- Details of the service provider
- Purpose and scope of application
- UV Functions
- Responsibility of the Universitat de València
- Exclusion of liability
- Obligation of users
- Access to services with login
- Intellectual and industrial property
- Data protection
- Applicable laws
- Validity and changes
I. Details of the service provider
The Universitat de València is a public institution with its own legal personality and heritage, and with the rights recognised by the Constitution and the existing laws. This institution is the entity holder of the email address www.uv.es and its identification and location data are:
- Name: Universitat de València-Estudi General (Hereinafter, Universitat de València)
- VAT: Q4618001D
- Registration code of the Universities, Centres and Titles: 018
- Type: Public university
- Address: Avenida Blasco Ibáñez, 13 - 46010 Valencia
- E-mail: UV mailbox
- Phone number: 96 386 41 00
- Regulation governing the use of IT and communication resources of the UV
II. Purpose and scope of application
These terms and conditions are intended to define the conditions governing the edition and use of web pages and services located in the e-mail address www.uv.es and also regulate such use. Any user accessing the information and services offered in that domain is subject to this document. Furthermore, certain services may be affected by specific terms and conditions, accessible, where appropriate, in the corresponding portals. Such terms and conditions must be read and will be mandatory for users. In particular, the virtual branch and the contractor profile shall be governed by specific regulations and the Rules of the Virtual Branch of the Universitat de València (ACGUV 99/2010, modified by ACGUV 189/2010).
III. UV Functions
According to the Article 1 of the Organic Law 6/2001, of 21 December, of Universities, the Universitat de València performs the public service of higher education through research, teaching and study.
The functions of the UV are:
- Creation, development, transfer and criticism of science, technology and culture.
- Preparation for conducting professional activities, which require the application of scientific knowledge and methods, and for artistic creation.
- Dissemination, valuation and transfer of knowledge at the service of culture, quality of life, and economic development.
- Dissemination of knowledge and culture through university extension and training throughout life.
In the performance of its functions, the UV puts at the disposal of the university community, in particular, and users, in general, information and services available in the Internet domain www.uv.es, which are subject to the following purposes:
- Facilitating, via internet, the access of citizens to institutional information with particular attention to the removal of barriers that restrict such access.
- Creating reliable conditions in the use of electronic means.
- Promoting proximity to citizenship and administrative transparency, as well as continuous improvement in achieving public interest.
- Contributing to improve the functioning of public administration, increasing the effectiveness and efficiency thereof by the use of information technologies, with the appropriate legal guarantees in carrying out their duties.
- Contributing to the development of information society in the field of public administration and society in general.
IV. Responsibility of the Universitat de València
The Universitat de València holds the ownership, management and administration of the information and the services offered through the e-mail address www.uv.es and it will monitor the compliance of the following principles:
- Respect for the right to personal data protection in the terms established by the Organic Law 3/2018, of Protection of Personal Data and Digital Rights Guarantee and the implementing rules.
- Principle of equality, accessibility to information and services through electronic means under the terms established by the regulations in force on these matters.
- Principle of security in the implementation and usage of electronic means.
- Principle of responsibility and quality on the accuracy and authenticity of the information and services offered through electronic means.
- Principle of technological neutrality and adaptability to the progress of techniques and electronic communication systems guaranteeing independence in the choice of alternative technologies by citizens and by the Universitat de València. To this end, the UV will use open standards and, where appropriate and in addition, standards that are widely used by citizens.
V. Exclusion of liability
The Universitat de València is only responsible for the officialisation and truthfulness of the information and services offered directly through the domain uv.es.
Moreover, the UV acts in good faith in the provision of information and services to users through its domain uv.es, so the university is not liable for:
- Information reproduced by third parties and, in particular, the information in the cache of search engines (catching services).
- Technical failures that may impede access to information and services offered through the uv.es. domain.
- Access and use of information and services by minors.
- Access and illegal use by users and, in particular, to activities known as framing or pharming.
- Improper use by third parties alien to the UV and, in particular, when those impersonate or emulate the corporate identity of the Universitat de València.
- The contents of the links that lead to external sites to uv.es. domain.
In addition, only the information and services offered through the entreu.uv.es portal will be considered as virtual branch in the terms established by Law 11/2007, of 22 June, on Electronic Access of Citizens to Public Services.
The following terms and conditions of use are excluded:
- Personal web pages located at the uv.es domain.
- Blogs located in the blogs.uv.es domain.
VI. Obligation of users
The status of user will be assigned to any citizen who access the information or services placed within the uv.es domain, both if the information is used or not. In the use of he information and services offered within the above mentioned domain, the users have the following obligations:
- Users shall make a good use of the information and services offered by the Universitat de València through the electronic address uv.es
- Users shall obey these regulations, the Universitat de València statutes and the rest of the legal system. In particular, the rights of citizens and, specially the ones regarding the protection of data, intimacy, honour and personal portrayal, shall be upheld.
- The rights of intellectual and industrial property of the Universitat de València and third parties shall be upheld according to the applicable law.
- Users shall collaborate with the University of Valencia when information on illegal or criminal actions related to the use of Universitat de València’s computer and telematic resources becomes available.
In any case shall the information and services referred to in this document be used for the following aims:
- Incurring illicit or illegal activities of any type and, particularly, broadcasting contents or propaganda with a racist, xenophobic, pornographic, sexist, apologising terrorism or undermining of human rights character or acting to the detriment of the rights of intimacy, honour, personal portrayal or infringing people’s dignity.
- Broadcasting contents contrary to the principles outlined in the Universitat’s statutes.
- Broadcasting fake, incorrect or inexact manifestations or references on the pages and services of the Universitat de València.
- Damaging the physical and logical systems of the Universitat de València, its suppliers and third parties.
- Introducing or broadcasting computer viruses or any other physical or logical systems which may be subject to provoke the above mentioned damages.
VII. Access to services with login
The Universitat de València offers users, depending on their relationship with it, access to certain services which require identification and authentication.
In the use of these services, the user has the following information:
- Secretly keeping the passwords to access restricted-access services, remaining prohibited to facilitate user data and passwords to third parties.
- Passwords shall not be stocked up in files, storage mediums or any other places where they can be accessed by non-authorised people.
- Users shall always recourse to eight-word or longer passwords, capital letters, numbers or signs and shall not be words, names or concepts.
Access to those applications remains restricted without the corresponding authorisations. The Universitat de València will only be responsible of the security measures related to the access of such services.
VIII. Intellectual and industrial property
The design, source code, logotype, brand and other distinctive signs which appear within the uv.es domain are property of the Universitat de València and are protected with the appropriate rights of intellectual and industrial property.
Total or partial reproduction of the contents within the document remains prohibited without authorisation.
IX. Data protection
- Data published in www.uv.es
Sites hosted in the www.uv.es domain contain personal data. Their use will depend on their category. Hence:
- Contact details: These data shall only be used for academic and administrative aims. The fact of using them for aims different to these and, particularly, for commercial reasons or for a massive sending of emails (SPAM), will be considered as contrary to the principles in article 4 of the Organic Law 3/2018 for the Protection of Personal Data and Digital Rights Guarantee, from 5 December, and its equivalents within the Directive 95/46/CE, and will be made known to the competent authorities in the subject of Data Protection.
- Administrative issuances: Issuances in compliance with articles 42, 43, 45 and 46 of the Law 39/2015, of 1 October, on the Common Administrative Procedure of Public Administrations, thus any uses different to those established within those articles remain prohibited.
In any case, capture and storage of personal data published in the www.uv.es domain remains prohibited.
- Navigation data
On the other hand, in navigation and use of the services located in the www.uv.es domain, privacy and cookie policies of the Universitat de València shall be taken into account; they can be referred to:
X. Applicable laws
Without prejudice to the present terms and conditions, users shall submit to the Spanish legislation. Any conflict or discrepancy arisen from the interpretation or application of these general conditions shall be subdued to Spanish courts and tribunals.
Once the users become members of the university community, the shall take into account the fulfilment of the Regulation governing the use of IT and communication resources of the UV
XI. Validity and changes
These terms and conditions are applicable since the date of their publication. The Universitat de València reserves its right to modify them without any requirements but the corresponding warning for page users within the uv.es domain.
In case any point or clause of these general conditions is considered to be totally or partially null or not applicable by any competent Court, Tribunal or Administrative body, such nullity shall not affect the other dispositions within the general conditions.