Universitat de ValènciaCSICInstitute for Integrative Systems Biology (I2sysbio) Logo del portal

The central intent of SETH is the generation of a knowledge base, a suite of useful strains and a portfolio of matching genetic technologies for enabling a new type of large-scale industrial and environmental processes mediated by whole bacterial cells but executed under (very) low-water conditions. This endeavor builds on the success of the precedent HELIOS project but goes much beyond by capitalizing on the wealth of biological activities found in desiccation-tolerant bacteria and their repurposing for the design of live catalysts able to work under an unprecedented variety of physicochemical settings.



Title: "Exploiting low-water lifestyles of environmental bacteria for engineering solid-phase bioprocesses (SETH)".

Research Group: Biotechnology and Synthetic Biology and Systems Metabolic Engineering

The central intent of SETH is the generation of a knowledge base, a suite of useful strains and a portfolio of matching genetic technologies for enabling a new type of large-scale industrial and environmental processes mediated by whole bacterial cells but executed under (very) low-water conditions. This endeavor builds on the success of the precedent HELIOS project but goes much beyond by capitalizing on the wealth of biological activities found in desiccation-tolerant bacteria and their repurposing for the design of live catalysts able to work under an unprecedented variety of physicochemical settings.

Total amount: 370.000 €.
Ref. RTI2018-095584-B-C41-42-43-44

Unión Europea - FEDER Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades

Non-UV principal researchers

J. Peretó, M. Porcar

Start date
2019 January
End date
2021 December
Funding agencies:

FEDER funds, Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades (MINCIU)


CSIC (CNB, CIB), Universidad de León.

Project type
  • MCiencia - Innovation