Grupo de Radioastronomia

Versión en Castellano

Eduardo Ros
Eduardo Ros

Associate Professor of Astronomy and Astrophysics


Address:  Departamento de Astronomía y Astrofísica
C/ Doctor Moliner, 50
E-46100 Burjassot
Valencia, Spain
Phone:  +34 963 543 073
Fax:  +34 963 543 084
Office:  Room 4.12
 Personal Web


Ros Eduardo Ibarra, born 1969 in Zaragoza, PhD in Physics from the Univ of Valencia (1997) under supervision of JM Marcaide Osoro,  degree in Physics from the Univ of Zaragoza (1992), is a professor at the University of Valencia (UVEG) since 2009 and was formerly a staff scientist at the Max-Planck-Institut für Radioastronomie (MPIfR). As a scientist, my work focuses on the field of observational astrophysic

Employment status and current scientific:

  • Professor UVEG from 02.2009
  • Consultant Valencian International University (VIU) from 04.2010
  • Scientist with guest contract the MPIfR from 02.2009
  • MICINN Spanish delegate in the European Research Foundation (ESF) COST MP0905 "Black Holes in a Violent Universe" and leader of Working Group 4 "Supermassive Black Holes" from 03.2010

Earlier labour situation:

  • Venia Legendi as University Professor (Spanish University Council) from 01.2008
  • Consultant of the MPIfR from 05.2009 to 02.2010
  • MPIfR scientific coordinator of 06.2005 to 02.2009
  • Coordinator of the International Max Planck Research School for Astronomy and Astrophysics (MPIfR, UBN & UCGN) from 10.2004 to 02.2009
  • Program coordinator of conferences and seminars at the MPIfR from 03.2003 to 10.2004
  • Scientist at the MPIfR from 08.1999 to 02.2009
  • Ramón y Cajal contract at the UVEG in the 2003 call (resigned before starting)
  • Postdoctoral fellow at the MPIfR from 01.1998 to 08.1999,
  • PhD in Physics at 11.1997 UVEG
  • Predoctoral fellow of the Generalitat Valenciana at the UVEG from 01.1994 to 12.1999, with stays at the MPIfR, Harvard Univ and the NASA Jet Propulsion Lab
  • COMMET Fellow at the MPIfR of 06.1993 to 12.1993
  • Degree in Physics from the University of Zaragoza in 07.1992
  • Erasmus Fellow at the University of Paderborn, Germany 07.1991 to 07.1992

Areas of Expertise:

  • Research: work on many projects, supervision of diploma and PhD thesis, continued activity as a researcher since 1993 with a large publication record.  Special focus at present in the international projects MOJAVE .
  • Formal Teaching: FPI fellowship (1994-1997), as a scientist in the doctoral program at the Univ of Bonn (UBN) in the MPIfR (1998-2009) and as professor of UVEG (2009 -)
  • Non-formal teaching, as head of the joint PhD program between the MPIfR, the UBN and the Univ of Cologne (UCGN) of (2004-2009)
  • Scientific management: more than four years as scientific coordinator of the MPIfR, center with three scientific departments, large telescope facilities, more than 250 scientists. Several courses courses and training programs attended, with different degrees of participation and responsibility for projects of the European Union (Angles, RadioNet, RadioNet2, SKADS, ESTRELA)
  • Popular science: responsible for the press office of the MPIfR (2005-2009), professor of astronomy at the for Journalists at the UVEG, planning for the German participation at the International Year of Astronomy 2009, organization of Open House days, and many popular science conferences in Germany and Spain

Research Interests

Astrophysicist specializing in radio interferometric observations (VLBI), experienced in X-ray observations and gamma rays, and in theoretical studies. Special focus in active galactic nuclei, young stars,  radio supernovae and X-ray binary stars.

Bibliography and scientific activity:

  • About 70 articles in international journals 'referee', with more than 1500 citations (NASA / ADS, May 2011)
  • Hirsch index: h = 24
  • More than 130 conference contributions as first author and co-author, with several times as guest speaker
  • Editor of 4 conference books
  • Principal organizer and co-organizer of several conferences, scientific meetings and a summer school
  • Author of numerous press releases and popular science texts

Work directed:

  • 2 doctoral thesis addressed: M. Kadler (UBN, 2005, Magna cum Laude and Otto Hahn Medal of the Max Planck Soc, now Prof. of Univ . of Würzburg, Germany), CS Chang (UCGN, Magna cum Laude, 2010, now a postdoctoral fellow at the Institut Millimétrique Radio Astronomy (IRAM) in Grenoble, France)
  • 2 diploma theses of M. Kadler (UBN, 2004, Outstanding), CM Fromm (Univ. Bonn, 2009, Outstanding, best thesis award of the MPIfR in 2010, now PhD student)
  • 1 PhD student at present (CM Fromm, UBN)

Astroph Database


Eduardo Ros                                                                                                        Last partially updated: 28 May 2011


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