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Invitación a la presentación
Presentación del libro 'La ignomínia de l’oblit' en Albalat de la Ribera

On Thursday, July 23, at 7:00 p.m., will take place the lauching of "La ignomínia de l'oblit. Els valenciancs de La Ribera als camps d'extermini nazis" by Ximo Vidal and Carles Senso. Carles, co-author and Doctor in History, will be in charge of the launching of the book.

The drama of the Valencians deported to the Nazi concentration camps is already known, but in this study it is carried out from a more concrete viewpoint, both from the territorial point of view - centred on the region of La Ribera - and from the vital point of view of the lived experience that has been collected in a handful of biographies. It is an investigation that assumes the role of the historian in the transmission and relay of memory, as desired by the survivors of the death camps who aspired, before disappearing, to pass the baton as guardians of memory. A role that the authors of this book have claimed, incorporating the concept "of having to remember", applied here to the memory of those Valencians who suffered deportation and extermination after having to leave their land and go into exile.


Date 23 july 2020 at 19:00 to 20:00. Thursday.


Casa del Bou en Albalat de la Ribera

Organized by

Publicacions de la Universitat de València .

