foto Stalin Alejandro Ortega Camino
PI-Invest No Doctor Uv A1
4.3.17 9h00 a 10h00 y 16h00 a 17h00

Alejandro Ortega Camí graduat as a Chemical Engineer al National Polytechnic School of Equador el 2017. He obtingut les seves masters degree al Chemical Engineering a la Universitat de València el 2020.
He treballat com a Chemical Engineer en importants indústries de sulfúric àcid i sulfònic àcid production per 3 anys. He participat com a speaker en VIII Meeting en Environmental Applications of Advanced Oxidation Processes and II Iberoamerican Congress on Advanced Oxidation Technologies at School of Engineering of Belo Horizonte, UFMG-Brasil in 2015, with his research on "Ultrasound. Currently, el PhD es focusa en el desenvolupament de continus bioreactors per ABE fermentació in situ butanol recovery.

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