García-Pitarch, P., A. Julián-Izquierdo, J.L. Gómez-Amo, P.C. Valdelomar , F. Scarlatti, M.P. Utrillas. 2024. A machine learning cloud-regime identification from ground-based remote sensing observations: seasonal analyses of cloud properties and radiative impact at BASS station. . ACTRIS Science Conference 2024, 13-16 May Rennes. FRANÇA.
J. Tarín, J.L. Gómez-Amo, P.C. Valdelomar1, F. Scarlatti and M.P. Utrillas. 2024. Simultaneous retrieval of AOD and COD from all-sky imagery. . ACTRIS Science Conference 2024, 13-16 May Rennes. FRANÇA.
Villarroya P.D., Enguix G., Valdelomar P.C., Gómez-Amo, J.L., Utrillas M.P. 2024. AN ARDUINO-BASED IMPLEMENTATION TO ROUTINELY MONITOR THE i-V CURVES OF PHOTOVOLTAIC PANELS. . Congresso CIES2024, Evora, Portugal Evora. PORTUGAL.
Enguix G., Villarroya P.D, Valdelomar P.C. Gómez-Amo, J.L., Utrillas M.P. 2024. SOILING STUDY BASED ON AN ANALYTICAL MODELING OF THE CHARACTERISTIC CURVE OF PHOTOVOLTAIC PANELS. . Congresso CIES2024, Evora, Portugal Evora. PORTUGAL.
Francesco Scarlatti, José Luis Gómez-Amo, Pedro C. Valdelomar, Maria Pilar Utrillas. 2024. A radiometric signature of the intercloud transition zone in the visible spectrum with HDR All-sky imagery. . International Radiation Symposium (IRS) , 17-21 June 2024 Hangzhou. XINA.
José Luis Gómez-Amo, Javier Tarín, Pedro C. Valdelomar, Francesco Scarlatti, Víctor Estellés, María Pilar Utrillas. 2024. A pixelwise approach to derive AOD and COD from all-sky imagery. . International Radiation Symposium (IRS) , 17-21 June 2024 Hangzhou. XINA.
Pedro C. Valdelomar, José Luis Gómez-Amo, Francesco Scarlatti, Víctor Estellés, María Pilar Utrillas. 2024. Measurements of Direct, Diffuse and Global Broadband Components of Solar Radiation Using an All-Sky Imager. . International Radiation Symposium (IRS) , 17-21 June 2024 Hangzhou. XINA.
Joan Paulo Martínez, José L. Gómez-Amo, Pedro C. Valdelomar, Francesco Scarlatti, M. Pilar Utrillas. 2024. Ground-based remote sensing of aerosol and clouds combining machine learning and all-sky camera images. . Recent Advances in Quantitative Remote Sensing (RAQRS'VII), 23 al 27 de septiembre 2024 Torrent. ESPANYA.
Francesco Scarlatti, José Luis Gómez Amo, Pedro C. Valdelomar, María Pilar Utrillas. 2024. A novel approach to study the intercloud transition zone combining all sky imagery and hyperspectral decomposition method. . Recent Advances in Quantitative Remote Sensing (RAQRS'VII), 23 al 27 de septiembre 2024 Torrent. ESPANYA.
Matos, V., Segura, S., Sorribas, M., Estellés, V., Utrillas, M.P. 2024. Temporal trends of equivalent Black Carbon (eBC) components in the metropolitan area of Valencia (Spain). . ACTRIS Science Conference Rennes. FRANÇA.