Nalda.trajes regionales

Regional costumes in Nalda porcelain (in pdf)

Throughout its short history, just 24 years between 1947 and 1971, the artistic section of the "Victor de Nalda Porcelain and Refractory Factory", in Almácera, north of Valencia, set out to explore the limits of the creativity of its academic painters and sculptors.

If with the figures in Biscuit, very early in its career, their sculptors showed the excellence of their art, with the series dedicated to regional costumes, it was the turn of the painters and decorators to place themselves at their level and establish a collaboration that produced true masterpieces. 

Through the images of the figures that have come down to us, one can follow the work of each of them who, conveniently supported by the property and all the means of its technical section, led Nalda Porcelain to become equal, in artistic excellence and technique, with the tradition of the great German firms and even surpassing them in their originality. The regional costume series is an excellent way to attest to this.

Copyright of the text and images: Antonio Ten Ros. All rights reserved.


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