2014 Conference papers

May 29, 2014Posted by Daniel Hill

  • Oral presentation 28th International Symposium on MicroScale Bioseparations and Analyses 2014, "Polymer coatings in micro-system platforms for biosensing" - CNR
  • Poster presentation Micro and Nanosystem Workshop 2014, "Dry adhesive bonding of porous alumina membranes to microstructured silicon wafers using the OSTE(+) dual-cure polymer" - KTH
  • 2013 Conference papers

    May 29, 2014Posted by Daniel Hill

  • Oral presentation AMT 2013 Advances in Microarray Technology, , "Reduction of the hydrophobicity of thiol-ene microfluidic devices using an adsorbed polymeric coating" - CNR
  • Poster presentation 2013 NSTI nanotechnology Conference & Expo - Nanotech 2013, , "A Dual Label/Label Free, Highly Sensitive Protein Microarray Platform for Molecular Diagnosticss" - CNR
  • Oral presentation ASME conference 2013, "Anisotropic nanoporous materials" - UNITN
  • Oral presentation IEEE Transducers 2013, "Polarimetric based biosensor with targeted delivery of analytes for real-time monitoring of molecular interactions" " - UNITN, UEG, Farfield, KTH, CSEM
  • Oral presentation SPIE Microtechnologies 2013, "Real-time polarimetric biosensing using macroporous alumina membranes" - UVEG, CNR, Farfield
  • Poster presentation WaferBond 2013, "Dry adhesive bonding of porous alumina membranes to microstructured silicon wafers using the OSTE(+) dual-cure polymer" - KTH
  • 2012 Conference papers

    November 10, 2012Posted by Daniel Hill

  • Oral presentation IEEE Sensors 2012, "A polarimetric sensor based on nanoporous membranes" - UVEG and UNITN
  • Abstract submitted MSW 2012, "Dry bonding of porous silicon membranes to OSTE(+) polymer microfluidic devices" - KTH and UNITN
  • Oral presentation Fotonica 2012, "n-type porous silicon optical micro-cavity (MC)" - UNITN
  • Poster presentation Europtrode XI, "Mesoporous silicon for phase sensitive biosensing" - UVEG and UNITN
  • Poster presentation PSST 2012, "Optimization and synthesis of thin transparent free standing n-type porous silicon membranes" - UNITN
  • Poster presentation SSI-2012 "Photonic sensing of food allergens: integration and miniaturization" - CSEM
  • Oral presentation SPIE Photonics West, "Highly-Sensitive Anisotropic Porous Silicon based Optical Sensors " - UVEG and UNITN
  • 2011 Conference papers

    April 05, 2012Posted by Daniel Hill

  • Poster at NanoTech Italy, "Photonic sensing of food allergens" - UVEG
  • Abstract submitted for presentation at MEMs 2012, "Dry transfer bonding of porous silicon membranes to OSTE(+) polymer microfluidic devices" - UNITN and KTH
  • Invited talk at 26th International Symposium on MicroScale Bioseparations, "Silicon biochips for dual label-free and fluorescence detection: application to protein microarrays development" - CNR
  • Invited talk at Advances in microarray technology, "Silicon Chips with Dual Label-Free and Fluorescence Detection for High Sensitivity Diagnostic Protein Microarrays" - CNR
  • Abstract submitted for presentation at MicroTAS2011, "Low temperature "click" wafer bonding of off-stoichiometry thiol-ene(oste) polymers to silicon" - KTH
  • Abstract submitted for presentation at MicroTAS2011, "Biostickers: patterned microfluidic stickers for rapid integration with microarrays" - KTH and CNR
  • Invited talk at pHEALTH 2011, "The need for nutrition monitoring and Lab on a Chip based technologies as solutions" - UVEG
  • Poster at EuroNanoForum, "A highly integrated and sensitive PORous SIlicon based lab on a chip for multiple quantitaTIVE monitoring of Food allergies at point of care" - UVEG
  • Invited talk at Therapeutics for personalized medicine, "Microfluidic and Sensor Technologies for Lab on a Chip Applications" - UVEG
  • 2010 Conference papers

    April 05, 2012Posted by Daniel Hill

  • Poster at PECS IX, "Simulation of porous silicon photonic crystals for biosensing". - UVEG, KTH