Blasco-Lafarga C.; Blasco-Lafarga NMª.; Cordellat A; Roldán A.; Sanchis-Soler G. (2015). Step-Test vs. Six-Minute Walk Test among active elderly undergoing functional training. (Poster). Ageing and Degeneration: A Physiological Perspective. (Physilogical society, 2015) pendiente de publicación . Edimburgo . ESCÿCIA
Ana Cordellat, Ainoa Roldan, María Olagüe y Cristina Blasco-Lafarga (2015). Effect of detraining on physical function and executive function among active elderly. (Poster). 20th ECSS- Congress of the European College of Sports Science. Malmö 24-27 Junio 2015 Cordellat, A., Roldan, A., Olagüe, M.A., and Blasco-Lafarga, C. (2015). Effect of detraining on physical function and executive function among active elderly, In: Book of Abstracts / [ed] Radman, A., Hedenborg, S., & Tsolakidis, E.(editors). Malmö, p. 581. ISBN ISBN 978-91-7104-567-6 . Malmö . SUÈCIA
Blasco-Lafarga C.; Roldán A.; Sanchis R.; Sanchis G.; Cordellat A.; Llorens-Soriano P. (2014). Monitoring early neuromuscular training in chronic inpatients with COPD and HF: changes in %Spo2 and Heart Rate. (Poster). The International 22th Puijo Symposium; 24/06 a 28/06/2014 Blasco-Lafarga C, Roldán A, Sanchis R, Sanchis G, Cordellat A, & Llorens-Soriano P.(2014). Monitoring early neuromuscular training in chronic inpatients with COPD and HF: changes in %Spo2 and Heart Rate. Pendiente de publicación. Retreived the 05/07/2014 from . Kuopio . FINLÀNDIA
I. Martinez-Navarro, C.; Blasco-Lafarga.; A. Cordellat, G.; Sanchis-Soler, A.; Roldan, A.; Montoya-Vieco.; R. Sanchis-Sanchis. (2014). Heart rate variability, executive function and functional fitness in women over 65 years old. (Comunicació). Physiology 2014 Martinez-Navarro I, Blasco-Lafarga C, Cordellat A, Sanchis-Soler G, Roldan A, Montoya-Vieco A and Sanchis-Sanchis R. Heart rate variability, executive function and functional fitness in women over 65 years old. Retreived the 05/07/2014 from . London . ANGLATERRA
Blasco-Lafarga, C.; Monteagudo-Chiner, P.; Blasco-Lafarga, N.; Cordellat, A.; Sorio, F.; Roldan, A.; Jiménez-Muñoz, A. (2015). Implantación de un Programa multidisciplinar en un entorno rural. (Comunicació). XVII ENCUENTRO PACAP Pendiente de publicación . Cuenca . ESPANYA
Cordellat, A.; Blasco-Lafarga, C.; Monteagudo, P.; Roldán, A.; Velasco, MC.; Jiménez, A. (2016). Training and Detraining balance changes in trained and untrained elderly undergoing a five-months multicomponent training. (Poster). 13th International Scientific Conference on Transformation Processes in Sport 'Sport Performance' Cordellat A, Blasco-Lafarga C, Monteagudo P, Roldán A, Velasco MC, Jiménez, A. (2016). Training and Detraining balance changes in trained and untrained elderly undergoing a five-months multicomponent training. Book of Abstracts. p. 31. 978-9940-569-16-7 . Podgorica . MONTENEGRO
Monteagudo, P; Blasco-Lafarga, C.; Blasco-Lafarga, NM; Cordellat, A.; Roldan, A.; Sanchís-Sanchís, R.; Sanchis-Soler, G.; Berruga, A.; Jimenez, A. (2016). La Ansiedad de rendimiento musical disminuye tras una semana de entrenamiento interválico de alta intensidad. (Poster). IX Congreso Internacional de la Asociación Española de Ciencias del Deporte Pendiente de publicación . Toledo . ESPANYA
Blasco-Lafarga, C.; Monteagudo, P.; Blasco-Lafarga, N.; Cordellat, A.; Sanchis-Sanchis, R.; Roldán, A.; Jiménez, A.; Berruga, A.; Sanchis-Soler, G. (2016). Changes in Frequency-Domain indices after a High Intensity Interval Training acute intervention to reduce music performance anxiety. (Poster). Biomedical Basis of Elite Performance 2016 Pendiente de publicación . Nottingham . REGNE UNIT
Velasco MC; Cordellat A; Blasco-Lafarga C; Roldán A; Monteagudo P; Jiménez A. (2016). Cambios en la Amplitud de Movimiento en Adultos Mayores tras un Periodo de Desentrenamiento. (Comunicació). International Congress On Successful Aging & Exercise Training Velasco MC., Cordellat A., Blasco-Lafarga C., Roldán A., Monteagudo P., Jiménez A. (2016). Cambios en la Amplitud de Movimiento en Adultos Mayores tras un Periodo de Desentrenamiento. In Book of Abstracts of International Congress on Successful Aging & Exercise Training. p. 49-50. UIFIRDE. ISBN 978-84-608-7037-1 . Valencia . ESPANYA
Roldán A. (2016). From Gait training to Rhythm and Motor Control. (Taula rodona). International Congress on Succesful Aging & Exercise Training 2016 . Valencia . ESPANYA