McCracken E, Jover T, McCulloch J and Dewar D. 1999. The lipid peroxidation product, 4-hydroxynonenal, is toxic to oligodendrocytes in vitro and white matter in vivo. . XIX International Symposium on Cerebral Blood Flow, Metabolism and Function Copenhagen. DINAMARCA.
Oguro N, Oguro K, Kojima T, Lin Y, Jover T, Bennett MVL, Etgen AM and Zukin RS. 1999. Estrogen affords neuroprotection against ischemia-induced damage and reduces expression of p75NGFR in gerbil hippocampus. . Society for Neuroscience 29th Annual Meeting Miami Beach, FL. ESTATS UNITS D'AMÈRICA.
Lan JY, Jover T, Lin Y, Skeberdis VA, Araneda RC, Zheng X, Bennett MVL, Zukin RS. 2000. Protein kinase C regulates gating of NMDA channels and recruits new NMDA receptors to the cell surface. . Society for Neuroscience 30th Annual Meeting New Orleans, LA. ESTATS UNITS D'AMÈRICA.
Tanaka H, Calderone A, Jover T, Grooms SY, Bennett MVL and Zukin RS. 2000. Molecular mechanisms underlying ischemic tolerance. . Society for Neuroscience 30th Annual Meeting New Orleans, LA. ESTATS UNITS D'AMÈRICA.
Calderone A, Tanaka H, Jover T, Grooms SY, Bennett MVL and Zukin RS. 2000. Late icv injection of CaEDTA rescues hippocampal CA1 neurons after global ischemia. . Society for Neuroscience 30th Annual Meeting New Orleans, LA.. ESTATS UNITS D'AMÈRICA.
Jover T, Tanaka H, Oguro K, Calderone A, Bennett MVL, Etgen AM and Zukin RS. 2000. Global ischemia induced alterations in TrkA immunolabeling in gerbil hippocampal CA1. . Society for Neuroscience 30th Annual Meeting New Orleans, LA.. ESTATS UNITS D'AMÈRICA.
Jover T, Tanaka H, Calderone A, Oguro K, Bennett MVL, Etgen AM and Zukin RS. 2001. Estrogen protects against global ischemia-induced neuronal death and prevents induction of apoptotic signaling cascades in the hippocampal CA1. . Society for Neuroscience 31th Annual Meeting San Diego. ESTATS UNITS D'AMÈRICA.
Lin Y; Jover T; Lan JY; Zheng X; Wong J; Bennett MVL; Zukin RS. 2001. PSD-95 increases surface expression and channel opening rate of NMDA receptors and reduces PKC potentiation of NMDA-elicited currents. . Society for Neuroscience 31th Annual Meeting San Diego, CA. USA. . ESTATS UNITS D'AMÈRICA.
Calderone A; Grooms SY; Jover T; Tanaka H; Bennett MVL; Zukin RS. 2001. 2001. Global ischemia induces the gene silencing transcriptional factor REST prior to suppression of GluR2 mRNA in CA1. . Society for Neuroscience 31th Annual Meeting San Diego, CA. . ESTATS UNITS D'AMÈRICA.
Tanaka H, Jover T, Calderone A, Yokota H, Grooms SY, Bennett MVL and Zukin RS. 2001. Caspase-3 inhibition attenuates global ischemia-induced neuronal death, but not GluR2 antisense-induced death of hippocampal CA1 pyramidal neurons. . Society for Neuroscience 31th Annual Meeting San Diego, CA.. ESTATS UNITS D'AMÈRICA.
Jover T, Calderone A, Simionescu M, Yokota H, Etgen AM, Zukin RS. 2002. Estrogen acts via estrogen receptors and insulin-like growth factor-I receptors to protect against global ischemia-induced neuronal death. . Society for Neuroscience 32th Annual Meeting Orlando. ESTATS UNITS D'AMÈRICA.
Lin Y; Lan JY; Jover T; Bennett MVL; Zukin RS. 2002. PSD-95 regulates NMDAR surface expression and channel gating. . 4th International Meeting on Metabotropic Glutamate Receptors Taormina . ITÀLIA.
Lan JY; Skeberdis VA; Jover T; Zheng X; Zukin RS; Bennett MVL. 2002. Activation of metabotropic glutamate receptor-1 accelerates NMDA receptor trafficking. . 4th International Meeting on Metabotropic Glutamate Receptors Taormina. ITÀLIA.
Yokota H; Tanaka H; Simionescu M; Jover T; Calderone A; Morosan C; Bennett MVL; Zukin RS. 2002. Ischemic preconditioning does not block caspase-3 activation, but prevents apoptotic DNA fragmentation in hippocampal Ca1 pyramidal neurons. . Society for Neuroscience 32th Annual Meeting Orlando, FL. . ESTATS UNITS D'AMÈRICA.
Calderone A; Jover T; Noh K; Tanaka H; Yokota H; Grooms SY; Regis R; Bennett MVL; Zukin RS. 2002. Ischemic insults de-repress the gene silencing factor rest in neurons destined to die. . Society for Neuroscience 32th Annual Meeting Orlando, FL.. ESTATS UNITS D'AMÈRICA.
Calderone A, Pontarelli F, Busceti C, Jover T, Noh K, Biagioni F, Caruso A, Cappuccio I, Spinsanti P, Bruno V, Melchiorri D, Nicoletti F, Caricasole A and Zukin RS. 2003. Dickkopf-1 (DKK-1), a negative modulator of the Wnt pathway, is expressed in degenerating neurons after induction of transient global ischemia. . Society for Neuroscience 33th Annual Meeting New Orleans. ESTATS UNITS D'AMÈRICA.
Yokota H, Tanaka H, Jover T, Calderone A, Simionescu M, Mashiko T, Bennett MVL and Zukin RS. 2003. Ischemic preconditioning acts downstream of caspase-3 activation to upregulate C-IAP, block mitochondrial release of Smac/Diablo and protect CA1 neurons. . Society for Neuroscience 33th Annual Meeting New Orleans. ESTATS UNITS D'AMÈRICA.
Jover T, Calderone A, Cappuccio I, Miller N, Yokota H, Etgen AM and Zukin RS. 2003. MAPK signaling is critical to estrogen protection of CA1 neurons in global ischemia. . Society for Neuroscience 33th Annual Meeting New Orleans. ESTATS UNITS D'AMÈRICA.
Chachar MA, Yokota H, Jover T, Hardwick JM, Kinnally KW, Zukin RS, Kaczmarek LK and Jonas EA. 2003. Exposure to hypoxia rapidly induces mitochondrial channel activity within a living synapse. . Society for Neuroscience 33th Annual Meeting New Orleans, LA. ESTATS UNITS D'AMÈRICA.
Miller NR, Jover T, Zukin RS, Santoro NF and Etgen AM. 2004. Estrogen affords neuroprotection via the estrogen receptor in rat cerebral ischemia. . 51st Annual Meeting of the Society-for-Gynecologic-Investigation Houston. ESTATS UNITS D'AMÈRICA.
Jover T, Etgen AM and Zukin RS. 2004. MAPK signaling is critical to estrogen protection of CA1 neurons in global ischemia. . Experimental Biology 2004 Meeting Washington. ESTATS UNITS D'AMÈRICA.
Jover T, Lebesgue D, Etgen AM, Zukin RS. 2004. Estrogen protects CA1 neurons from ischemia-induced apoptotic cell death via the MAPK pathway. . Society for Neuroscience 34th Annual Meeting San Diego. ESTATS UNITS D'AMÈRICA.
Cappuccio I, Caricasole A, Bruno V, Calderone A, Spinsanti P, Jover T, Noh K, Busceti C, Pontarelli F, Biagioni F, Storto M, Melchiorri D, Terstappen G, Nicoletti F and Zukin RS. 2004. Induction of Dickkopf-1 (DKK-1), a negative modulator of the Wnt signaling pathway, is causally-related to hypoxia/ischemia-induced neuronal death. . Society for Neuroscience 34th Annual Meeting San Diego, CA. USA.. ESTATS UNITS D'AMÈRICA.
Mashiko T, Calderone A, Jover T, Tanaka H, Bennett MVL and Zukin RS. 2004. Late CaEDTA rescues hippocampal CA1 neurons from global ischemia-induced death. . Society for Neuroscience 34th Annual Meeting San Diego. ESTATS UNITS D'AMÈRICA.
Jover T, Tanaka H, Calderone A, Oguro K, Bennett MVL, Etgen AM and Zukin RS. 2004. Estrogen protects against global ischemia-induced neuronal death and prevents activation of apoptotic signaling cascades in the hippocampal CA1. . 5th International Workshop on Maturation Phenomenon in Cerebral Ischemia Banff. CANADÀ.