M.J. Lerma-García, E.F. Simó-Alfonso, C. Mongay-Fernández (2005). Application of the mass spectrometry to the determination of the biodegradability of alkylpolyphosphonates. (Poster). 11ª Jornadas de Análisis Instrumental MA-166 PO . Barcelona . ESPANYA
Lerma-García, M.J.; Simó-Alfonso, E.F.; Ramis-Ramos, G.; Mendonça, C.R.B.; Gonçalves, P.R.; Elias, M.C.; Rodrigues, M.R.A. (2006). Characterization of raw and parboiled rice bran oil by direct infusión ion-trap mass spectrometry. (Poster). 29th Internacional Symposium on Capillary Chromatography . Riva del Garda . ITÀLIA
Maria Jesus Lerma Garcia, Ernesto Francisco Simo Alfonso, Juan Jose Baeza Baeza, Guillermo Ramis Ramos (2006). Identification of the variety and geographical origin of olive oils by direct infusion of pure and mixed oil samples in a mass spectrometer. (Poster). 17th International Mass Spectrometry Conference MoP-031 . Praga . REPÚBLICA TXECA
M.J. Lerma-García, E.F. Simó-Alfonso, G. Ramis-Ramos, C.R.B. Mendonça (2006). Determinación de y-orizanol en aceites de arroz sancochado y no sancochado mediante infusión directa en espectrometría de masas. (Poster). 3ª Reunión de la Sociedad Española de Espectrometría de Masas PO-APN-08 . Oviedo . ESPANYA
M.J. Lerma-García, E.F. Simó-Alfonso, G. Ramis-Ramos (2006). Identificación de la variedad genética y origen geográfico de aceites de oliva virgen extra mediante infusión directa en espectrometría de masas. (Poster). 3ª Reunión de la Sociedad Española de Espectrometría de Masas PO-APN-09 . Oviedo . ESPANYA
J. Peris-Vicente, M.J. Lerma-García, E.F. Simó-Alfonso, J.V. Gimeno-Adelantado, M.T. Doménech-Carbó (2006). Caracterización de resinas poliméricas en obras de arte modernas por espectroscopia vibracional. (Poster). 16th Internacional Meeting on Heritage Conservation p.p. 343-352 . Valencia . ESPANYA
Mª Jesús Lerma-García, Ernesto Fco. Simó-Alfonso, Guillermo Ramis-Ramos, José Manuel Herrero-Martínez (2007). Determination of tocopherols in vegetable oils by capillary electrochromatography using methacrylate ester-based monolithic columns. (Poster). 31st International Symposium on High Performance Liquid Phase Separations and Related Techniques, HPLC'2007 P19.39 . Gante . BÈLGICA
M.J. Lerma-García, G. Ramis-Ramos, J.M. Herrero-Martínez, E.F. Simó-Alfonso (2007). Clasificación de aceites vegetales según su origen biológico mediante el perfil de aminoácidos establecido por espectrometría de masas con infusión directa. (Poster). XIV Reunión Nacional de la Sociedad Española de Química Analítica P52 . Pollensa (Mallorca) . ESPANYA
M.J. Lerma-García, E.F. Simó-Alfonso, G. Ramis-Ramos, J.M. Herrero-Martínez (2007). Determinación de esteroles en aceites vegetales por electrocromatografía capilar con columnas monolíticas de metacrilato. (Poster). XIV Reunión Nacional de la Sociedad Española de Química Analítica P53 . Pollensa (Mallorca) . ESPANYA
M.J. Lerma-García, E.F. Simó-Alfonso, G. Ramis-Ramos, J.M. Herrero-Martínez (2007). Detección de la adulteración de aceites de oliva con otros aceites vegetales según el perfil de tocoferoles y tocotrienoles obtenido por electrocromatografía capilar. (Poster). XIV Reunión Nacional de la Sociedad Española de Química Analítica P54 . Pollensa (Mallorca) . ESPANYA
J.M. Herrero-Martínez, M.J. Lerma-García, A. Cantó-Mirapeix, G. Ramis-Ramos, E.F. Simó-Alfonso, C. Mongay-Fernández (2007). Control de propiedades morfológicas y cromatográficas de columnas monolíticas para electrocromatografía capilar. (Ponència invitada). XIV Reunión Nacional de la Sociedad Española de Química Analítica O14 . Pollensa (Mallorca) . ESPANYA
M.J. Lerma-García, G. Ramis-Ramos, J.M. Herrero-Martínez, E.F. Simó-Alfonso (2007). Classification of vegetable oils according to their botanical origin by using the aminoacid profiles established by direct infusion mass spectrometry. (Poster). I Workshop of the Spanish Society of Mass Spectrometry (SEEM 2007) SEEM P10 . Granada . ESPANYA
M.J. Lerma-García, J.M. Herrero-Martínez, G. Ramis-Ramos, E.F. Simó-Alfonso (2007). Determination of sterols in vegetable oils by micellar electrokinetic chromatography. (Poster). VII Scientific Meeting of the Spanish Society of Chromatography and Related Techniques (SECyTA 2007) P84 . Granada . ESPANYA
J.M. Herrero-Martínez, A. Cantó-Mirapeix, M.J. Lerma-García, C. Mongay-Fernández, G. Ramis-Ramos and E. Simó-Alfonso (2007). How to manipulate the chromatographic performance in methacrylate monolithic columns for capillary electrochromatography. (Ponència). VII Scientific Meeting of the Spanish Society of Chromatography and Related Techniques (SECyTA 2007) O26 . Granada . ESPANYA
M.J. Lerma-García, G. Ramis-Ramos, E.F. Simó-Alfonso, J.M. Herrero-Martínez (2008). Authentication of vegetable oils using sterol profiles established by capillary electrochromatography. (Poster). 32nd International Symposium on Capillary Chromatography P27 . Riva del Garda . ITÀLIA
C. Adame, A. Sayago, M.J. Lerma, R. Beltrán, M.T. Morales (2008). Estudio espectrofluorimétrico de la estabilidad del aceite de oliva. (Poster). XI Reunión del Grupo Regional Andaluz de la Sociedad Española de Química Analítica (GRASEQA) P54, pag 118, ISBN 978-84-96826-64-9 . Huelva . ESPANYA
M.J. Lerma-García, G. Ramis-Ramos, J.M. Herrero-Martínez, E.F. Simó-Alfonso (2008). Classification of vegetable oils according to their botanical origin by Fourier transform - infrared spectroscopy. (Poster). 6th Euro Fed Lipid Congress ANTE-006 . Atenas . GRÈCIA
M.J. Lerma-García, G. Ramis-Ramos, E.F. Simó-Alfonso, J.M. Herrero-Martínez (2008). Determination of sterols in vegetable oils by capillary electrochromatography using methacrylate ester-based monolithic columns. (Poster). 6th Euro Fed Lipid Congress ANTE-007 . Atenas . GRÈCIA
M.J. Lerma-García, G. Ramis-Ramos, J.M. Herrero-Martínez, E.F. Simó-Alfonso (2008). Classification of vegetable oils according to their botanical origin using sterol profiles established by direct infusion mass spectrometry. (Poster). 6th Euro Fed Lipid Congress ANTE-008 . Atenas . GRÈCIA
M.J. Lerma-García, G. Ramis-Ramos, J.M. Herrero-Martínez, E.F. Simó-Alfonso (2008). Characterization of the alcoholic fraction of vegetable oils by HPLC with UV-vis and MS detection. (Poster). 12as Jornadas de Análisis Instrumental PO-CSA-55 . Barcelona . ESPANYA
M.J. Lerma-García, G. Ramis-Ramos, J.M. Herrero-Martínez, E.F. Simó-Alfonso (2008). Authentication of extra virgin olive oils by Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy followed by multivariate treatment of the spectral data. (Poster). 12as Jornadas de Análisis Instrumental PO-CSA-57 . Barcelona . ESPANYA
M.J. Lerma-García, G. Ramis-Ramos, J.M. Herrero-Martínez, E.F. Simó-Alfonso (2008). Prediction of the botanical orgin of vegetable oils using sterol profiles established by direct infusion mass spectrometry. (Poster). 12as Jornadas de Análisis Instrumental PO-CSA-88 . Barcelona . ESPANYA
María Jesús Lerma-García, Ernesto Francisco Simo-Alfonso, Alessandra Bendini, Lorenzo Cerretani (2009). Sensori semiconduttori ad ossido di metallo (MOS) impiegati in parallelo all'analisi sensoriale per il monitoraggio dell'evoluzione dello stato ossidativo di oli vergini di oliva con differente contenuto in composti fenolici. (Poster). 9º Congresso Italiano di Scienza e Tecnologia degli Alimenti . Milan . ITÀLIA
María Jesús Lerma-García, Ernesto Francisco Simo-Alfonso, Emma Chiavaro, Alessandra Bendini, Lorenzo Cerretani (2009). Ossidazione dei composti fenolici durante l'invecchiamento degli oli vergini di oliva. (Ponència). 9º Congresso Italiano di Scienza e Tecnologia degli Alimenti . Milan . ITÀLIA
Lerma-García, M.J., Ramis-Ramos, G., Herrero-Martínez, J.M., Simó-Alfonso, E. (2009). Classification of vegetable oils according to their botanical origin using the alcoholic fraction profile obtained by derivatization with diphenic anhydride followed by HPLC with spectrophotometric and mass spectrometry detection. (Poster). 34th International Symposium on High-Performance Liquid Phase Separations and Related Techniques (HPLC2009) FBA29-Mo . Dresden . ALEMANYA
Lerma-García, M.J., Concha-Herrera, V., Herrero-Martínez, J. M.,Simó-Alfonso, E.F. (2009). Classification of vegetable oils according to their botanical origin using amino acid profiles established by high performance liquid chromatography with UV-vis detection. (Poster). 34th International Symposium on High-Performance Liquid Phase Separations and Related Techniques (HPLC2009) FBA30-Tu . Dresden . ALEMANYA
Lerma-García, M.J., Simó-Alfonso, E.F., Herrero-Martínez, J.M., Méndez, A., Llibería,J.L. (2009). Fast separation and determination of sterols in vegetable oils by ultra performance liquid chromatography with atmospheric pressure chemical ionization mass spectrometry detection. (Poster). 34th International Symposium on High-Performance Liquid Phase Separations and Related Techniques (HPLC2009) FBA31-Mo . Dresden . ALEMANYA
Herrero-Martínez, J.M., Lantano, C., Chiavaro, E., Cerretani, L., Lerma-García, M.J., Simó-Alfonso, E.F. (2009). Separation of the phenolic fraction of Spanish and Italian extra-virgin olive oils by CEC using a lauryl acrylate-based monolithic column. (Poster). 34th International Symposium on High-Performance Liquid Phase Separations and Related Techniques (HPLC2009) FBA13-Mo . Dresden . ALEMANYA
M.J. Lerma-García, V. Concha-Herrera, J.M. Herrero-Martínez, E.F. Simó-Alfonso (2009). Prediction of the genetic variety of extra virgin olive oils produced at La Comunitat Valenciana, Spain, by fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy. (Poster). XV Reunión de la Sociedad Española de Química Analítica C1-11 . San Sebastián . ESPANYA
E.F. Simó-Alfonso, M.J. Lerma-García, V. Concha-Herrera, J.M. Herrero-Martínez (2009). Evaluation of the botanical origin of vegetable oils using amino acid profiles established by high performance liquid chromatography with UV-Vis detection. (Poster). IV Reunión de la Sociedad Española de Espectrometría de Masas (SEEM) M53 . Castellón . ESPANYA
J.M. Herrero-Martínez, M.J. Lerma-García, E.F. Simó-Alfonso, A. Méndez, J.L. Llibería (2009). Ultra performance liquid chromatography with atmospheric pressure chemical ionization mass spectrometry detection as a tool for the characterization of the genetic variety of extra virgin olive oils from La Comunitat Valenciana by using sterol fingerprints. (Poster). IV Reunión de la Sociedad Española de Espectrometría de Masas (SEEM) M40 . Castellón . ESPANYA
G. Ramis-Ramos, M.J. Lerma-García, C. Concha-Herrera, J.M. Herrero-Martínez, E.F. Simó-Alfonso (2009). Classification of extra virgin olive oils produced at The Comunitat Valenciana according to their genetic variety using sterol profiles established by high performance liquid chromatography with mass spectrometry detection. (Poster). IV Reunión de la Sociedad Española de Espectrometría de Masas (SEEM) M51 . Castellón . ESPANYA
L. Cerretani, M.J. Lerma-García, E.F. Simó-Alfonso, E. Chiavaro, A. Bendini, G. Lercker (2009). Phenolic compound oxidation during virgin olive oil accelerated aging. (Poster). IV Reunión de la Sociedad Española de Espectrometría de Masas (SEEM) M34 . Castellón . ESPANYA
M.J. Lerma-García, J.M. Herrero-Martínez, E.F. Simó-Alfonso, G. Lercker, L. Cerretani (2009). Evaluation of the oxidative status of virgin olive oils with different phenolic content by direct infusion atmospheric pressure chemical ionization mass spectrometry. (Poster). IV Reunión de la Sociedad Española de Espectrometría de Masas (SEEM) M43 . Castellón . ESPANYA
M.J. Lerma-García, E.F. Simó-Alfonso, A. Bendini, L. Cerretani (2010). Rapid evaluation of oxidized fatty acid concentration in virgin olive oils using metal oxide semiconductor sensors and multiple linear regression. (Poster). 5th International Symposium on Computer Applications and Chemometrics in Analytical Chemistry (SCAC2010) P04 . Budapest . HONGRIA
M.J. Lerma-García, E.F. Simó-Alfonso, A. Bendini, L. Cerretani (2010). Rapid evaluation of oxidized fatty acid concentration in virgin olive oil using Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy and multiple linear regression. (Poster). 5th International Symposium on Computer Applications and Chemometrics in Analytical Chemistry (SCAC2010) P05 . Budapest . HONGRIA
M.J. Lerma-García; R. Lusardi; E. Chiavaro; L. Cerretani; G. Ramis-Ramos; E.F. Simó-Alfonso (2010). Classification of vegetable oils according to their botanical origin using triglyceride profiles established by high performance liquid chromatography with UV-Vis and mass spectrometry detection. (Poster). 5th International Symposium on Computer Applications and Chemometrics in Analytical Chemistry (SCAC2010) P06 . Budapest . HONGRIA
Navarro-Pascual-Ahuir M., Lerma-García M.J., Simó-Alfonso E.F., Ramis-Ramos G., Herrero-Martínez J.M (2010). Preparation and characterization of poly(laurylmethacrylate) monoliths with silver nanoparticles by photopolymerization for capillary electrochromatography. (Poster). 28th International Symposium on Chromatography (ISC2010) P04-011 . Valencia . ESPANYA
Lerma-García M.J., Concha-Herrera V., Herrero-Martínez J.M., Simó-Alfonso E.F. (2010). Use of linear discriminant analysis and sterol profiles established by HPLC-MS to predict the genetic variety of extra virgin olive oils produced at La Comunidad Valenciana, Spain. (Poster). 28th International Symposium on Chromatography (ISC2010) P15-025 . Valencia . ESPANYA
Lerma-García M.J., Lusardi R., Chiavaro E., Cerretani L., Ramis-Ramos G., Simó-Alfonso E.F. (2010). Use of triglyceride profiles established by HPLC with UV-Vis detection to predict the botanical origin of vegetable oils. (Poster). 28th International Symposium on Chromatography (ISC2010) P15-030 . Valencia . ESPANYA
Lerma-García M.J., Simó-Alfonso E.F., Méndez A., Lliberia J.L., Herrero-Martínez J.M. (2010). Use of UPLC-MS to determine sterol contents in vegetable oils from different botanical origins. (Poster). 28th International Symposium on Chromatography (ISC2010) P15-031 . Valencia . ESPANYA
Lerma-García M.J., Simó-Alfonso E.F., Méndez A., Lliberia J.L., Herrero-Martínez J.M. (2010). Prediction of the genetic variety of extra virgin olive oils from La Comunitat Valenciana, Spain, by using sterol profiles established by UPLC-MS. (Poster). 28th International Symposium on Chromatography (ISC2010) P15-032 . Valencia . ESPANYA
Escrig-Doménech A., Lerma-García M.J., Simó-Alfonso E.F., Herrero-Martínez J.M. (2010). Capillary electrophoresis of free fatty acids by indirect UV detection: application to the classification of vegetable oils according to their botanical origin. (Poster). 28th International Symposium on Chromatography (ISC2010) P15-036 . Valencia . ESPANYA
Medina-Escrivà L., Vergara-Barberán M., Lerma-García M.J., Simó-Alfonso E.F., Herrero-Martínez J.M. (2010). Acrylate ester-based monolithic columns for capillary electrochromatography separation of triacylglycerols in vegetable oils. (Poster). 28th International Symposium on Chromatography (ISC2010) P15-037 . Valencia . ESPANYA
Lerma-García M.J., Cerretani L., Herrero-Martínez J.M., Bendini A., Simó-Alfonso E.F. (2010). Methacrylate ester-based monolithic columns for nano-LC separation of tocopherols and tocotrienols in vegetable oils. (Poster). 28th International Symposium on Chromatography (ISC2010) P15-027 . Valencia . ESPANYA
M.J. Lerma-García, L. Cerretani, J.M. Herrero-Martínez, T. Gallina Toschi, E.F. Simó-Alfonso (2010). Determination of tocopherols and tocotrienols in vegetable oils by nano-liquid chromatography with UV-Vis detection using a silica monolithic column. (Poster). 8th Euro Fed Lipid Congress ANLI-003 . Munich . ALEMANYA
M.J. Lerma-García, E.F. Simó-Alfonso, A. Bendini, L. Cerretani (2010). Chemometric analysis of electronic nose data to predict oxidized fatty acid concentration in virgin olive oils. (Poster). 8th Euro Fed Lipid Congress OLIVE-001 . Munich . ALEMANYA
M.J. Lerma-García, L. Cerretani, C. Cevoli, E.F. Simó-Alfonso, A. Bendini, T. Gallina Toschi (2010). Use of electronic nose to determine defect percentage in oils. Comparison with sensory panel results. (Poster). 8th Euro Fed Lipid Congress OLIVE-002 . Munich . ALEMANYA
M.J. Lerma-García, E.F. Simó-Alfonso, A. Bendini, L. Cerretani (2010). Metal oxide semiconductor sensors for monitoring of oxidative status evolution and sensory analysis of virgin olive oils with different phenolic content. (Poster). 8th Euro Fed Lipid Congress OLIVE-003 . Munich . ALEMANYA
M.J. Lerma-García, E.F. Simó-Alfonso, A. Bendini, L. Cerretani (2010). Chemometric analysis of Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy data to predict oxidized fatty acid concentration in virgin olive oils. (Poster). 8th Euro Fed Lipid Congress OLIVE-004 . Munich . ALEMANYA
E. F. Simó-Alfonso; M. Beneito-Cambra; M. J. Lerma-García; E. J. Carrasco-Correa; J. M. Herrero-Martínez (2010). Espectrometría infrarroja en imágenes. (Poster). IV TROBADES D¿INNOVACIÓ EDUCATIVA - UNIVERSITAT DE VALÈNCIA . VALENCIA . ESPANYA
M.J. Lerma-García, Y. Saucedo-Hernández, J.M. Herrero-Martínez, G. Ramis-Ramos, E. Jorge-Rodríguez, E.F. Simó-Alfonso (2011). Classification of pumpkin seed oils according to their species using fatty acid profiles established by direct infusion electrospray ionization mass spectrometry. (Poster). V Reunión de la Sociedad Española de Espectrometría de Masas TuP-21 . Málaga . ESPANYA
Y. Saucedo-Hernández, M.J. Lerma-García, J.M. Herrero-Martínez, G. Ramis-Ramos, E. Jorge-Rodríguez, E.F. Simó-Alfonso (2011). Determination of tocopherols in pumpkin seed oils by HPLC-UVVis: application to oil classification according to genetic variety. (Poster). 36th International Symposium on High-Performance Liquid Phase Separations and Related Techniques P1-G-219-MO . Budapest . HONGRIA
M. Navarro Pascual-Ahuir, A. Prieto-Arnal, M.J. Lerma-García, E.F. Simó-Alfonso, G. Ramis-Ramos, J.M. Herrero-Martínez (2011). Evaluation of incorporation of silver nanoparticles in laurylmethacrylate monoliths in the separation of neutral compounds by capillary electrochromatography. (Poster). 36th International Symposium on High-Performance Liquid Phase Separations and Related Techniques P2-G-449-WE . Budapest . HONGRIA
M. Vergara-Barberán, A. Escrig-Doménech, M.J. Lerma-García, E.F. Simó-Alfonso, J.M. Herrero-Martínez (2011). Classification of vegetable oils according to their botanical origin using fatty acid profiles established by capillary electrophoresis with indirect UV detection. (Poster). 36th International Symposium on High-Performance Liquid Phase Separations and Related Techniques P2-G-543-WE . Budapest . HONGRIA
S. Martínez-Estévez, M.J. Lerma-García, A. Prieto-Arnal, E.F. Simó-Alfonso, J.M. Herrero-Martínez (2011). Classification of vegetable oils according to their botanical origin using hydrocarbon profiles established by GC-MS. (Poster). 36th International Symposium on High-Performance Liquid Phase Separations and Related Techniques P2-G-544-TH . Budapest . HONGRIA
M.J. Lerma-García, M. Vergara-Barberán, J.M. Herrero-Martínez, E.F. Simó-Alfonso (2011). Classification of vegetable oils according to their botanical origin using triacylglycerol profiles established by capillary electrochromatography. (Poster). 36th International Symposium on High-Performance Liquid Phase Separations and Related Techniques P2-G-545-WE . Budapest . HONGRIA
P. Comandini, M.J. Lerma-García, P. Massanova, J.M. Herrero-Martínez, E.F. Simó-Alfonso, T. Gallina Toschi (2011). HPLC-DAD-MS evaluation of phenolic profiles of olive mill wastewaters treated by membrane filtration systems. (Poster). 36th International Symposium on High-Performance Liquid Phase Separations and Related Techniques P2-G-589-WE . Budapest . HONGRIA
P. Comandini, M.J. Lerma-García, J.M. Herrero-Martínez, E.F. Simó-Alfonso, T. Gallina Toschi (2011). Tannin analysis by HPLC-DAD-MS of chestnut bark extracts (Castanea sativa Mill.). (Poster). 36th International Symposium on High-Performance Liquid Phase Separations and Related Techniques P2-G-628-TH . Budapest . HONGRIA
M.J. Lerma García, M. Beneito Cambra, J.M. Herrero Martínez (2011). Aprendizaje colaborativo con Google Docs: Una experiencia en Análisis Instrumental. (Poster). VI Reunión de Innovación Docente en Química, INDOQUIM 2011 PI-02 . Alicante . ESPANYA
M. Beneito Cambra, M.J. Lerma García, J.M. Herrero Martínez (2011). Desarrollo de herramientas para el fomento del autoaprendizaje y autoevaluación en Técnicas Instrumentales de Análisis. (Poster). VI Reunión de Innovación Docente en Química, INDOQUIM 2011 PI-32 . Alicante . ESPANYA
M. Bouri, M.J. Lerma-García, R. Salghi, M. Zougagh, A. Ríos (2011). Preparation of magnetic molecularly imprinted polymer for rapid determination of catecholamines in urine samples by capillary electrophoresis. (Ponència invitada). V Workshop sobre Nanociencia y Nanotecnología Analíticas CF/PO-18 . Toledo . ESPANYA
M.J. Lerma-García, M. Ávila, M. Zougagh, A. Ríos (2011). Thermodynamic and kinetic studies of the formation of metal nanoparticles by the effect of phenolic acids. (Poster). V Workshop sobre Nanociencia y Nanotecnología Analíticas PO-63 . Toledo . ESPANYA
M. Navarro-Pascual-Ahuir, M.J. Lerma-García, E.F. Simó-Alfonso, G. Ramis-Ramos, J.M. Herrero-Martínez (2011). Monolithic capillary columns containing silver nanoparticles for capillary electrochromatography. (Poster). 13as Jornadas de Análisis Instrumental NAN-P05 . Barcelona . ESPANYA
M.J. Lerma-García (2012). Desarrollo y validación de nuevos procesos analíticos que incorporan nanomateriales. (Ponència invitada). Jornadas de Ciencia Joven, Universidad de Castilla ¿ La Mancha . Ciudad Real . ESPANYA
E.F. Simó-Alfonso, M.J. Lerma-García, M. Beneito-Cambra, J.M. Herrero-Martínez (2012). Espectrometría infrarroja en Análisis Instrumental: Una perspectiva audiovisual. (Poster). VII Reunión de Innovación docente en Quimica, INDOQUIM 2012 P205 . Barcelona . ESPANYA
Y. Saucedo-Hernández, E. Jorge Rodríguez, G. Ramis-Ramos, Y. Vander Heyden, U. Monteagudo, E.F. Simó-Alfonso, M.J. Lerma, L. Bravo, M. Medinilla, J.M. Herrero-Martínez (2012). Antimicrobial and antioxidant activities of volatile oils of three species of Piperaceas grown in Cuba. (Poster). 43rd International Symposium on Essential Oils . Lisboa . PORTUGAL
M.Vergara-Barberán, M. J. Lerma-García, E. F. Simó-Alfonso, J. M. Herrero-Martínez (2013). Characterization of viscumin from Mistletoe (Viscum Album L.) by electrophoretic techniques. (Poster). XIII Scientific Meeting of the Spanish Society of Cromatography and Related Techniques . Tenerife . ESPANYA
E.F. Simó-Alfonso, M. Beneito-Cambra, M.J. Lerma-García, E.F. Carrasco-Correa, J.M. Herrero-Martínez (2013). Espectrometría infrarroja en imágenes. (Poster). Trobades d¿ Innovació Educativa . Valencia . ESPANYA
Ernesto Simó Alfonso, Guillermo Ramis Ramos, María Jesús Lerma García, José Manuel Herrero-Martínez (2014). Autocuestionarios en inglés. Una oportunidad para el aprendizaje en Química General II. (Poster). V Trobades Innovació Educativa . Valencia . ESPANYA
María Vergara-Barberán, María Jesús Lerma-García, José Manuel Herrero-Martínez, Ernesto Simó-Alfonso (2015). Preconcentration of Proteins by Using a Polymer Solid-Phase Extraction Monolith Modified with Gold Nanoparticles. (Poster). . Catellón . ESPANYA
J.M. Herrero-Martínez; E.J. Carrasco-Correa; M. Navarro-Pascual-Ahuir; M. Vergara-Barberán; I. Ten-Domenech; A. Escrig-Domenech; M.J. Lerma-García; E.F. Simó-Alfonso; G. Ramis-Ramos (2015). Design of hybrid monolithic materials modified with nanoparticles: Application to the separation of small solutes and bio-macromolecules. (Ponència invitada). 6th International Conference and Exhibition on Analytical and Bionalytical Techniques J. Anal. Bioanal. Tech. 2015, 6:4 . Valencia . ESPANYA
J.M. Herrero-Martínez; E.J. Carrasco-Correa; M. Navarro-Pascual-Ahuir; M. Vergara-Barberán; I. Ten-Domenech; A. Escrig-Domenech; M.J. Lerma-García; E.F. Simó-Alfonso; G. Ramis-Ramos (2015). Design of hybrid monolithic materials modified with nanoparticles: Application to the separation of small solutes and bio-macromolecules. (Ponència). 6th International Conference and Exhibition on Analytical and Bionalytical Techniques J. Anal. Bioanal. Tech. 2015, 6:4 . Valencia . ESPANYA
E.J. Carrasco-Correa; M.J. Lerma-García; E.F. Simó-ALfonso; G. Ramis-Ramos; J.M. Herrero-Martínez (2015). Monolithic columns with a high coverage of silver nanoparticles for nano-LC separation of small molecules and proteins. (Poster). HPLC 2015 - 42nd International Symposium on High Performance Liquid Phase Separations and related techniques PSB-COL-52 . Geneve . SUÏSSA
María Vergara-Barberán, María Jesús Lerma-García, Ernesto Francisco Simó-Alfonso, Jose Manuel Herrero-Martínez (2016). Polymer solid-phase extraction monolith modified with gold and silver nanoparticles for isolation of proteins. (Poster). 31st International Symposium on Chromatography (ISC 2016) P03-003-0096 . Cork . IRLANDA
I. Ten-Doménech, H. Martínez Pérez-Cejuela, M. J. Lerma-García, E.F. Simó-Alfonso, J.M. Herrero-Martínez (2016). Selective solid-phase extraction of phospholipids using molecularly imprinted polymers and their application in human milk samples. (Comunicació). 1st Workshop 'Separation Strategies in Chromatography' . Valencia . ESPANYA
A. Mesa-Navarro; E. Pérez-Esteve; M.J. Lerma-García; J.M. Barat (2018). Variability of vitamin C, total phenolic content and antioxidant capacity of Brassica vegetables. (Poster). V National and IV International Student Congress of Food Science and Technology pp. 46, Food Chemistry/analysis CA2 . ESPANYA
D. Valverde; M.C. Iannello; M. Ruiz-Rico; É. Pérez-Esteve; M.J. Lerma-García; J.M. Barat (2018). Obtention of an olive leaf extract rich in antioxidants and its encapsulation in silica supports. (Poster). V National and IV International Student Congress of Food Science and Technology pp. 49, Food Chemistry/analysis CA5 . ESPANYA
D. Valverde; M.J. Lerma-García; E. Pérez-Esteve; A. Fuentes; J.M. Barat (2018). Identification of polyphenols extracted from olive stone by HPLC-MS. (Poster). V National and IV International Student Congress of Food Science and Technology pp. 50, Food Chemistry/analysis CA6 . ESPANYA
V. Cortés; M.J. Lerma-García; P. Talens; J.M. Barat (2018). Feasibility of Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy to discriminate sweet and bitter almonds and to quantify its amygdalin content. (Poster). V National and IV International Student Congress of Food Science and Technology pp. 57, Food Chemistry/analysis CA18 . ESPANYA
M.A. Quelal-Vásconez; M.J Lerma-García; É. Pérez-Esteve; J.M. Barat; P. Talens (2018). Determination of methylxanthines and flavanols in cocoa powders with different alkalization degrees by high performance liquid chromatography. (Poster). V National and IV International Student Congress of Food Science and Technology pp. 58, Food Chemistry/analysis CA14 . ESPANYA
M.A. Quelal-Vásconez; M.J Lerma-García; É. Pérez-Esteve; J.M. Barat; P. Talens (2018). Feasibility of near infrared spectroscopy for the detection of cocoa shell in cocoa powders. (Poster). V National and IV International Student Congress of Food Science and Technology pp. 59, Food Chemistry/analysis CA15 . ESPANYA
M. Puchol-Miquel; M.J. Lerma-García; A. Fuentes; J.M. Barat (2018). Monitoring of chemical changes and oxidative stability of olive oils flavored with cinnamon leaf essential oil during an accelerated storage treatment. (Poster). V National and IV International Student Congress of Food Science and Technology pp. 61, Food Chemistry/analysis CA17 . ESPANYA
V. Cortés; M.J. Lerma-García; P. Talens; J.M. Barat (2018). Sweet and bitter almonds discrimination by using Near Infrared spectroscopy. (Poster). V National and IV International Student Congress of Food Science and Technology pp. 66, Food Chemistry/analysis CA22 . ESPANYA
É. Pérez-Esteve; M.J. Lerma-García; J.M. Barat (2018). Effect of processing on the content and profile of cocoa procyanidins. (Poster). V National and IV International Student Congress of Food Science and Technology pp. 70, Food Chemistry/analysis CA26 . ESPANYA
M.J. Lerma-García; G.A. Guadalupe; A. Fuentes; J.M. Barat; I. Fernández-Segovia (2018). Comparison between Spanish and Peruvian consumers' perception about the presence of palm oil in food products. (Poster). V National and IV International Student Congress of Food Science and Technology pp. 91, Food Technology T18 . ESPANYA
María Vergara-Barberán, María Jesús Lerma-García, Maria Nicoletti, Ernesto Francisco Simó-Alfonso, José Manuel Herrero-Martínez, Elisa Fasoli, Pier Giorgio Righetti (2018). COMPARATIVE STUDY OF THREE EXTRACTION PROTOCOLS FOR VISCUM ALBUM L. PROTEINS. (Comunicació). XVIII Reunión de la Sociedad Española de Cromatografía y Técnicas Afines (SECyTA 2018) . Granada . ESPANYA
S. Armenta Estrela, M.L. Cervera Sanz, F.A. Esteve Turrillas, M.J. Lerma García, E.J. Carrasco, M. Vergara, E.F. Simó Alfonso, J.M. Herrero Martínez (2019). Vídeos para la práctica de técnicas analíticas en un escenario flipped teaching. (Poster). XXII Reunión de la Sociedad Española de Químic Analítica . Valladolid . ESPANYA
Sergio Armenta Estrela, María Luisa Cervera Sanz, Francesc Albert Esteve Turrillas, María Jesús Lerma García, Enrique Javier Carrasco Correa, María Vergara Barberán, José Manuel Herrero Martínez (2019). Socrative como herramienta de aprendizaje y motivación: experiencias de su aplicación en asignaturas teóricas y prácticas del área de Química Analítica. (Poster). XXII Reunión de la Sociedad Española de Química Analítica . Valladolid . ESPANYA
J. A. Silvestre-Cerdà; B. Martínez; M. C. Bas; M. J. Lerma-García; N. Matarredona-Desantes; R. Oltra-Badenes; y E. Pérez-Esteve (2019). Application of a self-learning methodology for the enhancement of the oral communication student outcome in International Business studies. (Comunicació). 13th International Technology, Education and Development Conference (INTED2019) . Valencia . ESPANYA
M. C. Bas; M. J. Lerma-García; N. Matarredona-Desantes; R. Oltra-Badenes; E. Pérez-Esteve; y J. A. Silvestre-Cerdà (2019). Analysis of the main weaknesses of university students regarding the 'effective oral communication' student outcome. (Comunicació). 11th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies (EDULEARN2019) . Palma de Mallorca . ESPANYA
R. Oltra-Badenes; E. Pérez-Esteve; J. A. Silvestre-Cerdà; M. C. Bas; M. J. Lerma-García; y N. Matarredona-Desantes (2019). Satisfaction analysis of 'food safety and quality management' master degree's students with the 'comunicat' methodology for the enhancement of the 'effective oral comunication' student outcome. (Comunicació). 11th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies (EDULEARN2019) . Palma de Mallorca . ESPANYA
E. Pérez-Esteve; J. A. Silvestre-Cerdà; M. C. Bas; M. J. Lerma-García; N. Matarredona-Desantes; y R. Oltra-Badenes (2019). Impact of the 'comunicat' methodology on the improvement of the 'effective oral communication' student outcome of the students of the master in food safety and quality management. (Comunicació). 11th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies (EDULEARN2019) Proceedings of 11th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies (EDULEARN2019). ISBN: 978-84-09-12031-4 . Palma de Mallorca . ESPANYA
E. Pérez-Esteve; J. A. Silvestre-Cerdà; M. C. Bas; M. J. Lerma-García; N. Matarredona-Desantes; y R. Oltra-Badenes (2019). Aplicación de la metodología Comunica't a la mejora de la competencia Comunicación Oral Efectiva de los alumnos del Master de Gestión de la Seguridad Alimentaria y la Calidad de la UPV. (Ponència). V Congreso de Innovación educativa y Docencia en red (IN-RED 2019) ISBN: 978-84-9048-522-4 . Valencia . ESPANYA
María Jesús Lerma-García; María Vergara-Barberán; Enrique Javier Carrasco-Correa; Francesc Albert Esteve-Turrillas; Sergio Armenta; María Luisa Cervera; Ernesto Francisco Simó-Alfonso; José Manuel Herrero-Martínez (2020). PRODUCTION AND APPLICATION OF AN INSTRUCTIONAL LABORATORY VIDEO OF QUECHERS METHODOLOGY TO FACILITATE A FLIPPED PRELABORATORY TEACHING. (Comunicació). 12th International conference on education and new learning technologies (EDULEARN20) . ESPANYA
María Jesús Lerma-García; María Vergara-Barberán; Enrique Javier Carrasco-Correa; Francesc Albert Esteve-Turrillas; Sergio Armenta; María Luisa Cervera; Ernesto Francisco Simó-Alfonso; José Manuel Herrero-Martínez (2020). USING SOCRATIVE TO ENHANCE ACTIVE LEARNING AND ASSESSMENT IN ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY: A CRITICAL SURVEY. (Comunicació). 12th International conference on education and new learning technologies (EDULEARN20) . ESPANYA
Enrique Javier Carrasco-Correa, Miriam Beneito-Cambra, María Vergara-Barberán, Ernesto Francisco Simó-Alfonso, José Manuel Herrero-Martínez, María Jesús Lerma-García (2021). POINT-OF-VIEW VERSUS TRADITIONAL VIDEOS AS A TOOL TO PROMOTE STUDENT'S SELF-LEARNING IN ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY LABORATORIES. (Comunicació). 15th International Technology, Education and Development Conference . ESPANYA
Miriam Beneito-Cambra, María Jesús Lerma-García, María Vergara-Barberán, Ernesto Francisco Simó-Alfonso, José Manuel Herrero-Martínez, Enrique Javier Carrasco-Correa (2021). RECORDING A SCANNING ELECTRON MICROSCOPY APPLICATION VIDEO TO FACILITATE LABORATORY ON-LINE TEACHING AND INSTRUCTION OF MASTER'S STUDENTS. (Comunicació). 15th International Technology, Education and Development Conference . ESPANYA
Ancuta Moga; María Jesús Lerma-García; María Vergara-Barberán; Ernesto Francisco Simó-Alfonso; José Manuel Herrero-Martínez (2021). Extraction of Concanavalin A from food using aptamer-based affinity magnetic beads. (Poster). 23rd International Symposium on Advanced in Extraction Technologies . ESPANYA
Ancuta Moga; Ignacio Palop-Gutierrez; Jordi Andrés-Caballero; María Jesús Lerma-García; María Vergara-Barberán; Ernesto Francisco Simó-Alfonso (2021). Characterization of honeys from different floral variety by means of antioxidant capacity and polyphenol content. (Poster). 23rd International Symposium on Advances in Extraction Technologies . ESPANYA
J.M. Herrero-Martínez; O. Mompó-Roselló; M. Vergara-Barberán; M.J. Lerma-García; E.F. Simó-Alfonso (2021). Boronate affinity sorbents based on thiol-functionalized polysiloxane polymethacrylate composite materials in syringe format for selective extraction of glycopeptides. (Comunicació). 1st European Sample Preparation e-Conference . ESPANYA
E. J. Carrasco-Correa; E. Simó-Ramirez; M. J. Lerma-García; E. F. Simó-Alfonso; M. R. Delgado; M. Miró (2021). Exploiting 3D printed devices modified with core-shell moleculary imprinted polymers based on metal organic frameworks as on-line extraction microcolumns for automatic determination of bisphenols in seawater. (Poster). XXIII International Symposium on Advances in Extraction Technologies (ExTech 2021) . ESPANYA
C. Pérez-Fernández, M. Beneito-Cambra, M.J. Lerma-García, E.F. Simó-Alfonso, J.M. Herrero-Martínez (2021). Paper-based fluorogenic aptasensor for detection of Concanavalin A in food products. (Poster). 23rd International Symposium on Advances in Extraction Technologies (ExTech XXIII) P155 . Alicante / Mallorca . ESPANYA
B. Peris-Camarasa, M.J. Lerma-García, E.F. Simó-Alfonso, J.M. Herrero-Martínez (2021). Development of polymeric materials modified with different galactose derivatives for selective extraction of phytohemagglutinin from vegetable matrices. (Poster). XXIII International Symposium on Advances in Extraction Technologies (ExTech 2021) P154 . ESPANYA
E.J. Carrasco-Correa, M. Vergara-Barberán, M. Beneito-Cambra, E.F. Simó-Alfonso, J.M. Herrero-Martínez, M.J. Lerma-García (2021). Desarrollo de material audiovisual de instrucción para el manejo autónomo de instrumentación en laboratorios de Química Analítica por parte de estudiantes de máster. (Poster). 7as Jornadas de Innovación Educativa . Valencia . ESPANYA
M. Vergara-Barberán, E.J. Carrasco-Correa, M. Beneito-Cambra, E.F. Simó-Alfonso, J.M. Herrero-Martínez, M.J. Lerma-García (2021). Empleo de vídeos de instrucción grabados por estudiantes como herramienta de autoaprendizaje en asignaturas experimentales del grado en Química. (Poster). 7as Jornadas de Innovación Educativa . Valencia . ESPANYA
Maria Vergara Barberán, María Jesús Lerma García, Fina Gonell Galindo, Antonio Gómez Pajuelo, Ernesto Francisco Simó Alfonso (2022). Detección de adulteraciones en miel mediante espectroscopia infrarroja por transformada de Fourier. (Comunicació). 10º Congreso Nacional de Apicultura . ESPANYA
Maria Vergara Barberán, María Jesús Lerma García, Fina Gonell Galindo, Antonio Gómez Pajuelo, Ernesto Francisco Simó Alfonso (2022). Caracterización de mieles de diferentes variedades florales en función de su contenido en compuestos fenólicos y su capacidad antioxidante. (Poster). 10º Congreso Nacional de Apicultura . ESPANYA
J.M. Herrero-Martínez; M. Vergara-Barberán; M.J. Lerma-García; M. Beneito-Cambra; E.F. Simó-Alfonso (2022). Aptamer-modified magnetic nanoparticles in miniaturized extraction techniques. Opportunities and challenges. (Ponència invitada). X International Congress on Analytical Nanoscience and Nanotechnology . ESPANYA
E. Baker; M. Beneito-Cambra; M.J. Lerma-García; E.F. Simó-Alfonso; J.M. Herrero Martínez (2022). 3D printed device for off-line solid-phase extraction of chlorophenols combined with microchip capillary electrophoresis. (Poster). XXIII Reunión de la Sociedad Española de Química Analítica . ESPANYA
Enrique Javier Carrasco-Correa; María Vergara-Barberán; Héctor Martínez-Pérez-Cejuela; José Manuel Herrero-Martínez; Ernesto Francisco Simó-Alfonso; María Jesús Lerma-García; Miriam Beneito-Cambra (2022). Recording student-generated videos of theoretical notions as a self-learning tool in chemistry experimental subjects by first-year undergraduate students. (Comunicació). EDULEARN22 . ESPANYA
Enrique Javier Carrasco-Correa; María Vergara-Barberán; Héctor Martínez-Pérez-Cejuela; José Manuel Herrero-Martínez; Ernesto Francisco Simó-Alfonso; María Jesús Lerma-García; Miriam Beneito-Cambra (2022). Theoretical concepts in student-generated videos as a self-learning tool in chemistry-related subjects. (Comunicació). EDULEARN22 . ESPANYA
Miriam Beneito-Cambra; Enrique Javier Carrasco-Correa, María Vergara-Barberán, Héctor Martínez-Pérez-Cejuela, Ernesto Francisco Simó-Alfonso, José Manuel Herrero-Martínez, María Jesús Lerma-García (2022). Autoaprendizaje de conceptos teóricos en química a través de vídeos grabados por el estudiantado. (Poster). 8as Jornadas de Innovación Educativa . Valencia . ESPANYA
M. Vergara-Barberán; A. Monleón; A. Sanz-Marco; M.J. Lerma-García; M. Beneito-Cambra; C. Vila; G. Blay; R. Gisbert; I. Fernández; M.L. Cardona; J.R. Pedro (2022). Educational 'escape room' as a learning tool for experimental subjects in chemistry degree. (Comunicació). EDULEARN22 . ESPANYA
Natalia Piqueras-García; María Vergara-Barberán; María Jesús Lerma-García; José Manuel Herrero-Martínez (2022). Aptamer-modified sorbents for stir bar sorptive extraction of β- lactoglobulin allergen in food samples. (Ponència). I workshop on 3D printing systems, functional materials, and high-resolution instrumental techniques in Analytical Chemistry . ESPANYA
María Vergara-Barberán; María Jesús Lerma-García; Ernesto F. Simó- Alfonso; Fernando Benavente; José Manuel Herrero-Martínez (2022). Allergenic protein analysis in foods using aptamer affinitiy sorbents. (Ponència). I workshop on 3D printing systems, functional materials, and high-resolution instrumental techniques in Analytical Chemistry . ESPANYA
N. Piqueras-García; M. Vergara-Barberán; M. J. Lerma-García; E. F. Simó-Alfonso; J. M. Herrero- Martínez (2023). Determination of b-lactoglobulin in foods using an aptamer-modified stir bar followed by MALDI-TOF-MS. (Ponència). 3rd Workshop for Young Researchers in Chemistry . ESPANYA
José Manuel Herrero-Martínez, Héctor Martínez-Pérez-Cejuela, María Vergara-Barberán, Enrique Javier Carrasco-Correa, Miriam Beneito-Cambra, María Jesús Lerma-García, Ernesto Francisco Simó-Alfonso (2023). Smart materials and low-cost supports: A well-matched couple for sample preparation. (Ponència invitada). EXTECH 2023 . ESPANYA
Lara Vives-Julve, Miriam Beneito-Cambra, María Vergara-Barberán, José Manuel Herrero-Martínez, María Jesús Lerma-García, Ernesto Francisco Simó-Alfonso (2023). Development of an aptasensor to determine Concanavalin A in food samples. (Poster). Extech 2023 . ESPANYA
José Manuel Herrero-Martínez, María Vergara-Barberán, María Jesús Lerma-García, Miriam Beneito-Cambra, Ernesto Francisco Simó-Alfonso, Enrique Javier Carrasco-Correa (2023). Generación de microvideos en tiktok como herramienta de aprendizaje innovadora. (Poster). VIII Jornada sobre estrategias para la innovación de la actividad docente en Química Analítica . ESPANYA
José Manuel Herrero-Martínez, María Jesús Lerma-García, Miriam Beneito-Cambra, María Vergara-Barberán, Ernesto Francisco Simó-Alfonso, Enrique Javier Carrasco-Correa (2023). Uso de videos como herramientas de apoyo para el autoaprendizaje del estudiantado en química analítica. Una evaluación de su efectividad. (Poster). VIII Jornada sobre estrategias para la Innovación de la actividad docente en Química Analítica . ESPANYA
Natalia Piqueras-García, María Vergara-Barberán, María Jesús Lerma-García, Ernesto Francisco Simó-Alfonso, José Manuel Herrero-Martínez (2023). Determination of lysozyme in foods using aptamer-based hybrid affinity monolith in paper-based devices. (Poster). EXTECH 2023 . ESPANYA
María Vergara-Barberán, María Jesús Lerma-García, Ernesto Francisco Simó-Alfonso, José Manuel Herrero-Martínez (2023). Development of galactose-functionalized methacrylate polymeric materials for selective extraction of food allergen lectins. (Poster). EXTECH 2023 . ESPANYA
María Vergara-Barberán, Natalia Piqueras-García, Ernesto Francisco Simó-Alfonso, Fernando Benavente, María Jesús Lerma-García, José Manuel Herrero-Martínez (2023). Development of an aptamer-based stir bar sorptive extraction for the determination of β-lactoglobulin in food using MALDI-TOF-MS. (Poster). EXTECH 2023 . ESPANYA
Enrique Javier Carrasco-Correa; María Vergara-Barberán; María Jesús Lerma-García; Ernesto Francisco Simó-Alfonso; María Celia García-Alvarez-Coque (2023). Polyphenolic fingerprints obtained by comprehensive two-dimensional liquid chroamtography to classify honeys according to their floral origin. (Poster). XXII Meeting of the Spanish Society of Chromatography and Related Techniques (SECyTA) Libro de congresos P14 . S'Arenal, Mallorca . ESPANYA
M. Catalá-Icardo, N. Piqueras-García, M. Vergara-Barberán, M.J. Lerma-García, J.M. Herrero-Martínez, E. Simó-Alfonso, F. Benavente (2023). Determination of β-lactoglobulin in food using an aptamer-based stir bar sorptive extraction followed by MALDI-TOF-MS. (Poster). 6th International Caparica Christmas Conference on Sample Treatment 2023 . PORTUGAL
Roser Payà-Pou, Ernest Simó-Ramírez, María Jesús Lerma-García, Ernesto Francisco Simó-Alfonso, Manuel Miró, Enrique Javier Carrasco-Correa (2023). Enhanced extraction of bisphenol analogues in environmental waters using automated systems in combination with 3D-printed millifluidic devices containing metal-organic frameworks and molecularly imprinted polymers. (Poster). Extech 2023 . ESPANYA
Enrique Javier Carrasco-Correa, Miriam Beneito-Cambra, María Jesús Lerma-García, Ernesto Francisco Simó-Alfonso, José Manuel Herrero-Martínez, Manuel Miró (2023). New trends in sample preparation using 3D printed devices. (Ponència). Extech 2023 . ESPANYA
Alba Roselló-Carrió; Patricia Reboredo-Rodríguez; María Jesús Lerma-García; José Manuel Herrero-Martínez; Enrique Javier Carrasco-Correa (2023). Bisphenol A extraction using tailored 3D-printed stir-sticks modified with a selective aptamer. (Poster). Extech2023 . ESPANYA
Natalia Piqueras-García; Yvonne de Ligt; José Manuel Herrero-Martínez; María Jesús Lerma-García; Enrique Javier Carrasco-Correa (2023). Aptamer-modified elastic 3D-printed springs for enhanced extraction of lactoferrin in food samples. (Poster). Extech2023 . ESPANYA
Roser Payá-Pou; Ernest Simó-Ramirez; María Jesús Lerma-García; Ernesto Francisco Simó-Alfonso; Enrique Javier Carrasco-Correa (2023). Extraction and determination of bisphenols in environmental waters using 3D printed spiral columns combined with metal organic frameworks and molecularly imprinted polymers. (Comunicació). 3er Workshop for Young Researchers in Chemistry . ESPANYA
Enrique Javier Carrasco-Correa; Miriam Beneito-Cambra; María Jesús Lerma-García; Ernesto Francisco Simó-Alfonso; José Manuel Herrero-Martínez; Manuel Miró (2023). Exploring the potential of 3D printing in sample preparation devices. (Ponència). XXII Meeting of the Spanish Society of Chromatography and Related Techniques (SECyTA) . ESPANYA
Alba Roselló-Carrió; Patricia Reboredo-Rodriguez; María Jesús Lerma-García, José Manuel Herrero-Martínez; Enrique Javier Carrasco-Correa (2023). 3D printed stir-sticks modified with selective ligands for bisphenol A extraction. (Comunicació). 3er Workshop for Young Researchers in Chemistry . ESPANYA
M.J. Lerma-García, M. Vergara-Barberán, M. Beneito-Cambra, J.M. Herrero-Martínez, E.F. Simó-Alfonso, E.J. Carrasco-Correa (2023). Nanoaprendizaje a través de TikTok como herramienta audiovisual en asignaturas del área de Química Analítica. (Poster). VIII Reunión de Innovación Docente en Química (INDOQUIM 2023) . Valencia . ESPANYA
M.J. Lerma-García, M. Vergara-Barberán, M. Beneito-Cambra, J.M. Herrero-Martínez, E.J. Carrasco-Correa, E.F. Simó-Alfonso (2023). Elaboración de cortometrajes educativos. Por mi formación y la de mis compañeros/as. (Poster). VIII Reunión de Innovación Docente en Química (INDOQUIM 2023) . ESPANYA
María López-Escoín, Miriam Beneito-Cambra, José Manuel Herrero-Martínez, María Jesús Lerma-García (2023). Use of paper-based devices modified with polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxane-methacryl substituted monolith for the extraction of bisphenols from environmental samples. (Poster). 25th International Symposium on Advances in Extraction Technologies (ExTech2023) P44 . ESPANYA
María Vergara-Barberán; María Jesús Lerma-García; José Manuel Herrero-Martínez; Ernesto Francisco Simó-Alfonso; Miriam Beneito-Cambra; Enrique Javier Carrasco-Correa (2023). Nanolearning: TikTok microvideos as a new learning source. (Comunicació). 15th annual International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies (EDULEARN2023) . Palma . ESPANYA
M. Vergara-Barberán, M. Beneito-Cambra, M.J. Lerma-García, J.M. Herrero-Martínez, E.F. Simó-Alfonso, E.J. Carrasco-Correa (2023). Fomentando la participación estudiantil a través de tiktok: creación de microvídeos como herramienta innovadora de autoaprendizaje (C-18). (Poster). IX Jornada d'Innovació Educativa "Tecnologies emergents per a la transformació docent" . ESPANYA
María Jesús Lerma-García; Miriam Beneito-Cambra; María Vergara-Barberán; José Manuel Herrero-Martínez; Ernesto Francisco Simó-Alfonso; Enrique Javier Carrasco-Correa (2023). Evaluation of the efectiveness of instructional videos as a supplementary self-learning tool in Analytical Chemistry subjects. (Comunicació). 15th annual International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies (EDULEARN2023) . Palma . ESPANYA
J.M. Herrero Martínez; M. Vergara-Barberán; E.J. Carrasco-Correa; M. Beneito-Cambra; M.J. Lerma-García; E.F. Simó-Alfonso (2023). Affinity sorbents in low-cost supports: a green and efficient path in microextraction. (Ponència invitada). XXII Meeting of the Spanish Society of Chromatography and Related Techniques (SECyTA) . Mallorca . ESPANYA
M. Meyer, H. Rodriguez-Lledo, M. Beneito-Cambra, M. J. Lerma-Garcia, E. F. Simó-Alfonso, J. M. Herrero-Martinez (2023). Sustainable platforms for the extraction of emerging contaminants. (Ponència). 3rd Workshop for Young Researchers in Chemistry . ESPANYA
Christine Kiomi Loú-Ramos; Alba Roselló-Carrió; Enrique Javier Carrasco-Correa; Ernesto Francisco Simó-Alfonso; Edgar Pérez-Esteve; José Manuel Barat-Baviera; María Jesús Lerma-García (2023). Development of novel 3D-printed devices for their integration in waterirrigation system. (Ponència). I workshop advances in sample treatment techniques and II workshop on 3D printing systems, functional materials, and high-resolution instrumental techniques in Analytical Chemistry . ESPANYA
J.M. Herrero-Martínez, L. Vives-Julve, M. Vergara-Barberán, M.J. Lerma-García, M. Beneito-Cambra, E.F. Simó-Alfonso (2023). Development of a paper-based aptasensor to determine concanavaline A in food samples. (Poster). XXII Meeting of the Spanish Society of Chromatography and Related Techniques (SECyTA) P32 . Mallorca . ESPANYA
Natalia Piqueras-García; María Vergara-Barberán; María Jesús Lerma-García; Enrique Javier Carrasco-Correa; José Manuel Herrero-Martínez (2023). Development of low-cost supports modified with aptamers for the determination of allergenic proteins in food samples. (Ponència). I workshop advances in sample treatment techniques and II workshop on 3D printing systems, functional materials, and high-resolution instrumental techniques in Analytical Chemistry . ESPANYA
Alba Roselló-Carrió; Patricia Reboredo-Rodríguez; María Jesús Lerma-García; José Manuel Herrero-Martínez; Enrique Javier Carrasco-Correa (2023). Tailored 3D-printed stir-sticks for selective bisphenol A extraction. (Ponència). I workshop advances in sample treatment techniques and II workshop on 3D printing systems, functional materials, and high-resolution instrumental techniques in Analytical Chemistry . ESPANYA
E.J. Carrasco Correa, M. Vergara Barberán, M. Beneito Cambra, M.J. Lerma García, E.F. Simó Alfonso, J.M. Herrero Martínez, M. Miró (2024). Tratamiento de muestra con nuevos dispositivos impresos en 3D: un mundo nuevo de posibilidades. (Ponència). XXIV Reunión de la Sociedad Española de Química Analítica (SEQA) O18 . Zaragoza . ESPANYA
C. Ochoa Esteso, A. Roselló Carrió, M.J. Lerma García, E.J. Carrasco Correa (2024). ¿Puede la impresión 3D proporcionar nuevos sistemas agitadores para mejorar la extracción en fase sólida dispersiva?. (Poster). XXIV Reunión de la Sociedad Española de Química Analítica (SEQA) P002 . Zaragoza . ESPANYA
M.A. Martínez Briones, M. Vergara Barberán, M.J. Lerma García, J.M. Herrero Martínez (2024). Determinación de hormonas en aguas mediante dispositivos 3d modificados con redes metal-orgánicas. (Poster). XXIV Reunión de la Sociedad Española de Química Analítica (SEQA) P005 . Zaragoza . ESPANYA
A. Roselló Carrió, E.J. Carrasco Correa, J.M. Herrero Martínez, M.J. Lerma García (2024). Uso de dispositivos basados en papel modificados con aptámeros para la extracción de bisfenoles de muestras ambientales. (Poster). XXIV Reunión de la Sociedad Española de Química Analítica (SEQA) P016 . Zaragoza . ESPANYA
M.A. Martínez Briones, M.J. Lerma García, M. Vergara Barberán, J.M. Herrero Martínez (2024). Desarrollo de dispositivos 3D Modificados con redes Metal-Orgánicas para el análisis de antidepresivos. (Poster). XXIV Reunión de la Sociedad Española de Química Analítica (SEQA) P021 . Zaragoza . ESPANYA
A.I. Pérez López, G. Catanante, G. Istamboulie, J.M. Barat Baviera, M.I. Gómez Gómez, A. Griol, M. Beneito Cambra, J.M. Herrero Martínez, M.J. Lerma García (2024). Desarrollo de aptasensores para la detección de toxinas marinas en el medioambiente. (Poster). XXIV Reunión de la Sociedad Española de Química Analítica (SEQA) P026 . Zaragoza . ESPANYA
J.M. Herrero Martínez, N. Piqueras García, M. Vergara Barberán, M.J. Lerma García (2024). Desarrollo de un sorbente de afinidad en papel origami para la extracción de lisozima. (Poster). XXIV Reunión de la Sociedad Española de Química Analítica (SEQA) P041 . Zaragoza . ESPANYA
J.M. Herrero Martínez, M.J. Lerma García, A. Roselló Carrió, M. Moscardó, J.M. Gordón Pidal (2024). Extracción selectiva del ácido domoico mediante piezas impresas en 3D basadas en estructuras LEGO®. (Poster). XXIV Reunión de la Sociedad Española de Química Analítica (SEQA) P042 . Zaragoza . ESPANYA
N. Piqueras García, M.J. Lerma García, D. Calabria, M. Mirasoli, J.M. Herrero Martínez (2024). Desarrollo de un biosensor basado en papel origami para la detección de β-lactoglobulina en muestras alimentarias. (Poster). XXIV Reunión de la Sociedad Española de Química Analítica (SEQA) P058 . Zaragoza . ESPANYA
N. Piqueras García, M.A. Martínez Briones, M.J. Lerma García, N. Kassouf, D. Calabria, M. Mirasoli, J.M. Herrero Martínez (2024). Uso de redes Metal-Orgánicas en la determinación quimioluminiscente de peróxido de hidrógeno. (Poster). XXIV Reunión de la Sociedad Española de Química Analítica (SEQA) P073 . Zaragoza . ESPANYA
A. Tortosa Cabanes, M. Beneito Cambra, M. Vergara Barberán, J.M. Herrero Martínez, M.J. Lerma García, E.F. Simó Alfonso (2024). Determinación del alérgeno Ara h1 en alimentos mediante el uso de aptámeros fluorescentes. (Poster). XXIV Reunión de la Sociedad Española de Química Analítica (SEQA) P114 . Zaragoza . ESPANYA