A. Martínez, P. Marzal, C. Pérez, J. Torres y E. Vercher (2014). Motivar al alumnado de Secundaria. La experiencia de la ETSE-UV. (Poster). II Congreso de Innovación Docente en Ingeniería Química II Congreso de Innovación Docente en Ingeniería Química (ISBN: 978-84-370-9271-3) . Valencia . ESPANYA
R. Sánchez-Tovar; R. M. Fernández-Domene; L. Herrero-Pérez; J. Pasqual-Cerisuelo; V. González-Alfaro; E. Vercher; A. Chafer-Ortega; J. D. Badia; J. Garcia-Antón (2021). Fabrication of TiO2 membranes with three step electrochemical anodization: influence of lactic acid. (Poster). International Congress of Chemical and Process Engineering-CHISA 2021 . REPÚBLICA TXECA
R. Sánchez-Tovar, R. Fernández-Domene, L. Herrero-Pérez, J. Pasqual-Cerisuelo, V. González-Alfaro, E. Vercher, A. Chafer-Ortega, J.D. Badia, J. García-Antón (2021). Synthesis of TiO2 membranes by three-step electrochemical anodization: influence of annealing after the second stepSynthesis of TiO2 membranes by three-step electrochemical anodization: influence of annealing after the second step. (Poster). 29th Topical Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry . REPÚBLICA TXECA
A. Cháfer, Ernesto Vercher (2008). An experience on the use of foros as a tool to foment the cooperative learning of the students. (Poster). INTED 2008 (International Technology, Education and Developement Conference) Proceedings . Valencia . ESPANYA
Orchillés, A. V.; Vercher, E.; Miguel, P. J.; González-Alfaro, V.; Martínez-Andreu, A. (2008). Isobaric VLE in Systems with the Ionic Liquid 1-Ethyl-3-methylimidazolium Trifluoromethanesulfonate. (Poster). 11th Mediterranean Congress on Chemical Engineering Abstracts of the 11th Mediterranean Congress on Chemical Engineering, TP11-030 . Barcelona . ESPANYA
Orchillés, A. V.; Miguel, P. J.; Vercher, E.; Llopis, F. J.; Martínez-Andreu, A. (2008). Ionic Liquids as Entrainers in Extractive Distillation. (Poster). 11th Mediterranean Congress on Chemical Engineering Abstracts of the 11th Mediterranean Congress on Chemical Engineering, TP12-023 . Barcelona . ESPANYA
Orchillés, A. V.; González-Alfaro, V.; Vercher, E.; Martínez-Andreu, A. (2005). Vapor pressures of ionic liquid 1-Butyl-3-Methylimidazolium Octylsulfate [BMIM] [OcOSO3] in water and 1-Propanol. (Poster). 10th Mediterranean Congress on Chemical Engineering Proceedings of the 10th Mediterranean Congress on Chemical Engineering, pags. 147 . Barcelona . ESPANYA
A.V. Orchillés, E. Vercher, V. González-Alfaro, F.J. Llopis, P.J. Miguel, A. Martínez-Andreu (2011). A new method to screen ionic liquids as entrainers in the extractive distillation of azeotropic mixtures. (Poster). 12th Mediterranean Congress on Chemical Engineering Abstracts of the 12th Mediterranean Congress on Chemical Engineering, 12_029_P . Barcelona . ESPANYA
E. Vercher, A.V. Orchillés, V. González-Alfaro, F.J. Llopis, P.J. Miguel, A. Martínez-Andreu (2011). Isentropic Compressibility of the 1-butanol + 1-ethyl-3-methylimidazolium trifluoromethanesulfonate system. (Poster). 12th Mediterranean Congress on Chemical Engineering Abstracts of the 12th Mediterranean Congress on Chemical Engineering, 11_023_P . Barcelona . ESPANYA
Mª Amparo Cháfer Ortega, Ernest Vercher Montañana (2011). Diferentes actividades interdisciplinares ensayadas por el Proyecto Piloto de Innovación Educatica (PIE) de Tercero de Licenciado en Ciencias Químicas de la Universidad de Valencia. (Comunicació). Vi Reunión de Innovación Docente en Química, INDOQUIM 2011, ALICANTE Libro de Actas . Alicante . ESPANYA
A. Martínez, P. Marzal, C. Pérez, J. Torres y E. Vercher (2014). Motivar al alumnado de Secundaria. La experiencia de la ETSE-UV. (Poster). II Congreso de Innovación Docente en Ingeniería Química II Congreso de Innovación Docente en Ingeniería Química (ISBN: 978-84-370-9271-3) . Valencia . ESPANYA
R. Sánchez-Tovar; R. M. Fernández-Domene; L. Herrero-Pérez; J. Pasqual-Cerisuelo; V. González-Alfaro; E. Vercher; A. Chafer-Ortega; J. D. Badia; J. Garcia-Antón (2021). Fabrication of TiO2 membranes with three step electrochemical anodization: influence of lactic acid. (Poster). International Congress of Chemical and Process Engineering-CHISA 2021 . REPÚBLICA TXECA
R. Sánchez-Tovar, R. Fernández-Domene, L. Herrero-Pérez, J. Pasqual-Cerisuelo, V. González-Alfaro, E. Vercher, A. Chafer-Ortega, J.D. Badia, J. García-Antón (2021). Synthesis of TiO2 membranes by three-step electrochemical anodization: influence of annealing after the second stepSynthesis of TiO2 membranes by three-step electrochemical anodization: influence of annealing after the second step. (Poster). 29th Topical Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry . REPÚBLICA TXECA