200 students will take part in the local stage of the 2019 Olympics of Philosophy

More than 200 students of the first and second year of Bachillerato from over thirty secondary schools will take part in the local phase of the 2019 Olympics of Philosophy, which will be held in the Faculty of Philosophy and Educational Sciences of the University of Valencia.

4 de february de 2019

Facultat de Filosofia i Ciències de l’Educació.
Facultat de Filosofia i Ciències de l’Educació.

The test consists in the production of a philosophical dissertation related to a proposed topic (‘Reality and appearance to the modern world’). The students will have 90 minutes to write their dissertation.

The purpose of this initiative is to promote the philosophical exercise among the students and to link the philosophical reflection to contemporary problems of social, political, epistemological or ontological nature. The aim is also to recognise the work of the secondary schools’ faculty and to foster their relations with university.

The three students who win the local stage in the Olympics of Philosophy will receive a scholarship of 1,000 euros each. A maximum of five dissertations will be selected for the regional stage. The regional stage will be held the next March 30th at the Faculty of Philosophy and Educational Sciences.

You can check all the information by clicking here.

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