foto Marc Montesinos Magraner
PDI-Ajudant Doctor/A
Responsables de Gestio Academica
Coordinador/a Titulacio de Grau
Àrea de coneixement: QUÍMICA ORGÀNICA
Departament: Química Orgànica
963543039 (D)

I graduated in BSc in Chemistry (2010) and in MSc in Org. Chemistry (2012), both from UV and obtaining Extraordinary Awards. During my BSc, I carried out a 9-months stay in the laboratory of Prof. D. Craig at Imperial College (UK).

In 2011, I was awarded an “Atracció de Talent” grant for my PhD, which I conducted at UV (Prof. J. R. Pedro / I. Fernández) working on enantioselective methods for the addition of hydroxyarenes using bifunctional organocatalysis. My PhD was awarded the Extraordinary Award, and I was finalist in the Lilly Awards. During this period, I conducted a 6-months stay in the group of Prof. G. Fu, at Caltech (2013, USA).

After the PhD, I moved to Stockholm University (April 2016), where I worked under the supervision of Dr. A. Mendoza on kinetic analysis, [3+2] cycloadditions and redox-active diazo compounds. During this period, I was awarded a Wenner-Gren Foundation grant, and a Generalitat-Valenciana Fellowship, which allowed me to go back to UV for a few months, conducting research, mentoring and teaching activities.

In October 2019, I joined the Prof. A. Echavarren group at ICIQ first as a postdoctoral researcher and then as JdlC-Incorporación (2020). I worked on the preparation of chiral ligands for enantioselective gold-catalysis, C-H activation and the generation of carbenes by retro-Buchner reactions. I also investigated on the design and synthesis of gold complexes for targeted intracellular applications, in collaboration with José Alberto López, from Prof. M. Serrano Group at IRB Barcelona. Our project was awarded by the “Ignite Program” by the BIST.

After a brief period (March-October 2022) as Assistant Professor at the Inorganic and Organic Chemistry Department at Universidad de Alcalá, I finally came back to UV, where I was appointed Assistant Professor at the Organic Chemistry Department.

Asignatures impartides i modalitats docents
01/09/2024 - 31/07/2025
LUNES de 10:00 a 11:00 DESPATX Planta 5 FAC. DE QUÍMICA (BLOC F)
01/09/2024 - 31/07/2025
MIÉRCOLES de 10:00 a 11:00 DESPATX Planta 5 FAC. DE QUÍMICA (BLOC F)
Participa en el programa de tutories electròniques de la Universitat de València
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