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  • Is the Master’s Degree in Psychology of Education and Human Development in Multicultural contexts an official Master’s Degree?
    • Yes, the Master’s has been certified by the National Agency for Quality assessment and Certification (ANECA), and it is official, with validity in Spain and in other countries.
  • Where is taught? Is taught at the University of Valencia?
    • No, this Master’s is taught alternately in Lima and St. Domingo. The next academic year 201-2014 will be taught in Lima. Specifically it is taught in the Pere Mir Library in the fourth floor, in Santo Domingo, and in the UASD.
  • Which is teaching language?
    • Preferably in Spanish language. Language for reading Spanish and English.
  • Is it possible to do the course online or blended learning?
    • No this Master’s is only face-to-face.
  • Who can take this Master’s?
    • The holders of a licenciatura (Spanish former undergraduate degree) or of an Undergraduate degree in Psychology and Education Sciences.
  • Does the Master’s allow the access to a doctoral programme?
    • Yes, the Master’s Degree is linked to the Doctoral programme in Psychology of Education and Human Development in Multicultural contexts.
  • What is the duration of the Master’s?
    • Two years, because the enrollment is part-time.
  • How much the Master’s cost? How many credits should I complete?
    • Taking into account that is an official Master’s, the price is set annually by the Valencian Government, the price during the academic year 2013-2014 is € 42, 00 per credit and you should add to this the management expenses of the collaborating companies. In total you must complete 60 credits, structured in two years. You can have more information in the universities where it will take place.
  • Are there scholarships or grants for the mobility of students to Peru or the Dominican Republic?
    • There are no specific grants and the planning foresees that is taught at Peru and the Dominican Republic. However, the grants and scholarships for the students of the University of Valencia are also applicable for taking this Master’s, and you can consult the Mobility section, too.
  • When does the Master’s must be paid?
    • There is a partial payment. The initial amount includes the pre-registration fees and the processes for the Hague Apostille. For more information contact with the professor Consuelo Cerviño:
  • How do I pre-register in the Master’s?
    • The pre-registration of the Master’s is online through the platform created for this purpose by the University of Valencia. Once you are accepted in the Master’s, the student should enroll in the University like any other student of the same. The centers where the Master’s is taught will facilitate you the pre-registration and enrollment processes. For more information contact with the professor Consuelo Cerviño:
  • What advantages do I have as Master’s student once enrolled?
    • Once enrolled in the Master’s, and as any other student of the University of Valencia, you will have at your disposal its resources: library access, bibliographical resources, medical insurance, computer media, etc.
  • Is there a possibility of participating in online tutorials?
    • It’s possible. There are also face-to-face tutorials in the countries where the Master’s is taught on which students will receive detailed information.
  • Can I defend the Master’s Degree final project on-line?
    • Only on the second session and if the Master’s Degree Academic Coordinating Committee gives its approval. In this case you will be required to justify the petition and to make a request after finishing the project with the authorization of the tutor for the defense.
  • Where I can go for more information?
    • All regulations related to Master’s Degrees are in the website of the University of Valencia, and in the same website where you are now, it will be indicated the particularities which are considered important to publish. Also, you can contact with the persons indicated.
  • With whom I can contact in Valencia to get more information?
  • With whom I contact outside for obtaining more information?