Universitat de ValènciaFacultat d'Infermeria Logo del portal

1.- ACADEMIC RECORD, Maximum 15 points
1. Degree or Diplomate Academic record in Nursing. (Average mark over 10).
Other Degrees (1 point per each Level MECES 2 Degree and 2 points per MECES 3 Degree).
2.- RESEARCH, Maximum 15 points
2.1 INDEXEDED Publications, Maximum 3 points
Articles in national/international specialised journals, books, book chapters with ISBN (up to 0.5 points per publication).
2.2 RESEARCH PROJECTS, Maximum 2 points
Participation in R&D projects from autonomic/national/international university competitive public calls (up to 0.5 points per year).

Contributions to national/international congresses (up to 0.5 point per contribution)
2.4 OTHER MERITS, Maximum 2.5 points
Other publications, transfer of research results, research stays (up to 0.5 points per contribution)
3 WORK EXPERIENCE, Maximum 5 points
0.1 points per complete month worked*.
*Work experience within the are of oncology nursing will be valued with 0.3 points per complete month worked.
4 MOTIVATION (LETTER), Maximum 2 points
5 INTERVIEW (only if there is a tie), Maximum 1 point
Personal interview will be only in case of a tie between two or more applicants to the position and will have a discriminatory value. However
, if the admission of candidates with a tie does not represent more than 10% of total vacancies, the Academic Coordinating Committee (CCA) can decide de admission of all of them.