foto Francisco Arenas Dolz
PDI-Titular d'Universitat
Director/a de Departament
Knowledge area: MORAL PHILOSOPHY
Department: Philosophy
Despatx 610 Facultat de Filosofia i Ciències de l'Educació Avda. Blasco Ibáñez 30 46010 València
(9639) 83731

Born in Valencia (1978). Professor of Moral Philosophy of the Faculty of Philosophy and Education Sciences. Graduate in Ecclesiastical Studies from the Faculty of Theology 'San Vicente Ferrer' in Valencia. Graduate in Classical Philology and graduate and PhD in Philosophy from Universitat de València, with extraordinary award of doctorate. He obtained a second PhD in Philosophy from University of Bologna.

His research addresses issues related to moral philosophy, political philosophy and social philosophy, classical philosophy and contemporary hermeneutics, philosophy of the art of living, philosophies of the world, the relationships between philosophy and literature, Aristotle and Nietzsche. He belongs to the research group ETIDEMO (Applied Ethics and Democracy). He is the author of various books, book chapters and articles in national and foreign scientific journals.

He has participated in more than ten national and international research projects, among which stand out the Knowledge Generation-2021 project ‘Conflictos armados y crisis humanitarias: las humanidades y ciencias sociales ante los desafíos de la seguridad multidimensional’ (Armed conflicts and humanitarian crises: the humanities and social sciences facing the challenges of multidimensional security) (MCI) and two projects in the Prometeo programme.

He supervised seven PhD theses, five of which have the international PhD mention.

He has carried out research stays in centers of recognized international prestige in Paris, Turin, Bologna, Freiburg, Mainz, Stockholm, Geneva, Oxford, Washington, Boston and Mexico City. He has been fellow of the Royal College of Spain and the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation.

He has recognized three six-year research periods. He has been a member of the Board of Directors of the Castellón and Valencia Section of the Spanish Society of Classical Studies (SEEC).

At the Universitat de València he is the director of the Department of Philosophy since 2019 and coordinator of the Itinerary in Philosophy and the Advanced Studies Course in Thought and Culture of Classical Antiquity (ANCLA) of the La Nau Gran University Programme.

He's been teaching in undergraduate and official master's degrees, as well as numerous university extension courses, at the Universitat de València and at other Spanish and international universities.

He took part of numerous teaching innovation projects, among them stands out Ethos Living Lab - Ethics and Professions, led by the Universitat de València.

Likewise, he has led cooperation projects that have resulted in different publications.

He has also participated in conferences and workshops of a teaching nature, and in programmes of revitalization and improvement of teaching. He has recognized four five-year teaching periods, highlighting the Excellent grade of the advanced level in the last evaluated period.

He has been evaluator of the Erasmus+, Turing Scheme, COST, ENI CBC Med, EACEA, Horizon 2020 and Horizon Europe programmes.

Academic training
Journal Publications
Other Tasks
Other publications
Previous Tasks
Stays abroad in Research Centers
Activity interests
Participations in Conferences
Participations in Conferences
Participation in Committees and Representations
Thesis, minor thesis and research reports
Currricul@'s texts