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Genotyping and genetic diagnosis


The large range of equipment currently available in the UGDG is:

  • Chemagic (Chemagen) automatic DNA extraction system: it can extract DNA from different types of samples and in volumes ranging from 50 µl to 10 ml. Depending on the starting volume, you can perform simultaneous extractions in 96 or 12 samples in about 45 minutes.
  • Two Starlet (Hamilton) automated liquid handling systems, designed for pre- and post-PCR.
  • LightCycler 480 (Roche) quantitative real-time thermal cyclers for 384-well plates, Cobas (Roche) system.
  • 3730 DNA analyzer (Applied Biosystems) automated sequencer for 48 capillaries.
  • GS 454 Junior (Roche) next-generation sequencer by pyrosequencing.
  • HiScanSQ (Illumina) and all the necessary accessories, which allows to study:
    • Different types of microarrays (Illumina) for genotyping, methylation and gene expression, both at low-medium density level (1536 markers per sample) and high density level (2-3 million SNPs per sample), the expression of all known genes and methylation (450,000 sites per sample).
    • NGS with capacity for 750 million sequencings (clusters) in simple reads and up to 1,500 million reads from both sides with a maximum of 100 bp in each direction. It allows obtaining more than 150 Gb per reaction.