foto David Colomer Bea
PDI-Prof. Permanent Laboral Ppl
Knowledge area: CRIMINAL LAW
Department: Criminal Law
Subjects taught and teaching methods
35216 - Derecho Penal II - Double Degree in Business Management and Administration and Law
35216 - Derecho Penal II - Double degree in Law + Political Sciences and Administration
44750 - Degree final project - Master's Degree in Criminal Safeguards and Socio-Economic Crimes
44739 - Cuestiones parte general en delit socioe - Master's Degree in Criminal Safeguards and Socio-Economic Crimes
34994 - Degree final project - Degree in Political Sciences and Administration
35216 - Derecho Penal II - Double degree in Law + Political Sciences and Administration
46729 - null - Master’s Degree in Legal Practice and Representation
34994 - Degree final project - Degree in Sociology + Political Sciences and Public Administration
46733 - null - Double Master’s Degree Programme in Law and Procurement - Corporate Law Commercial Consultancy, Labour Advisory and Tax Advice
46729 - null - Double Master’s Degree Programme in Law and Procurement - Corporate Law Commercial Consultancy, Labour Advisory and Tax Advice
34994 - Degree final project - Double degree in Law + Political Sciences and Administration
46733 - null - Master’s Degree in Legal Practice and Representation
34994 - Degree final project - Degree in Political Sciences and Public Administration + Sociology
46734 - null - Master’s Degree in Legal Practice and Representation
46734 - null - Double Master’s Degree Programme in Law and Procurement - Corporate Law Commercial Consultancy, Labour Advisory and Tax Advice
44741 - Delitos financi, bursát, mercado, consu - Master's Degree in Criminal Safeguards and Socio-Economic Crimes
01/09/2024 - 26/01/2025
MIÉRCOLES de 10:30 a 13:30 4B01 DESPATX Planta 4 FACULTAT DE DRET
27/01/2025 - 31/07/2025
JUEVES de 10:30 a 13:30 4B01 DESPATX Planta 4 FACULTAT DE DRET
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