Martínez C.; Carramiñana M.; Rodrigo M.A.; Rojo C. (2014). The foreseeable Global Warming will differentially affect Chara vulgaris populations from different altitudes. (Poster). XVII Congress of the Iberian Association of Limnology Book of abstract pag. 90 . Santander . ESPANYA
Rojo, C.; Rodrigo, M.A.; Carramiñana, M.; Setyaningsih, W.; Palma, M. (2014). High performance allelopathy of submerged macrophytes possibly based on polyphenol complementarity. (Poster). XVII Congress of the Iberian Association of Limnology Book of abstract pag. 105 . Santander . ESPANYA
Rubio F.; Carramiñana M.; Puche E.; Tomás R.; Rojo C.; Rodrigo M.A. (2014). The effects of Low Ozone Episodes on two Chara vulgaris populations growing under two contrasting diel photoperiods. (Poster). XVII Congress of the Iberian Association of Limnology Book of abstract pag. 106 . Santander . ESPANYA
Rodrigo M.A.; Rubio F.; Rojo C. (2014). Charophytes and UV radiation in a changing world. (Ponència). 19th Meeting of the Group of European Charophytologist (GEC) Book of abstract pag. 24 . Vilnius . LITUÀNIA
María Carramiñana; Daniel Cócera; Gwen Page; María A. Rodrigo; Carmen Rojo (2015). El Estudio de los carófitos ayuda a la restauración de los humedales (experimentación con factores de cambio global). (Ponència). CONGRESO NACIONAL DE CONSERVACIÓN Y RESTAURACIÓN DE HUMEDALES . Jeréz de la Frontera . ESPANYA
Calero S.; Rodrigo M.A. (2014). Frequent long-stalked antheridia in Chara hispida. (Poster). 19th Meeting of the Group of European Charophytologist (GEC) Book of abstract pag. 39 . Vilnius . LITUÀNIA
Rodrigo M.A.; Segura M.; Colom W.; Rojo, C. (2014). Plankton assessment for the management of constructed wetlands in the framework of the LIFE+12 ALBUFERA project. (Poster). International Wetlands Conference. Wetlands Biodiversity and Services: Tools for Socio-Ecological Development Book of abstract pag . Huesca . ESPANYA
Calero S.; Colom W.; Reinhard L.; Rodrigo M.A. (2014). The phenology of wetland submerged macrophytes: initial data for a baseline to determine predictable effects of Climate Change. (Poster). International Wetlands Conference. Wetlands Biodiversity and Services: Tools for Socio-Ecological Development Book of abstract pag . Huesca . ESPANYA
Puche, E.; Rodrigo, M.A.; Carramiñana, M.; Parra, I.; Rojo, C. (2016). Charophytes and climate change: foreseeable responses to several stressors. (Comunicació). XVIII Congreso de la Asociación Ibérica de Limnología Book of abstracts, pág. 57 . Tortosa . ESPANYA
Calero S.; Auderset Joye D.; Rey-Boissezon A.; Rodrigo M.A. (2015). Time for sex. Comparison in the reproductive phenology of Spanish and Swiss populations of Chara hispida. (Comunicació). 20th meeting of the Group of the European Charophytologists (GEC) Libro de resúmenes pág. 8 . Ginebra . SUÏSSA
Calero S.;Rodrigo M.A. (2015). Applying circular statistics to the study of Charophyte phenology under Southern climate. (Poster). 20th meeting of the Group of the European Charophytologists (GEC) Libro de resúmenes pág. 10 . Ginebra . SUÏSSA
Calero S.; Rodrigo M.A. (2016). The life cycle of a parthenogenetic population of Chara canescens in an interdunal pond in the Mediterranean coast. (Poster). 7th International Symposium on Extant and Fossil Charophytes S51 7th International Symposium on Extant and Fossil Charophytes. Abstracts/Astana. pg. 44 . Astana . KAZAKHSTAN
Rodrigo, MA (2016). Mesa de debate: La cantidad y calidad del agua, necesidad clave para la supervivencia de humedales. (Taula rodona). Conferencia final Proyecto LIFE+ ALBUFERA . València . ESPANYA
Calero S.; Escolano-Moltó A.; Rodrigo M.A. (2016). Does local salinity affect sexual reproduction and long-stalked gametangia production in Chara hispida?. (Poster). 7th International Symposium on Extant and Fossil Charophytes S51 7th International Symposium on Extant and Fossil Charophytes. Abstracts/Astana. pg. 51 . Astana . KAZAKHSTAN
Rodrigo, M.A.; Segura, M.; Rojo,C. (2016). Plankton contribution to eutrophication reduction: the case study of three constructed wetlands within Albufera de València Natural Park. (Poster). XVIII Congreso Ibérico de Limnología Book of abstracts, pag. 119 . Tortosa . ESPANYA
Calero S; Rodrigo M.A. (2016). Inter-annual and inter-site variations of sexuality in charophytes from a shallow Mediterranean pond. (Comunicació). 7th International Symposium on Extant and Fossil Charophytes S51 7th International Symposium on Extant and Fossil Charophytes. Abstracts/Astana. pg. 45 . Astana . KAZAKHSTAN
Rodrigo M.A., Puche E., Pukacz A., Rojo, C. (2016). The experimental approach to study the effects of Climate Change stressors on charophytes. (Comunicació). 7th International Symposium on Extant and Fossil Charophytes Book of abstracts, pag. 46 . Astanà . KAZAKHSTAN
Rodrigo, MA (2016). La vegetació sumergida al Parc Natural de l'Albufera de València: importància, situació passada, actual i futura. (Ponència invitada). Simposi El Parc Natural de l'Albufera, ara (30 anys, 1986-2016) . Valencia . ESPANYA
Vera P; González R; Martín M; Rodrigo MA; Benedito V; Saccó M; Guillem A; Moreno L; Regidor MC; Juan F (2016). Humedales artificiales: herramientas para la mejora del estado de conservación de la avifauna de l'Albufera de Valencia mediante la mejora de la calidad del agua. (Comunicació). IX Congrés Ibèric de Gestió i Planificació de l'Aigua. 7-9 setembre 2016 . Valencia . ESPANYA
Eric Puche; María A. Rodrigo; Fidel Rubio; Carmen Rojo (2017). Exploring climate change stressors on charophytes: effects of UV-radiation interacting with NO3 concentration and temperature. (Comunicació). 10th Symposium for European Freshwater Sciences (SEFS) . Olomouc . REPÚBLICA TXECA
Calero S.; Morellato L.P.C.; Rodrigo M.A. (2017). Phenological monitoring of submerged macrophytes: the case of charophyte sexual reproduction from shallow Mediterranean ponds. (Comunicació). 10th Symposium for European Freshwater Sciences 2017 Abstract Book, pg. 160 . Olomouc . REPÚBLICA TXECA
Calero S.; Rodrigo M.A. (2017). A quantitative method to explore the sexual development and the species-specific dimensions of gametangia in charophytes. (Comunicació). 21st Meeting of the Group of European Charophytologists . València . ESPANYA
Calero S.; Escolano-Moltó A.; Rodrigo M.A. (2017). Germination under warm temperature: the case of four charophyte species from Mediterranean shallow ponds. (Poster). 21st Meeting of the Group of European Charophytologists . València . ESPANYA
Rodrigo MA; Puche E; Pérez-García C; Álvarez-Cobelas M; Sánchez-Carrillo S; Rojo C (2017). Charophytes as influencers of the periphytic-planktonic foodweb under different environmental scenarios: a mesocosm experimental approach. (Comunicació). 21st Meeting of the Group of European Charophytologists Liibre d'abstracts pag: 17 . València . ESPANYA
Rodrigo MA (2017). Chair of the organizing committee. (Organització Simposi). 21st Meeting of the Group of European Charophytologists . Valencia . ESPANYA
Puche, E.; Rodrigo, M.A.; Olivares, I.; Camarena, A.; Rojo, C. (2017). Charophytes, good indicators to test interactive effects of Global Change factors. (Comunicació). 21st Meeting of the Group of European Charophytologists (GEC) Llibre d'abstracts pàg: 16 . València . ESPANYA
Rodrigo MA; Calero S; Rojo C; Segura M (2018). The Tancat de la Pipa: an example of management and restoration of lentic ecosystems within Albufera de València Natural Park. (Ponència invitada). 8th European Pond Conservation Network Workshop and 5th "Recerca i Territori" Seminar Book of abstracts, pag. 64 . Torroella de Montgrí (Girona) . ESPANYA
Rodrigo MA; Calero S (2018). Continuous environmental monitoring as a tool for pond management. (Poster). 8th European Pond Conservation Network Workshop and 5th "Recerca i Territori" Seminar Book of abstracts, pag. 64 . Torroella de Montgrí (Girona) . ESPANYA
Puche, E.; González, A.; Sánchez-Carrillo, S.; Álvarez-Cobelas, M.; Rodrigo, M.A.; Rojo, C (2018). Modulation of the horizontal food web mediated by the response of charophytes to global change stressors: a mesocosm experiment. (Comunicació). XIX Conference of the Iberian Association of Limnology Llibre d'abstracts pàg.: 140 . Coimbra . PORTUGAL
Puche, E.; Rodrigo, M.A.; Jiliberto, R.; Rojo, C (2018). How important charophytes (submersed macrophytes) are to the planktonic benthic interaction web?. (Poster). XIX Conference of the Iberian Association of Limnology Llibre d'abstracts pàg.: 58 . Coimbra . PORTUGAL
Puche E., Martínez N., Martínez R., González A., Picó Y., Rojo C., Rodrigo M.A. (2018). Charophyte performance under different environmental scenarios: final outcome from a mesocosm experiment. (Comunicació). 22nd Meeting of the Group of European Charophytologists (GEC) Book of abstracts, pag. 41 . Palermo . ITÀLIA
Calero S; Rodrigo M.A. (2018). The reproductive phenology of charophytes as a tracker of climate change. (Comunicació). 22nd Meeting of the Group of European Charophytologist (GEC) Book of abstract pag. 40 . Palermo . ITÀLIA
Rodrigo MA; Calero S; Puche E; Segura M; Rojo C (2018). Charophyte diversity and aquatic community performance affected by global change. (Ponència). V Jornada Ciencífica del Institut Cavanilles de Biodiversitat i Biologia Evolutiva . Valencia . ESPANYA
Rodrigo MA (2018). . (Participació comitè organitzador). V Jornada Científica de l'Institut Cavanilles de Biodiversitat i Biologia Evolutiva. 20 anys de l'ICBiBE: la cruïlla entre diversitat i evolució . Valencia . ESPANYA
Puche, E.; Rojo, C.; Rodrigo, M.A.; Sánchez, E.; Sánchez-Carrillo, S.; Álvarez-Cobelas, M. (2019). The sediment of semi-arid wetlands responds to alterations in macrophyte meadows due to Global Change factors. (Comunicació). 1st Iberian Ecological Society Meeting (SIBECOL 2019) Llibre d'abstracts pàg.: 252 . Barcelona . ESPANYA
Segura, M.; Puche, E.; Rodrigo, M.A.; Sánchez, E.; Rojo, C. (2019). Charophyte meadow performance under the effect of UV radiation alters the benthic community and system functioning. (Poster). 1st Iberian Ecological Society Meeting (SIBECOL 2019) Llibre d'abstracts pàg.: 73 . Barcelona . ESPANYA
Puche, E.; Rodrigo, M.A.; Rojo, C. (2019). Show me who your friends are and I'll tell you how you are! Building sensitive networks. (Comunicació). 6th Fresh Blood for Fresh Water Conference Book of abstracts, pag. 44-45 . Tihany . HONGRIA
Hernández-Crespo C.; Moreno L.; Lassalle M.; Regidor M.C.; Vera P.; Rodrigo M.A.; Martín M. (2019). Improving water quality and biodiversity: ten years of experience in constructed wetland Tancat de la Pipa, Albufera de Valencia Natural Park, Spain. (Comunicació). 8th International Symposium on Wetland Pollutant Dynamics and Control Book of abstracts, pag. 90 . Aarhus . DINAMARCA
Puche E., Rodrigo M.A., Rojo C. (2020). Charophytes: key players in shallow freshwater ecosystems under the global change. (Poster). International Workshop in temporary wetlands future in drylands under the projected global change scenario . Baeza . ESPANYA
Puche, E.; Rodrigo, M.A.; Rojo, C. (2020). Charophytes: freshwater key players under global change. (Comunicació). XX Conference of the Iberian Association of Limnology . Murcia . ESPANYA
Carabal N.; E. Puche; M.A. Rodrigo (2022). Which is the role of constructed wetlands on pollutants such as heavy metals and pesticides?. (Comunicació). VI Jornada científica del ICBiBE . Paterna . ESPANYA
Puche, E.; Roger, B.; Cruz, D.; Delgado, P.; Rosińska, J.; Rodrigo, M.A. (2022). Current status of the charophytic flora in a Biosphere Reserve site (Lagunas de Ruidera Natural Park). (Comunicació). XXIII International Symposium of Cryptogamic Botany . València . ESPANYA
Rosińska, J.; Rodrigo M.A. (2022). The effect of iron coagulant on submerged vegetation in conditions of increased temperature laboratory experiment. (Comunicació). 36th Congress of the International Society of Limnology Book of abstracts pag. 268 . Berlín . ALEMANYA
Carabal N.; M. Segura; E. Puche; C. Rojo; M.A. Rodrigo (2022). Three constructed wetlands within a severely polluted Mediterranean natural park increase plankton diversity of the resulting outflow communities. (Comunicació). 36th Congress of the International Society of Limnology . Berlín . ALEMANYA
Rosińska, J.; Rodrigo, M.A. (2022). Comparación de la respuesta de macrófitos sumergidos a coagulantes de hierro en condiciones de temperatura elevada. (Comunicació). XXV Congress of Polish Hydrobiologists 'HYDROBIOLOGY IN THE ANTHROPOCENE ERA' Book of abstracts, pp. 87 . Łódź . POLÒNIA
Revelles J., Molist, M., Burjachs, F., Finsinger, W., Iriarte, E. Mesquita-Joanes, F., Pla, S., Planagumà, Ll., Rodrigo M.A., Saña M. (2022). Volcanism and human resilience during the Late Mesolithic in the Iberian Peninsula. New results from the La Garrotxa Volcanic Field (Girona, NE Iberia). (Comunicació). Past Global Changes (PAGES). 6th Open Science Meeting: Learning for the past for a sustainable future LLibre de resums pags. 88-89 . Agadir . MARROC
Rosińska J; Rybak M; Puche E; Rodrigo MA (2023). The influence of iron coagulants on the growth of submerged macrophytes (Wpływ koagulantów żelazowych na wzrost makrofitów podwodnych). (Comunicació). Congreso Polaco de Limnologia . POLÒNIA
Rodrigo, M.A.; Arnal, A., Bernhardt, K.-G.; García-Murillo, P.; Guarino, R.; Tremetsberger, K.; Troía, A.; Turner, B.; Weitzel, L.; Schubert, H. (2023). An international network for the protection of sexual and parthenogenetic populations of streptophytic green macroalgae (Chara canescens). (Comunicació). 4th Mediterranean Plant Conservation Week Book of abstracts, pag. 180 . Valencia . ESPANYA
Rosińska, J.; Rodrigo, M.A. (2023). Effects of increased temperature and intra- and interspecific competition on the performance of submerged plants: the case of Myriophyllum spicatum L. and Ceratophyllum demersum L. (Comunicació). 16th International Symposium on Aquatic Plant Book of abstracts pag. 22 . Antwerp . BÈLGICA
Arnal, A., Bernhardt, K.-G., García-Murillo, P., Guarino, R., Rodrigo, M.A., Troía, A., Turner, B., Weitzel, J. & Schubert, H. (2023). Rare or common? Developing protection schemes for bisexual-parthenogenetic species. (Comunicació). 4th Mediterranean Plant Conservation Week Book of abstracts pag. 169 . Valencia . ESPANYA
Carabal N.; E. Puche; M.A. Rodrigo (2023). Temporal and spatial dynamics of plankton functional groups in a constructed wetland (Tancat de la Pipa) facing global change. (Poster). VII Jornada Científica, 25 Aniversari del Institut Cavanilles de Biodiversitat i Biologia Evolutiva . Paterna, València . ESPANYA
Puche E; Armengol J; Muñoz ME; Pascual C; Sánchez-Carrillo S; Monrós JS; Rodrigo MA (2023). Lakes as models to assess the effects of global change: the case of Lagunas de Ruidera. (Comunicació). VII Jornada Científica de l'Institut Cavanilles de Biodiversitat i Biologia Evolutiva, 25 anys . València . ESPANYA
Carabal N; E. Puche; S. Armenta; P. Garcia-Atienza; M.A. Rodrigo (2024). How two constructed wetlands (Tancat de la Pipa and Tancat de L'Illa) within Albufera de València Natural Park respond to global change. (Comunicació). Conservation and Management of Wetlands to Tackle Climate Change . València . ESPANYA
Rico, A.; Martínez-Megías, C.; Amador, P.; Vega, C.; Moratalla-López, J.; Palacios, J.; Grillo, D.; Armengol, J.; Mesquita-Joanes, F.; Picazo, A.; Rochera, C.; Puche, E.; Rodrigo, M.A.; Anton-Pardo, M.; Carballeira, R.; Morant, D.; Camacho, A (2023). New tools for the ecotoxicological risk assessment of chemicals in the Albufera Natural Park. (Comunicació). VII Jornada Científica Institut Cavanilles de Biodiversitat i Biologia Evolutiva (ICBiBE) . València . ESPANYA
Armengol, Xavier; Eric Puche; Carmen Rojo; Manuel E. Muñoz-Colmenares; Belén Roger; Pablo García; Natalia G. Villacís; Salvador Sánchez-Carrillo; Maria A. Rodrigo (2023). DAMOLAKE project preliminary results: stable isotopic signature (15N and 13C) in the food web of three lakes of different trophic states in Central Spain. (Poster). Symposium for European Freshwater Sciences SEFS13 Book of abstract, 133 . Newcastle . ANGLATERRA
Rosińska J.; E. Puche; M. Muñoz-Colmenares; K. Drzewiecka,; M. A. Rodrigo (2024). Is the performance of Ceratophyllum demersum affected by the addition of an iron coagulant as a restoration treatment? Results from a mesocosm experiment. (Comunicació). Lahti Lakes 2024. Towards sustainable lake restoration Book of abstracts pag. 66 . Lahti . FINLÀNDIA
Muñoz-Colmenares, Manuel E. Eric Puche, Carlos Pascual, Sara García Aibar, Javier Armengol, Salvador Sánchez-Carrillo, Maria A. Rodrigo (2024). DAMOLAKE: a multi-scale experimental approach to assess greenhouse gasses emissions under warming and nutrient-enriched conditions in lakes. (Ponència). XXII Congreso de la Asociación Ibérica de Limnología (AIL) Book of abstracts pag. 118 . Vigo . ESPANYA
Muñoz-Colmenares Manuel E., Natalia Villacís, Eric Puche, Javier Armengol, Salvador Sánchez-Carrillo, Maria A. Rodrigo (2024). The planktonic community of three lakes in Lagunas de Ruidera Natural Park (Central Spain) during a summer and winter period. (Poster). XXII Congreso de la Asociación Ibérica de Limnología (AIL) Book of abstracts pag. 263 . Vigo . ESPANYA
Armengol Javier, Eric Puche, Manuel E. Muñoz, Carmen Rojo, Natalia Villacís, Salvador Sánchez-Carrillo, María A. Rodrigo (2024). Analysis of the planktonic food web structure of three lakes in Lagunas de Ruidera Natural Park (Central Spain). (Ponència). XXII Congreso de la Asociación Ibérica de Limnología (AIL) Book of abstracts pag. 37 . Vigo . ESPANYA
Sòria-Perpinyà. X.; Vicente, E.; Alvado, B.; Pérez, R.; Urrego, P.; Caballero, G.; Ruiz, A.; Delegido, J.; Soria, J.; Moreno, J.; Rodrigo, M.A. (2023). RESSBIO first results (REmote Sensing Spectroscopy for wetlands BIOdiversity). (Poster). ASLO Aquatic Sciences 2023 . Palma de Mallorca . ESPANYA
Arnal, A., Bernhardt, K.-G., García-Murillo, P., Guarino, R., Troía, A., Turner, B., Weitzel, J., Schubert, H. & Rodrigo, M.A. (2024). Assessing the restoration potential for the rare sexual populations of Chara canescens, a singular cryptogam, from their oospores. (Comunicació). XX International Botanical Congress . Madrid . ESPANYA
Rosinska J., E. Puche, M. Muñoz-Colmenares, M.A. Rodrigo (2024). How do iron coagulants and warming affect the germination rates of aquatic plants?. (Comunicació). 3rd International Conference Lakes and Reservoirs: Hot Spots and Topics in Limnology Book of abstracts pag. 41 . Gdansk . POLÒNIA
Rodrigo M.A., Arnal A., Pérez-Márquez A., Giraldo C.A., García-Murillo P., Bernhardt K.-G., Guarino R., Salemi D., Troía A., Turner B., Weitzel J., Schubert, H. (2024). Evaluation of the sediment propagule banks of Chara canescens along Europe. (Comunicació). 8th Congress of the International Research Group of Fossil and Extant Charophytologists Book of abstracts, pag. 31 . Melbourne . AUSTRÀLIA
Arnal A., Rodrigo M.A., Giraldo C.A., Pérez-Márquez A., García-Murillo P., Bernhardt K.-G., Guarino R., Salemi D., Troía A., Turner B., Weitzel J., Schubert, H (2024). Bisexual populations of Chara canescens in Europe: oospore characterization. (Comunicació). 8th Congress of the International Research Group of Fossil and Extant Charophytologists Book of abstracts, pág. 15 . Melbourne . AUSTRÀLIA
Schubert, H., Arnal A., Bernhardt K.-G., García-Murillo P., Guarino R., Rodrigo M.A., Salemi D., Tremetsberger, K., Troía A., Turner B., Weitzel J. (2024). Developing strategies for the protection of taxa consisting of interconnected sexual and parthenogenetic reproducing strains - the ProPartS project. (Comunicació). 8th Congress of the International Research Group of Fossil and Extant Charophytologists Book of abstracts, pág. 34 . Melbourne . AUSTRÀLIA
Puche, E.; Muñoz-Colmenares, M.; Pascual-March, C.; García-Aibar, S.; Rosińska, J.; Sánchez-Carrillo, S.; Armengol, J.; Rodrigo, M.A. (2024). Disentangling the role of charophytes on greenhouse gas emissions from freshwater ecosystems: a multiscale experimental approach. (Comunicació). VIII International Symposium on Extant and Fossil Charophytes Book of abstracts, pag. 30 . Melbourne . AUSTRÀLIA