CLARIFICATION NOTE Contracts for the training of predoctoral research staff, of the Vice-rectorate for Research - Call 2022

  • June 28th, 2022
Contracts for the training of predoctoral research staff, of the Vice-rectorate for Research - Call 2022
Contracts for the training of predoctoral research staff, of the Vice-rectorate for Research - Call 2022

CLARIFICATION NOTE Rules of the call for 2022 granting aid for the training of predoctoral research staff.

Resolution of 15 June 2022 of the Principal's Office of the University of Valencia calling for grants for the training of predoctoral research staff, within the framework of the 'Talent Attraction' programme by the Office of the Vice-Principal for Research


In relation to the requirement included in point 6.3 of the call, which establishes, respect to the applicant's thesis director, the obligation to "participate in the research team of a research project attached to the University of Valencia and financed with public or private funds, valid, at least, until December 31, 2022”, this requirement will be understood to have been met by those researchers who participate in calls for competitive European, state or regional projects that are pending resolution, as long as once the calls have been resolved, the project is granted and its validity retroactively covers the period for submitting applications (June 16 to July 15, 2022).



The application submission period will remain open until July 15, 2022 at 2:00 p.m.



Link to the website of the Research Management Service