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The University of Valencia uses the existing infrastructure in the collaborating Universities where the Master's is taught: Infrastructures and available equipments (Classrooms, TIC, libraries, documental resources, etc.).

In the Autonomous University of Santo Domingo, for the location of the available resources there is a server on the website in the address which offers the required information. You has wireless Internet network which facilitates the autonomous work of students.

In the Pero Mir Library there are specialised books and subscription of impact journals in the different disciplines working on Development and Education.

The collection of the Psychology library of the UASD (Autonomous University of Santo Domingo) is from periodicals and specialised books. It has an Intranet server of the Library, a virtual space where teachers and students can consult, store and produce digital documents depending on the teaching, and the research. 

  • Virtual space for the auto-archive of its documents.
  • Specific tools as support to distance learning.

It has suitable infrastructures in order to carry out the teaching tasks: Classrooms, seminars and teaching laboratories that have all of them from projection media (computer, LCD projector, video and monitors).

The Universidad Nacional de Huancavelica, is a university created in the capital of the region of the same name, material resources and available services exist, which they observe universal accessibility criteria and design for everybody. In all the material resources of access and use for everybody there are: access ramps to buildings and classrooms, libraries, lifts,, computers available to people with difficulties, etc. in all the used buildings.

El ISPP CREA has suitable infrastructures in order to carry out the teaching tasks. Classrooms, teaching seminars with projection media (computer, LCD projector, video and monitors).
Virtual education system which allows the execution of virtual supports to the teaching-learning process. Computer classrooms and teaching classrooms are included (equipped with audiovisual media: conferences video, computer, Internet connection, LCD projector and projection screen, etc.). deployed throughout the centres network where library teaching supports with bibliographical collections relating to Psychology of Education and human development, and scientific journal catalogue, accessible to full text through the Internet from the computers of the centre are carried out.

The University of Valencia, makes available to the Master's all their resources. In addition, the Faculty of Psychology, headquarters of the Department of Developmental and Educational Psychology, has the required infrastructure in order to carry out the teaching and learning tasks associated with the proposed university Master's: computer classrooms with spaces for 40 students and teaching classrooms (equipped with audiovisual media: video, computer, Internet connextion, LCD projector and screen).

  • You has a wireless Internet network.
  • A library in which you can find bibliographical collections and from periodicals on topics of human development, education and contexts that are accessible in full text through the Internet.
  • A complementary system called "Virtual Classroom", a result of the implementation of the .LRN ("Learn, Research, Network") open source platform, which allows to offer virtual group spaces to professors and students and support to face-to-face teaching or virtual groups.