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Resultats de la cerca105 resultats

  • The specific role of plastidial glycolysis in photosynthetic and heterotrophic cells under scrutiny through the study of glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase.

    Anoman, A.D, Flores-Tornero, M., Rosa-Téllez, S., Muñoz-Bertomeu, J., Segura, J., Ros, R.

    (2016). Article

    Plant Signalling and Behaviour..


  • High vancomycin MICs within the susceptible range in Staphylococcus aureus bacteraemia isolates are associated with increased cell wall thickness and reduced intracellular killing by human phagocytes

    Falcón, R., Martínez, A., Albert, E., Madrid, S., Oltra, R., Giménez, E., Soriano, M., Vinuesa, V., Gozalbo, D., Gil, M.L., and Navarro, D

    (2016). Article

    International Journal of Antimicrobial Agents.

    1. 46, 343-350. (2016)

    Category: “Microbiology”, Rank: 23/125 (Q1), IF: 4.307 (2016)

  • TLR2 modulates gut colonization and dissemination of Candida albicans in a murine model

    Prieto, D., Carpena, N., Maneu, V., Gil, M.L., and Gozalbo, D

    (2016). Article

    Microbes and Infection.

    18, 617-625. (2016)

    Category: “Microbiology”, Rank: 74/125 (Q3), IF: 2.152 (2016)

  • Immunosuppression, peripheral inflammation and invasive infection from endogenous gut microbiota activate retinal microglia in mouse models

    Maneu, V., Noailles, A., Gómez-Vicente, V., Carpena, N., Cuenca, N., Gil, M.L., and Gozalbo, D

    (2016). Article

    Microbiology and Immunology.

    1. 60, 617-625. (2016)

    Category: “Microbiology”, Rank: 90/123 (Q3), IF: 1.706 (2016)

  • Interferon regulatory factor 8 and the regulation of neutrophil, monocyte and dendritic cell production

    Yáñez, A., and Goodridge, HS.

    (2016). Article

    Curr. Opin. Hematol.

    23:11-7 (2016) Review

    Category: “Hematology”, Rank: 27/70 (Q2), IF: 3.200 (2016)

  • C9orf72 is required for proper macrophage and microglial function in mice

    O’Rourke, JG., Bogdanik, L., Yáñez, A., Lall, D., Wolf, AJ., Muhammad, AKMG., Ho, R., Carmona, S., Vit, JP., Zarrow, J., Kim, K., Bell, S., Harms, MB., Miller, TM., Dangler, C., Underhill, DM., Goodridge, HS., Lutz, CM., and Baloh, RH.

    (2016). Article


    351:1324-9 (2016)

    Category: “Multidisciplinary Sciences”, Rank: 2/64 (D1), IF: 37.205 (2016)

  • Role of Toll-like receptors in systemic Candida albicans infections

    Gil, ML., Murciano, C., Yáñez, A., and Gozalbo, D

    (2016). Article

    Front. Biosci. (Landmark Ed).

    1. :278-302 (2016) Review

    Category: “Cell Biology”, Rank: 126/190 (Q3), IF: 2.497 (2016)

  • TLR2, TLR4 and Dectin-1 signalling in hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells determines the antifungal phenotype of the macrophages they produce

    Megías, J., Martínez, A., Yáñez, A., Goodridge, HS., Gozalbo, D., and Gil, ML.

    (2016). Article

    Microbes Infect.

    18:354-63 (2016)

    Category: “Microbiology”, Rank: 73/124 (T2, Q3), IF: 2.152 (2016)

  • Scabrous overexpression in the eye affects R3/R4 specification and inhibits Notch signaling

    Muñoz-Soriano V., Santos D., Durupt F.C., Casani S., Paricio N.

    (2015). Article

    Dev. Dyn.

    245, 166-174

  • Scabrous overexpression in the eye affects R3/R4 specification and inhibits Notch signaling

    Muñoz-Soriano V., Santos D., Durupt F.C., Casani S., Paricio N.

    (2015). Article

    Dev. Dyn.

    245, 166-174