Collection of documentation

Recogida de documentación

School of Engineering 2020-2021


Degree Date Hours Place
Degree in Informatics Engineering from 1 to 21 September 2020 from 9,00h. a.m. to 2,00h. p.m.

ETSE-UV Secretary
Degree in Multimedia Engineering  
Degree in Data Science  
Degree in Electronic Engineering for Telecommunications
Degree in Telematics Engineering
Degree in Chemical Engineering
Degree in Industrial Electronic Engineering


Collection of documentation

Faculty of Biological Sciences

Degree programme Place Date
Degree in Biology Online office UV

Information avalaible soon


Degree in Biochemistry and Biomedical Sciencies
Degree in Biotechnology
Degree in Environmental Sciences


Collection of documentation

Faculty of Physical Activity and Sport Sciences. Academic year 2021-2022

Degree programme  Place Date and time
Degree in Physical Activity and Sports Sciences (València) Online office UV

Until September 15, 2022

Degree in Physical Activity and Sports Sciences (Ontinyent - Avd Conde Torrefiel, 22) Online office UV Until September 15, 2022


Collection of documentation

Facultat de Ciències Matemàtiques

Degree programme Place Hours
Degree in Mathematics    


Recollida documentació


Collection of documentation

Facultat de Dret

A continuación se muestran ejemplos de los documentos que se deben subir a la Sede Electrónica (hay que remarcar que el formato del documento puede variar en función de la universidad y/o comunidad de origen del estudiante):

Documentación General:

  • orden de domiciliación (no la deben aportar los estudiantes que opten por el pago con tarjeta)
  • DNI/NIE/PASAPORTE (importante: por las dos caras)

Formas de Acceso:

Acreditación de las situaciones especiales de acceso (solamente si no se ha validado por la aplicación):

Acreditación exención de tasas de matrícula (solamente si no se ha validado por la aplicación):





Collection of documentation


Students in the 4th and 5th year of the Facultat d'Economia will sendthrough the following application form 

  • The direct debit order signed by the account holder, if it had not been presented previously or the account number had been modified.
  • Documentation proving any situation that entitles you to a fee waiver, if it is not automatically validated at the time of registration.

Collection of documentation

Faculty of Pharmacy, Academic year 2023-2024

Degree  Place Date and time
Degree in Human Nutrition and Dietetics Online Office UV


From registration until September 15, 2023


Degree in Food Science and Technology
Degree in Gastronomic Science
Degree in Pharmacy
Double Degree in Pharmacy and in Human Nutrition and Dietetics


Collection of documentation

Faculty of Philology, Translation and Communication ( 2024/2025) 

Degree Date

Degree in English Studies 

Degree in Hispanic Studies

Degree in Catalan Studies

Degree in Classical Philology 

Degree in Audiovisual Communication

Degree in Journalism

Degree in Modern Languages and Literatures

Degree in Translation and Interlinguistic Mediation (English, French, German)

Double Degree in Audiovisual Communication and Journalism

The documentation will be delivered from the moment of registration until September 15, 2024 electronically through the Services Portal


Collection of documentation

Facultat de Filosofia i Ciències de l'Educació

Degree programme  Place Hours
Degree in Social Education    
Degree in Philosophy    
Degree in Pedagogy    


Collection of documentation

Faculty of Physics  

Degree Place Schedule
Degree in Physics Seu Electrònica
From the moment of registration until September 15, 2022
Degree in Optics and Optometry Seu Electrònica
From the moment of registration until September 15, 2022
Double Degree in Physics and Chemistry Seu Electrònica
From the moment of registration until September 15, 2022

Collection of documentation

Facultat de Fisioteràpia

Degree programme Place Day

Degree in Physiotherapy


Collection of documentation 2021-22

Faculty of Geography and  History

Degree Date Place
Degree in Geography and Environment

From September 6 to October 1, 2021

Telematically at the UV Electronic Headquarters

More information                        
Degree in History

From September 6 to October 1, 2021

Telematically at the UV Electronic Headquarters

More information

Degree in History of Art

From September 6 to October 1, 2021

Telematically at the UV Electronic Headquarters

More information

Degree in Information and Documentation

From September 6 to October 1, 2021

Telematically at the UV Electronic Headquarters

More information


Collection of documentation

Faculty of Nursing and Chiropody. Curs 2021-2022

Degree in Nursing

Degree in Podiatry

Degree in Nursing (Ontinyent)

Alumnado de nuevo ingreso

La documentación se entregará a partir del 6 de septiembre de 2021 de forma telemática a través del siguiente enlace:

Alumnado de segundo curso y posteriores

Por correo electrónico a


Collection of documentation

Faculty of Teaching

Degree Place Comments
Degree in Preschool Education  
Pending confirmation
Degree in Primary School Education
Degree in Preschool Education (Ontinyent)    


Collection of documentation

Faculty of Medicine and Odontology

Degree programme Lugar Horario
Degree in Medicine Online office UV Information avalaible soon
Degree in Dentristry Online office UV Information avalaible soon


Collection of documentation

El Centre podrà en qualsevol moment requerir la documentació original per a la seua comprovació.





Collection of documentation

Facultat de Psicologia. Curs 2021-2022





Presentació de documentació

Seu Electrònica UV -ENTREU-
(Procediment EST_EDM)

A partir del 6 de setembre 2021

Manual d'ajuda
Llista de Documents

35Si en realitzar la matrícula no s'ha pogut validar la causa d'exempció o no has pogut introduir el compte bancari, una vegada realitzada la matrícula hauràs d'enviar un email a amb el document acreditatiu de l'exempció corresponent o l'autorització bancària ( escanejada una vegada emplenada segons el cas.