraith D, Garbi N, García-Godoy MD, Geginat J, Ghoreschi K, Gibellini L, Goettlinger C, Goodyear CS, Gori A, Grogan J, Gross M, Grützkau A, Grummitt D, Hahn J, Hammer Q, Hauser AE, Haviland DL, Hedley D, Herrera G, Herrmann M, Hiepe F, Holland T, Hombrink P, Houston JP, Hoyer BF, Huang B, Hunter CA, Iannone A, Jäck HM, Jávega B, Jonjic S, Juelke K, Jung S, Kaiser T, Kalina T, Keller B, Khan S, Kienhöfer D, Kroneis T, Kunkel D, Kurts C, Kvistborg P, Lannigan J, Lantz O, Larbi A, LeibundGut-Landmann S, Leipold MD, Levings MK, Litwin V, Liu Y, Lohoff M, Lombardi G, Lopez L, Lovett-Racke A, Lubberts E, Ludewig B, Lugli E, Maecker HT, Martrus G, Matarese G, Maueröder C, McGrath M, McInnes I, Mei HE, Melchers F, Melzer S, Mielenz D, Mills K, Mirrer D, Mjösberg J, Moore J, Moran B, Moretta A, Moretta L, Mosmann TR, Müller S, Müller W, Münz C, Multhoff G, Munoz LE, Murphy KM, Nakayama T, Nasi M, Neudörfl C, Nolan J, Nourshargh S, O'Connor JE, Ouyang W, Oxenius A, Palankar R, Panse I, Peterson P, Peth C, Petriz J, Philips D, Pickl W, Piconese S, Pinti M, Pockley AG, Podolska MJ, Pucillo C, Quataert SA, Radstake TRDJ, Rajwa B, Rebhahn JA, Recktenwald D, Remmerswaal EBM, Rezvani K, Rico LG, Robinson JP, Romagnani C, Rubartelli A, Ruckert B, Ruland J, Sakaguchi S, Sala-de-Oyanguren F, Samstag Y, Sanderson S, Sawitzki B, Scheffold A, Schiemann M, Schildberg F, Schimisky E, Schmid SA, Schmitt S, Schober K, Schüler T, Schulz AR, Schumacher T, Scotta C, Shankey TV, Shemer A, Simon AK, Spidlen J, Stall AM, Stark R, Stehle C, Stein M, Steinmetz T, Stockinger H, Takahama Y, Tarnok A, Tian Z, Toldi G, Tornack J, Traggiai E, Trotter J, Ulrich H, van der Braber M, van Lier RAW, Veldhoen M, Vento-Asturias S, Vieira P, Voehringer D, Volk HD, von Volkmann K, Waisman A, Walker R, Ward MD, Warnatz K, Warth S, Watson JV, Watzl C, Wegener L, Wiedemann A, Wienands J, Willimsky G, Wing J, Wurst P, Yu L, Yue A, Zhang Q, Zhao Y, Ziegler S, Zimmermann J.
Guidelines for the use of flow cytometry and cell sorting in immunological studies European Journal of ImmunologyVolum 47.
Di Capua-Sacoto C; Sánchez-Llopis A; O'Connor E; Martínez A; Ruiz-Cerdá JL.
Study of the apoptotic effect of urine as a diagnostic biomarker in patients with interstitial cystitis Actas Urologicas EspanolasVolum 40. Número 9.
O'Connor JE, Herrera G, Martínez-Romero A, Oyanguren FS, Díaz L, Gomes A, Balaguer S, Callaghan RC.
Systems Biology and Immune Aging Immunology LettersVolum 162.
Stasiłojć G, Pinto S, Wyszkowska R, Wejda M, Słomińska EM, Filipska M, Koszałka P, Swierczyński J, O'Connor JE, Bigda JJ.
U937 variant cells as a model of apoptosis without cell disintegration Cellular & Molecular Biology LettersVolum 18. Número 2.
Estornell LH, Pons C, Martínez A, O'Connor JE, Orzaez D, Granell A.
A VIN1 GUS::GFP fusion reveals activated sucrose metabolism programming occurring in interspersed cells during tomato fruit ripening Journal of Plant PhysiologyVolum 170.
Clothier R, Gómez-Lechón MJ, Kinsner-Ovaskainen A, Kopp-Schneider A, O'Connor JE, Prieto P, Stanzel S.
Comparative analysis of eight cytotoxicity assays evaluated within the ACuteTox Project Toxicology in VitroVolum 27.
Prieto P, Kinsner-Ovaskainen A, Stanzel S, Albella B, Artursson P, Campillo N, Cecchelli R, Cerrato L, Díaz L, Di Consiglio E, Guerra A, Gombau L, Herrera G, Honegger P, Landry C, O'Connor JE, Páez JA, Quintas G, Svensson R, Turco L, Zurich MG, Zurbano MJ, Kopp-Schneider A.
The value of selected in vitro and in silico methods to predict acute oral toxicity in a regulatory context: results from the European Project ACuteTox Toxicology in VitroVolum 27.
Pina-Cabral LB, Carvalhais V, Mesquita B, Escórcio C, Salgado P, Santos A, Ruivães E, Monteiro MC, Arrieta I, O'Connor JE, Almeida-Dias A, Criado B.
Allelic and genotypic frequencies of platelet glycoprotein polymorphisms in a Portuguese population Revista Portuguesa de CardiologiaVolum 32.
Forteza MJ, Novella S, Trapero I, Hermenegildo C, Ruiz-Sauri A, Chaustre F, Bonanad C, Oltra R, Palacios L, O'Connor JE, Chorro FJ, Bodi V.
Dynamics of serum-induced endothelial cell apoptosis in patients with myocardial infarction. Eur J Clin Invest. 2014 Jan;44(1):46-53. doi: 10.1111/eci.12189. Epub 2013 Nov 14 European Journal of Clinical InvestigationVolum 44.
Tolosa, L., Pinto, S., Donato, M.T., Lahoz, A., Castell, J.V., O'Connor, J.E., Gómez-Lechón, M.J.
Development of a multiparametric cell-based protocol to screen and classify the hepatotoxicity potential of drugs Toxicological SciencesVolum 127. Número 1.
Tavárez-Alonso, S; Codoñer-Franch, P; O´Connor-Blasco, JE; Alonso-Iglesias, E.
Looking at polyamine metabolism and functions: results from different experimental models of cardiovascular risk support their relation to body oxidant status Febs JournalVolum 279. Número Suppl 1.
Megías J; Yáñez A; Moriano S; O'Connor JE, Gozalbo D; Gil ML.
Direct Toll-like receptor-mediated stimulation of hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells occurs in vivo and promotes differentiation toward macrophages Stem CellsVolum 30.
Gibellini, L., De Biasi, S., Pinti, M., Nasi, M., Riccio, M., Carnevale, G., Cavallini, G.M., Sala-de-Oyanguren, F.J., O'Connor, J.E., Mussini, C., De Pol, A., Cossarizza, A.
The protease inhibitor atazanavir triggers autophagy and mitophagy in human preadipocytes AIDSVolum 26.
Zarzoso M, Such-Miquel L, Parra G, Brines-Ferrando L, Such L, Chorro FJ, Guerrero J, Guill A, O´Connor JE, Alberola A.
The training-induced changes on automatism, conduction and myocardial refractoriness are not mediated by parasympathetic postganglionic neurons activity European Journal of Applied PhysiologyVolum 112. Número 2.
Pinti M, Gibellini L, De Biasi S, Nasi M, Roat E, O'Connor JE, Cossarizza A.
Functional characterization of the promoter of the human Lon protease gene MitochondrionVolum 11.
Neganova I, Vilella F, Atkinson SP, Lloret M, Passos JF, von Zglinicki T, O'Connor JE, Burks D, Jones R, Armstrong L, Lako M.
An important role for CDK2 in G1 to S checkpoint activation and DNA damage response in human embryonic stem cells Stem CellsVolum 11.
Yáñez A; Megías J, O'Connor JE; Gozalbo D; Gil ML.
Candida albicans induces selective development of macrophages and monocyte derived dendritic cells by a TLR2 dependent signalling Plos OneVolum 6. Número 9.
Yáñez A; Flores A; Murciano C; O'Connor JE; Gozalbo D; Gil ML.
Signalling through TLR2/MyD88 induces differentiation of murine bone marrow stem and progenitor cells to functional phagocytes in response to Candida albicans Cellular MicrobiologyVolum 12.
Cervelló I, Gil-Sanchis, Más A, Delgado-Rosas F, Martínez-Conejero JA, Galán A, Martínez-Romero A, Martínez S, Navarro I, Ferro J, Horcajadas JA, Esteban FJ, O'Connor JE, Pellicer A, Simón C.
Human Endometrial side population cells exhibit genotypic, phenotypic and functional features of somatic stem cells Plos OneVolum 5. Número 6.
Viloria T; Meseguer M; Martínez-Conejero JA; O´Connor JE; Remohí J; Pellicer A; Garrido N.
Cigarette smoking affects specific sperm oxidative defense but does not cause oxidative DNA damage in infertile men Fertility and SterilityVolum 94. Número 2.
Felim, A., Herrera, G., Neudörffer, A., Blanco, M., O'Connor, J.E., Largeron, M.
Synthesis and in Vitro Cytotoxicity Profile of the R-Enantiomer of 3,4-Dihydroxymethamphetamine (R-(−)-HHMA): Comparison with Related Catecholamines Chemical Research in ToxicologyVolum 23.
Satué, K., Hernández, A., Lorente, C., O'Connor, J.E.
Immunophenotypical characterization in Andalusian horse: variations with age and gender Veterinary Immunology and ImmunopathologyVolum 133.
Beltran, B., Nos, P., Dasi, F., Iborra, M., Bastida, G., Martinez, M., O´Connor, J.E., Saez, G., Moret, I., Ponce, J.
Mitochondrial dysfunction, persistent oxidative damage, and catalase inhibition in naïve and treated Crohn´s Disease Inflammatory Bowel DiseasesVolum 16.
Diez, I., Calatayud, S., Hernández, C., Quintana, E., O'Connor, J.E., Esplugues, J.V., Barrachina, M.D.
Nitric oxide, derived from inducible nitric oxide synthase, decreases hypoxia inducible factor-1alpha in macrophages during aspirin-induced mesenteric inflammation British Journal of PharmacologyVolum 159.
Prado-Lopez, S., Conesa, A., Armiñán, A., Martínez-Losa, M., Escobedo-Lucea, C., Gandia, C., Tarazona, S., Melguizo, D., Blesa, D., Montaner, D., Sanz-González, S., Sepúlveda, P., Götz, S., O'Connor, J.E., Moreno, R., Dopazo, J., Burks, D.J., Stojkovic, M.
Hypoxia Promotes Efficient Differentiation of Human Embryonic Stem Cells to Functional Endothelium Stem CellsVolum 28.
Medrano, J.V., Marqués-Marí, A.I., Aguilar, C.E., Riboldi, M., Garrido, N., Martínez-Romero, A., O'Connor, J.E., Gil-Salom, M., Simón, C.
Comparative analysis of the germ cell markers c-KIT, SSEA-1 and VASA in testicular biopsies from secretory and obstructive azoospermias Molecular Human ReproductionVolum 16.
Aguilar, C., Meseguer, M., Garcia-Herrero, S., Gil-Salom, M., O'Connor, J.E., and Garrido, N.
Relevance of testicular sperm DNA oxidation for the outcome of ovum donation cycles Fertility and SterilityVolum 94.
Almenar L, Agüero J, Martínez-Dolz L, O'Connor JE, Sánchez-Lázaro I, Navarro J, Raso R, Buendía F.
Clinical predictors of immunotolerance in heart transplantation Transplantation ProceedingsVolum 42.
Burguete, M.I., Galindo, F., Izquierdo, M. A., O'Connor, J.-E., Herrera, G., Luis, S. V., Vigara, L.
Synthesis and evaluation of pseudopeptidic fluorescence pH probes for acidic cellular organelles: In vivo monitoring of bacterial phagocytosis by multiparametric flow cytometry European Journal of Organic ChemistryVolum 31.
Rohacova, J., Marín, M.L., Martinez-Romero, A., Diaz, L., O'Connor, J.E., Gomez-Lechón, M.J., Donato, M.T., Castell, J.V., Miranda, M.A.
Fluorescent Benzofurazan-Cholic Acid Conjugates for in vitro Assessment of Bile Acid Uptake and Its Modulation by Drugs ChemMedChemVolum 4.
Yáñez, A., Murciano, C., O'Connor, J.E., Gozalbo, D., Gil, M.L.
Candida albicans triggers proliferation and differentiation of hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells by a MyD88 dependent signaling Microbes and InfectionVolum 11.
Rioboo, C., O'Connor, J.E., Prado, R., Herrero, C., Cid, A.
Cell proliferation alterations in Chlorella cells under stress conditions Aquatic ToxicologyVolum 94.
Camp, E.M., Sánchez-Sánchez, A.V., García-España, A., Desalle, R., Odqvist, L., O'Connor, J.E., Mullor, J.L.
Nanog regulates proliferation during early fish development Stem CellsVolum 27.
Alberto Yanez, Ana Flores, Celia Murciano, Jose-Enrique O'Connor, Daniel Gozalbo, M Luisa Gil.
Signalling through TLR2/MyD88 induces differentiation of murine bone marrow stem and progenitor cells to functional phagocytes in response to Candida albicans. Cell Microbiol Cellular MicrobiologyVolum 18.
Beltran, B., Nos, P., Dasi, F., Iborra, M., Bastida, G., Martinez, M., O´Connor, J.E., Saez, G., Moret, I., Ponce, J.
Mitochondrial dysfunction, persistent oxidative damage, and catalase inhibition in naïve and treated Crohn´s Disease Inflammatory Bowel DiseasesVolum 18.
Aguilar, C., Meseguer, M., García-Herrero, S., Gil-Salom, M., O'Connor, J.E., Garrido, N.
Relevance of testicular sperm DNA oxidation for the outcome of ovum donation cycles Fertility and Sterility
K Satue, A Hernandez, C Lorente, J E O'Connor.
Immunophenotypical characterization in Andalusian horse: Variations with age and gender. Vet Immunol Immunopathol, Aug 2009 Veterinary Immunology and Immunopathology
M. Figueiredo-Braga, F Mota-Garcia, JE O'Connor, JR Garcia, R Mota-Cardoso, CS Cardoso, and M de Sousa.
Cytokines and anxiety in systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) patients not receiving antidepressant medication: a little-explored frontier and some of its brief history. Ann N Y Acad Sci Annals of the New York Academy of SciencesVolum 1173.
Felim, A., Herrera, G., Neudörffer, A., Blanco, M., O'Connor, J.E., Largeron, M.
Synthesis and in Vitro Cytotoxicity Profile of the R-Enantiomer of 3,4-Dihydroxymethamphetamine (R-(-)-HHMA) : Comparison with Related Catecholamines Chemical Research in ToxicologyVolum 1173.
Such-Miquel L, Zarzoso M, Parra G, Cebriá A, Such L, Chorro FJ, Guerrero J, O'Connor E, Alberola AM.
Inducibility of ventricular fibrillation by pacing: chronic physical exercise influence and role of parasympathetic postganglionic neurons. Acta PhysiologicaVolum 195. Número S667.
Zarzoso M, Parra G, Such-Miquel L, Brines L, Trapero I, O´Connor E, Chorro FJ, Such L, Alberola A.
Training-induced changes in atrioventricular conduction system properties: role of parasympathetic postganglionic neurons. Acta PhysiologicaVolum 197. Número S675.
J.Rohacova; M.L. Marin; A.Martinez-Romero; L.Diaz; J.E. O'Connor; M.J. Gomez-Lechon;M.T. Donato; J.V. Castell; M.A. Miranda.
Fluorescent benzofurazan-cholic acid conjugates for in vitro assessment of bile acid uptake and its modulation by drugs ChemMedChemVolum 4. Número 3.
Yáñez A; Murciano C; O'Connor JR; Gozalbo D; Gil ML.
Candida albicans triggers proliferation and differentiation of hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells by a MyD88-dependent signaling Microbes and InfectionVolum 11.
M.T.Donato; A.Martinez-Romero; N.Jimenez; A.Negro; G.Herrera; J.V. Castell; J.E. O'Connor; M.J. Gomez-Lechon.
Cytometric analysis for drug-induced steatosis in HepG2 cells Chemico-Biological InteractionsVolum 181. Número 3.
J.Rohacova;M.L.Marin;A.Martinez-Romero;J.E.O'Connor;M.J.Gomez-Lechon;M.T. donato; J.V. Castell; M.A. Miranda.
Synthesis of new, UV-photoactive dansyl derivatives for flow cytometric studies on bile acid uptake Organic & Biomolecular ChemistryVolum 7.
Gómez-Lechón, M.J., O´Connor, J.E., Lahoz, A., Castell, J.V., Donato, M.T.
Identification of apoptotic drugs: Multiparametric evaluation in cultured hepatocytes. Current Medicinal ChemistryVolum 15.
Rohacova, J., Marin, M.L., Martinez-Romero, A., O'Connor, J.E., Gómez-Lechon, M.J., Donato, M.T., Castell, J.V., Miranda, M.A.
Photophysical characterization and flow cytometry applications of cholylamidofluorescein, a fluorescent bile acid scaffold Photochemical & Photobiological SciencesVolum 7.
Pierzchalski, A., Robitzki, A., Mittag, A., Emmrich, F., Sack, U., O'Connor, J.E., Bocsi J., Tárnok, A.
Cytomics and nanobioengineering. Cytometry Part B-Clinical CytometryVolum 74.
Murciano, C., Yáñez, A., O'Connor, J.E., Gozalbo, D., Gil, M.L.
Murciano, C., Yáñez, A., O'Connor, J.E., Gozalbo, D., Gil, M.L. (2008) Influence of ageing on murine neutrophil and macrophage function against Candida albicans. Fems Immunology and Medical MicrobiologyVolum 53.
Pinto, S., Diaz, L., Herrera, G., Gómez-Lechón, M.J., Donato, T., Castell, J.V., O´Connor, J.E.
High Content Bioimaging Assays for Oxidative Stress Assessment in Primary Cultures of Hepatocytes. Free Radical ResearchVolum 41.
Diaz, L., Gomes, A., Pinto, S., Parra, M., Callaghan, R.C., Herrera, G., O´Connor J.E.
In Vitro Strategies for Predicting Human Acute Toxicity: Screening Oxidative Cytotoxicity by Flow Cytometry and High Content Assays. Free Radical ResearchVolum 41.
Herrera G., Pinto S., Diaz L., Gomes A., Parra M., Arenas M., Callaghan R.C., O'Connor J.E.
Cytomic miniaturized assays of oxidized DNA base 8-Oxoguanine as an indicator of oxidative stress. Cytometry Part aVolum 73.
Martínez-Losa M., Herrera G., Diaz L., Callaghan R.C., and O'Connor J.E.
In vitro cytomic assays of embryotoxicity using murine embryonic stem cells. Cytometry Part aVolum 73.
M.J. Gomez-Lechón, J.E. O'Connor, A. Lahoz, J.V. Castell, M.T. Donato.
Identification of apoptotic drugs: multiparametric evaluation in cultured hepatocytes Current Medicinal ChemistryVolum 15. Número 20.
J. Rohacova, M.L. Marin, A. Martinez-Romero, J.E. O'Connor, M.J. Gomez-Lechón, M.T. Donato, J.V. Castell, M.A. Miranda.
Photophysical characterization and flow cythometry applications of cholylamidofluorescent bile acid scaffold Photochemical & Photobiological SciencesVolum 7. Número 7.
Murciano C, Yáñez A, O'Connor JE, Gozalbo D and Gil ML.
Influence of aging on murine neutrophil and macrophage function against Candida albicans Fems Immunology and Medical MicrobiologyVolum 53.
Meseguer M, Martínez-Conejero JA, O´Connor JE, Pellicer A, Remohí J, Garrido N.
The significance of sperm DNA oxidation in embryo development and reproductive outcome in an oocyte donation program: a new model to study a male infertility prognostic factor Fertility and SterilityVolum 89. Número 5.
Herrera, G., Diaz, L., Martinez-Romero, A., Gomes, A., Villamón, E., Callaghan, R.C., O'Connor, J.E.
Cytomics: A multiparametric, dynamic approach to cell research Toxicology in VitroVolum 21.
Martinez-Losa M, Cortijo J, Juan G,O'Connor JE, Sanz MJ, Santangelo F, Morcillo EJ.
Inhibitory effects of N acetylcysteine on functional responses of human eosinophils in vitro Clinical and Experimental AllergyVolum 37. Número 5.
Panzera, F., Ferrandis, I., Ramsey, J., Salazar-Schettino, P.M., Cabrera, M., Monroy, C., Bargues, M.D., Mas-Coma, S., O'Connor, J.E., Angulo, V.M., Jaramillo, N., Pérez, R.
Genome size determination in Chagas disease transmitting bugs (Hemiptera-Triatominae) by flow cytometry American Journal of Tropical Medicine and HygieneVolum 76.
Gil, M. L., Murciano, C., Villamón, E., Yáñez, A., Murciano, J., Mir, A., O'Connor, J.E., Gozalbo, D.
In vitro response to Candida albicans in cultures of whole human blood from young and aged donors Fems Immunology and Medical MicrobiologyVolum 51.
Martinez-Ferrandis, J.I., Soriano, M.A., Martinez-Romero, A., Herrera, G., Cervantes, A., O'Connor, J.E., Knecht, E., Armengod M.E.
Efficient selection of silenced primary cells by flow cytometry Cytometry Part aVolum 71.
Martínez, M., Gómez Biedma, S., Ruiz-Aja, S., Vivó, M., O'Connor, J.E.
Utility of flow cytometry to assess the interaction between erythrocytes and platelets: Morphological alterations and changes in cytosolic free calcium and in platelet activation induced by arachidonic acid in erythrocytes Revista de Diagnóstico BiológicoVolum 56.
Martinez-Conejero, J.A., Cervelló, I., Garrido, M., Meseguer, M., O'Connor, J.E., Remohí, J., Pellicer, A., Simón, C.
Identification of the adult stem cell Population in the murine testis reveals that slow cycling cells do not correlate with Side Population Human Reproduction
Galán, A., Martínez, A., Sánchez-Luengo, S., Sánchez, E., Gómez, E., Medrano, J.V., O'Connor, J.E., Simón, C.
Quantitative monitoring of long-term undifferentiating human embryonic stem cells (hESC) cultures Stem Cells And Development
Gómez-Lechón, MJ, Donato, M.T., Martínez-Romero, A., Jiménez, N., Castell, J.V., O'Connor, J.E.
A human hepatocellular in vitro model to investigate steatosis Chemico-Biological InteractionsVolum 165.
Murciano, C., Villamón, E., O'Connor, J.E., Gozalbo,D., Gil, M.L.
Killed Candida albicans Yeasts and Hyphae Inhibit Gamma Interferon Release by Murine Natural Killer Cells Infection and ImmunityVolum 74.
Ivorra, C., Kubicek, M., González, J.M., Sanz-González, S.M., Alvarez-Barrientos, A., O'Connor, J.E., Burke, B., Andrés, V.
A mechanism of AP-1 suppression through interaction of c-Fos with lamin A/C Genes & DevelopmentVolum 20.
Bargues, M.D., Klisiowicz, D.R., Panzera, F., Noireau, F., Marcilla, A,, Perez, R., Rojas, M.G., O'Connor, J.E., Gonzalez-Candelas, F,, Galvao, C., Jurberg, J., Carcavallo, R.U., Dujardin, J.P., Mas-Coma, S.
Origin and phylogeography of the Chagas disease main vector Triatoma infestans based on nuclear rDNA sequences and genome size Infection Genetics And EvolutionVolum 6.
Murciano C., Villamón, E., Gozalbo, D., Roig, P., O`Connor, J.E., Gil, M.L.
Toll-like receptor 4 defective mice carrying point or null mutations do not show increased susceptibility to Candida albicans in a model of hematogenously disseminated infection Medical MycologyVolum 44.
P.M., Cabrera, M., Monroy,M.C., Bargues, M.D., Mas-Coma, S., O´Connor, J.E., Angulo, V.M., Jaramillo, N., Cordón-Rosales, C., Gómez, D., Pérez, R., Panzera, F., Ferrandis, I., Ramsey, J., Ordóñez, R., Salazar-Schettino.
Chromosomal variation and genome size support the existence of cryptic species of Triatoma dimidiata (Hemiptera-Reduviidae) with different epidemiological importance as Chagas disease vectors Tropical Medicine & International HealthVolum 11.
Ibiza, S., Victor, V.M., Boscá, I., Ortega, A., O´Connor, J.E., Sánchez-Madrid, F., Esplugues, J.V., Serrador, J.M.
Endothelial nitric oxide synthase enhances T cell receptor signal strength at the immunological synapse ImmunityVolum 24.
Mir, A., Benahmed, D., Igual, R., Borrás, R., O'Connor, J.E., Moreno, M.J., Rull, S.
Eosinophil-selective mediators in human strongyloidiasis Parasite ImmunologyVolum 28.
Avivar, A., Garcia-Macias, M.C., Ascaso, E., Herrera, G., O'Connor, J.E., de Mora, J.F.
Moderate overexpression of AIB1 triggers pre-neoplastic changes in mammary epithelium. FEBS Lett. 580: 5222-5226 Febs LettersVolum 580.
Murciano C, Yáñez A, Villamón E, O'Connor JE, Gozalbo D and Gil ML.
Impaired immune response to Candida albicans in aged mice Journal of Medical MicrobiologyVolum 55.
Sanz, MJ; Nabah, YN; Cerdá-Nicolás, M; O'Connor, JE; Issekutz, AC; Cortijo, J; Morcillo, EJ.
Erythromycin exerts in vivo anti-inflamatory activity downregulating cell adhesion molecule expression British Journal of PharmacologyVolum 144. Número 2.
O'Connor, J.E., Martínez-Romero, A., Gómez-Lechón, M.J.
Multiparametric characterization by flow cytometry of flow-sorted subpopulations of a human hepatoma cell line useful for drug research Cytometry Part aVolum 63.
Botella-Estrada, R., Escudero, M., O'Connor, J.E., Nagore, E., Fenollosa, B., Sanmartín, O., Requena, C., Guillén, C.
Cytokine production by peripheral T lymphocytes in melanoma European Cytokine NetworkVolum 16.
García-Martínez, C., Labiós, M., Hermenegildo, C., Tarín, J.J., O'Connor, J.E., Cano, A.
The effect of hormone replacement therapy on Ca2+ mobilization and P-selectin (CD62P) expression in platelets examined under flow cytometry Blood Coagulation & FibrinolysisVolum 15.
Villamón, E., Gozalbo, D., Roig, P., O’Connor, J.E., Fradelizi, D., Gil, M.L.
Toll-like receptor 2 is essential in murine defenses against Candida albicans infections Microbes and InfectionVolum 6.
Panzera, F., Dujardin, J.P., Nicolini, P., Caraccio, M.N., Tellez, T., Bermúdez, H., Diotaiuti, L., Pires, H.H.R., Bargues, M.D., Mas-Coma, S., O´Connor, J.E., Pérez, R.
Genomic changes of the main vector of Chagas disease during its spread throughout South America Emerging Infectious DiseasesVolum 10.
Villamón, E., Gozalbo, D., Roig, P., O'Connor, J.E., Ferrándiz, M.L., Fradelizi, D., Gil, M.L.
Toll-like receptor 2 is dispensable for acquired host immune resistance to Candida albicans in a murine model of disseminated candidiasis Microbes and InfectionVolum 6.
Tormos C, Javier-Chaves F, Garcia MJ, Garrido F, Jover R, O'Connor JE, Iradi A, Oltra A, Oliva MR, Saez G.
Role of glutathione in the induction of apoptosis and c-fos and c-jun mRNAs by oxidative stress in tumor cells Cancer LettersVolum 208. Número 1.
Dolz, M., O'Connor, J.E., Lequerica, J.L.
Flow cytometric kinetic assay of the activity of Na+/H+ antiporter in mammalian cells Cytometry Part aVolum 61.
Villamón, E., Gozalbo, D., Roig, P., Murciano, C., O'Connor, J.E., Fradelizi, D., Gil, M.L.
Myeloid differentiation factor 88 (MyD88) is required for murine resistance to Candida albicans and is critically involved in Candida-induced production of cytokines European Cytokine NetworkVolum 15.
Gómez-Lechón M.J.; Serralta A.; Donato M.T.; Jiménez N.; O'connor J.E.; Castell J.V.; Mir J.
The immunosupresant drug FK506 prevents Fas-induced apoptosis in human hepatocytes Biochemical PharmacologyVolum 68.
Herrera, G., Martínez-Romero, A., O'Connor, J.E.
Citometria a flusso in ceppi di batteri deficienti in geni della difesa antiossidante. Lettere GIC 13: 23-28 Lettere GICVolum 13.
Monteiro, M.C., Sansonetty, F., Gonçalves, M.J., O'Connor, J.E.
Flow Cytometric Analysis of Calcium Mobilization in Whole Blood Platelets Current Protocols in CytometryVolum 9. Número 20.
Herrera, G., Martínez, A., Blanco, M., O'Connor, J.E.
Functional assays of oxidative stress using genetically engineered Escherichia coli strains Current Protocols in CytometryVolum 11. Número 16.
Estellés, R., López-Martín, J., Milian, L., O'Connor, J.E., Martínez-Losa, M., Cerdá-Nicolás, M., Anam, E.M., Ivorra, M.D., Issekutz, A.C., Cortijo, J., Morcillo, E.J., Blázquez, M.A., Sanz, M.J.
Effect of two phenanthrene alkaloids on angiotensin II-induced leukocyte-endothelial cell interactions in vivo British Journal of PharmacologyVolum 140.
Gomez-Lechon, M.J.; Ponsoda, X.; O'Connor, E.; Donato, T.; Castell, J.V.; Jover, R.
Diclofenac induces apoptosis in hepatocytes by alteration of mitochondrial function and generation of ROS Biochemical PharmacologyVolum 66. Número 11.
Monteiro, M.C., Gonçalves, M.J., Sansonetty, F., Martínez, M., O'Connor, J.E.
Aplicación de la citometría de flujo funcional a la monitorización del tratamiento antiplaquetario: Movilización de Ca2+ y expresión de P-selectina en sujetos tratados con ticlopidina Revista de Diagnóstico BiológicoVolum 52.
A. Urios, M.P. López-Gresa, MC González, J. Primo, A. Martínez, G. Herrera, J.C. Escudero, J.E. O'Connor, M. Blanco.
Nitric oxide promotes strong cytotoxicity of phenolic compounds against Escherichia coli: the influence of antioxidant defenses Free Radical Biology and MedicineVolum 35. Número 11.
Gomez-Lechon, M.J.; Ponsoda, X.; O'Connor, E.; Donato, T.; Jover, R.; Castell, J.V.
Diclofenac induces apoptosis in hepatocytes Toxicology in VitroVolum 17.
Moukadiri, O. O'Connor, J.E., Cornejo, M.J.
Effect of the cryopreservation procedures on recovered rice cell populations Cryo-LettersVolum 23.
Monteiro, M.C., O'Connor, J.E., Martínez, M.
La citometría de flujo en el análisis de las plaquetas (II) Aplicaciones en el análisis funcional Revista de Diagnóstico BiológicoVolum 51.
Botella R; Escudero M; O´Connor JE; Dasí F; Fenollosa B; Nagore E; Sanmartín O; Sevila A; Guillén C.
Estudio del patrón de citocinas (TH1/TH2) producido por linfocitos T periféricos y del existente en tejido tumoral de pacientes con melanomas en diferentes estadíos Actas dermo-sifiliográficasVolum 93.
Gómez-Lechón, M.J., O'Connor, J.E., Castell, J.V., Jover, R.
Sensitive markers used to identify compounds that trigger apoptosis in cultured hepatocytes Toxicological SciencesVolum 65.
Beltrán, B., Quintero, M., García-Zaragoza, E., O'Connor, J.E., Esplugues, J.V., Moncada, S.
Inhibition of mitochondrial respiration by endogenous nitric oxide: A critical step in Fas signaling Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of AmericaVolum 99.
Herrera, G., Martínez, A., Blanco, M., O'Connor, J.E.
Assessment of Escherichia coli B with enhanced permeability to fluorochromes for flow cytometric assays of bacterial cell function CytometryVolum 49.
O'Connor, J.E., Callaghan, R.C., Escudero, M., Herrera, G., Martínez, A., Monteiro, M.C., Montolíu, H.
The relevance of flow cytometry for biochemical analysis IUBMB LifeVolum 51.
Monteiro, M.C., O'Connor, J.E., Martínez, M.
La citometría de flujo en el análisis de las plaquetas (I) Aspectos estructurales y funcionales de las plaquetas. 50: 111-136 Revista de Diagnóstico BiológicoVolum 50.
Delgado, M.L., O'Connor, J.E., Azorín, I., Renau-Piqueras, J., Gil, M.L., Gozalbo, D.
The glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase polypeptides encoded by the Saccharomyces cerevisiae TDH1, TDH2 and TDH3 genes are also cell wall proteins MicrobiologyVolum 147.
Meseguer, M., Aplin, J.D., Caballero-Campo, P., O'Connor, J.E., Martin, J.C., Remohí, J., Pellicer, A., Simón, C.
Human endometrial mucin MUC1 is up-regulated by progesterone and down-regulated in vitro by the human blastocyst Human ReproductionVolum 64.
Gómez García, M., O'Connor, J.E., Herrero, E., del Castillo-Agudo, L.
Isolation of a Candida albicans gene tightly linked to URA3, coding for a putative transcription factor, by suppression of an aft1 mutation in S. cerevisiae YeastVolum 18.
Donato, T., Ponsoda, X., O'Connor, J.E., Castell, J.V., Gómez-Lechón, M.J.
Role of endogenous nitric oxide in liver-specific functions and survival of cultured rat hepatocytes XenobioticaVolum 31.
Lage O.M., Sansonetty, F., O'Connor, J.E., Parente, A.M.
Flow cytometric analysis of chronic and acute toxicity of copper(II) on the marine dinoflagellate Amphidinium carterae CytometryVolum 44.
Alvarez-Barrientos, A., O'Connor, J.E., Nieto-Castillo, R., Moreno-Moreno, A.B., Prieto, P.
Use of flow cytometry and confocal microscopy techniques to investigate early CdCl2-induced nephrotoxicity in vitro Toxicology in VitroVolum 15.
Garrido, N., Albert, C., Krussel, J.S., O'Connor, J.E., Remohí, J., Simón, C., Pellicer, A.
Expression, production, and secretion of vascular endothelial growth factor and interleukin-6 by granulosa cells is comparable in women with and without endometriosis Fertility and SterilityVolum 76.
Such, L., O'Connor, J.E., Sáez, G.T., Gil, F., Beltrán, J.F., Moya, A., and Alberola, A.
Flow Cytometric Analysis of Peroxidative Activity in Granulocytes from Coronary and Peripheral Blood in Acute Myocardial Ischaemia and Reperfusion CytometryVolum 37.
Moukadiri O., Deming J., O´Connor J.E., Cornejo M.J.
Response of the progenies of plants derived from cryopreserved calli to freezing stress Plant Cell ReportsVolum 18.
Hernandez A., O'Connor JE., Mir A.
Phenotypic analysis of the T lymphocyte subpopulations in human hydatidosis. Hernández-Pomi A., O'Connor JE., Mir A Parasitology ResearchVolum 85 .
Blanco, M., A. Martínez, A. Urios, G. Herrera, J.E. O'Connor.
Detection of oxidative mutagenesis by isoniazid and other hydrazine derivatives in Escherichia coli WP2 tester strain IC203, deficient in OxyR: strong protective effects of rat liver S9 Mutation Research-Genetic Toxicology and Environmental MutagenesisVolum 417.
Sastre, J., Millán, A., García de la Asunción, J., Plá, R., Juan, G., Pallardó, F.V., O'Connor, E., Martín, J.A., Droy-Lefaix, M.T., Viña, J.
A Gingko biloba extract (EGb 761) prevents mitochondrial aging by protecting against oxidative stress Free Radical Biology and MedicineVolum 24 (2).
Simon C, Gimeno MJ, Mercader A, O'Connor JE, Remohi J, Polan ML, Pellicer A.
Embryonic regulation of integrins beta 3, alpha 4, and alpha 1 in human endometrial epithelial cells in vitro Journal Of Clinical Endocrinology & MetabolismVolum 82. Número 8.
Gil-Navarro, I; M.L. Gil; M. Casanova; J.E. O'Connor, J.P. Martínez; D. Gozalbo.
The glycolytic enzyme glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase of Candida albicans is a surface antigen Journal of BacteriologyVolum 179.
Gil, M.L., M.C. Peñalver, J.L. López-Ribot, J.E. O'Connor, and J.P. Martínez.
Binding of extracellular matrix proteins to Aspergillus fumigatus conidia Infection and ImmunityVolum 64.
Sastre, J., Pallardó, F.V., Plá, R., Pellín, A., Juan, G., O'Connor, E., Estrela, J.M., Miquel, J., Viña, J.
Aging of the liver: Age-associated mitochondrial damage in intact hepatocytes HepatologyVolum 24.
J.Sastre, F.V.Pallardó, R.Plá, A.Pellín, G.Juan, J.E.O'Connor, J.M.Estrela, J.Miquel, J.Viña.
Aging of the liver: age-associated mitochondrial damage in intact hepatocytes HepatologyVolum 24.
Callaghan, RC; Alonso, A; Castro, B; Gil, R; Juan, G; O'Connor, JE.
Flow cytometric and confocal study of functional alterations leading to apoptosis in a rat hepatoma CytometryVolum 8.
Juan, G; Gil-Benso, R; O'Connor, JE; Callaghan, RC.
Oxidative metabolism in a rat hepatoma (N13) and isolate rat hepatocyte: A flow cytometric comparative study HepatologyVolum 24.
E.O´Connor, A.Devesa, C.García, I.R.Puertes, A.Pellín, J.R.Viña.
Biosynthesis and maintenance of GSH in primary astrocyte cultures: role of L-cystine and as-corbate Brain ResearchVolum 680.
Alonso-Varona, A; Callaghan, RC; Castro, B; Gil-Benso, R; Juan, G; O'Connor, JE.
Apoptosis and proliferation in a rat hepatoma: morphological and fuctional study by flow cytometry and confocal microscopy European Journal of HistochemistryVolum 39. Número 3.
O'Connor J.E., Devesa A., García C., Puertes I.R., Pellín A. & Viña J.R.
Biosynthesis and maintenance of GSH in primary astrocyte cultures: Role of L-cystine and ascorbate' Brain ResearchNúmero 680.
Devesa A., García C., Puertes I.R., O'Connor J.E. & Viña, J.R.
Glutathione metabolism in primary astrocyte cultures: Evidence of three different subpopulations detected by flow cytometry Brain ResearchNúmero 618.
Devesa A., García C., Juan G., Guasc R.M., O'Connor E. & Viña J.R.
Ascorbic acid: The anti-oxidant role and its relationship with glutathione Journal of Clinical Nutrition and GastroenterologyNúmero 8.
Viña J.R., Devesa A., García C., Puertes I.R. & O'Connor E.
Maintenance of GSH content in primary astrocyte cultures under oxidative stress conditions Biochemical Society TransactionsNúmero 21.
García-Lucerga C, Costell M, O´Connor JE,MJ,Rodríguez Jerez A.
Effect of training on plasma amino acid concentration in rats Pflugers Archiv-European Journal of PhysiologyVolum 424. Número 1.
Garín, L; Barona, R.; O,Connor, E.; Armengot, M.; Basterra, J.
Determinación de la fase de síntesis mediante bromodesoxiuridina. Aplicación clínica en oncología de cabeza y cuello Anales Otorrinolaringológicos Ibero-AmericanosVolum XVIII. Número 6.
O´Connor, Rotger D, García-Lucerga C, ,Rodríguez Jerez A.
Flow cytometric analysis of leukocyte in professinal cyclists after a mountain percourse during the vuelta European Journal of Basic and Applied HistochemistryVolum 35. Número 3.
José E. O'Connor; Mercedes Costell; Santiago Grisolía.
Carbamyl glutamate prevents the potentiation of ammonia toxicity by sodium benzoate Nutrición Clínica, dietética hospitalaria.Volum 1.
Mercedes Costell; José E. O'Connor; Santiago Grisolia.
A smaller initial dose protects mice against several lethal doses of ammonium acetate Biochemical and Biophysical Research CommunicationsVolum 167. Número 3.
García Lucerga C., Guash R., Juan G., Mir A., O'Connor J.E., Rodríguez A., Rotger M.D.
Estudio por citometría de flujo de las alteraciones funcionales, la expresión de moléculas de adhesión y el metabolismo oxidativo en leucocitos de ciclistas profesionales tras una etapa de montaña en la vuelta ciclista a España Archivos de Medicina del DeporteVolum IX. Número 33.
José E. O'Connor; Mercedes Costell; Santiago Grisolia.
Carbamyl glutamate prevents the potentiation of ammonia toxicity by sodium benzoate European Journal of PediatricsVolum 148. Número 6.
Santiago Grisolía; Vicente Felipo; María D. Miñana; Mercedes Costell; José E. O'Connor.
Aspects of the participation of the urea cycle in the protection against ammonium toxicity Bulletin of Molecular Biology and MedicineVolum 14. Número 3-4.
Mercedes Costell; María Prado Miguez; José E. O'Connor; Santiago Grisolía.
Effect of hyperammonemia on the levels of carnitine in mice NeurologyVolum 37. Número 5.
Mercedes Costell; María Prado Miguez; José E. O'Connor; Santiago Grisolia.
Effect of acute and chronic hyperammonemia on the concentrations of free carnitine, acetyl, and acylcarnitine in the liver, muscle and brain of the muscle Journal de PhysiologieVolum 80. Número 1.
José E. O'Connor; Mercedes Costell; María Prado Miguez.
Nuevas perspectivas terapéuticas de la L-carnitina. I Metabolismo, función y usos terapéuticos actuales Cuadernos de farmaciaVolum 33.
Jose E. O'Connor; Mercedes Costell; Santiago Grisolia.
Protective effect of L-Carnitine on hyperammonemia Febs LettersVolum 166. Número 2.
Santiago Grisolia; Mercedes Costell; José E. O'Connor.
Protective effect of L-carnitine on hyperammonemia Federation ProceedingsVolum 43. Número 3.
Mercedes Costell; José E. O'Connor; Santiago Grisolía.
Protective effect of L-carnitine on experimental hyperammonemia Revista Clínica EspañolaVolum 173. Número 3.
Santiago Grisolía; José E. O'Connor; Mercedes Costell.
L-Carnitine and ammonia toxicity Bulletin et Memoires de L'Academie Royale de Medecine de BelgiqueVolum 139.
O'Connor, J.E., Guerri, C., Grisolía, S.
Effect of ammonia on synaptosomal membranes Biochemical and Biophysical Research CommunicationsVolum 119.
Di Capua-Sacoto C; Sánchez-Llopis A; O'Connor JE; Martínez-Romero A; Ruiz-Cerdá JL.
Apoptotic effect as biomarker of disease, severity and follow-up in interstitial cystitis Actas Urologicas EspanolasVolum 42. Número 2.
Cossarizza A, Chang HD, Radbruch A,et al.
Guidelines for the use of flow cytometry and cell sorting in immunological studies (second edition) European Journal of ImmunologyVolum 49. Número 10.
Sala de Oyanguren FJ; Rainey NE; Moustapha A; Saric A; Sureau F; O'Connor JE; Petit PX.
Highlighting Curcumin-Induced Crosstalk between Autophagy and Apoptosis as Supported by Its Specific Subcellular Localization CellsVolum 9. Número 2.
Beltrán-García J, Osca-Verdegal R, Jávega B, Herrera G, O'Connor JE, García-López EM, Casabo-Vallés G, Rodriguez-Gimillo M, Ferreres J, Carbonell N, Pallardó FV, García-Giménez JL.
Characterization of Early Peripheral Immune Responses in Patients with Sepsis and Septic Shock BiomedicinesVolum 10.
Raga-Cervera J, Bolarin JM, Millan JM, Garcia-Medina JJ, Pedrola L, Abellán-Abenza J, Valero-Vello M, Sanz-González SM, O'Connor JE, Galarreta-Mira D, Bendala-Tufanisco E, Mayordomo-Febrer A, Pinazo-Durán MD, Zanón-Moreno V.
miRNAs and genes involved in the interplay between ocular hypertension and primary open-angle glaucoma. Oxidative stress and inflammation networks Journal Of Clinical MedicineVolum 10. Número 11.